
Friday, May 03, 2013

What's Hot for SPRING 2013!

Spring began with the vernal equinox at 7:02 A.M. (EDT) last March 20, 2013 in the Northern Hemisphere. Here’s more about the start of spring, what I think about spring, and stunning spring photos!

The Vernal Equinox

Ah, spring! This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures,and the rebirth of flora and fauna.

The word equinox is derived from the Latin words meaning “equal night.” Days and nights are approximately equal everywhere and the sun rises and sets due east and west.

At the equinoxes, the tilt of Earth relative to the Sun is zero, which means that Earth’s axis neither points toward nor away from the Sun. (However, the tilt of Earth relative to its plane of orbit, called the ecliptic plane, is always about 23.5 degrees.)


I've been reviewing last year's trend and I still love the vibe Springtime brings. The smell of the budding flowers, the sound of the chirping birds, the idea of playing with explosive colors and the day that awaits for new adventures to happen. It gives you the freedom to generate endorphin release by everything you see that are coming "alive". From the limiting winter, spring allows you to recreate your style in fashion, paves a way to going for outdoor activities and many more. This ain't the season to just sit at home and be still so allow me to refresh your eyes with splendid ideas to do this Spring.


Like what I said earlier, Winter had limited you to getting covered by thick jackets, wool neck warmers, ear muffs, leather gloves and UGG boots. This time of the year, match colors that you least expect to go with another - for a change. Highlight curves by picking the right mid-leg skinny pants and give a glimpse of your mysterious bod by choosing lace or silhouette silk fabrics that leaves it room to breath. The picture on the left could be a cool basis for what I'm talking about.

I just went to Elements Mall and man did I see a lot of stores featuring a lot of shouting neon shoes, accessories and scarves. Jeans like these in the picture can be seen and purchased in Zara. For shoes, H&M are on them neon heels and ballet flats that are available on "sorbets".

Lane Crawford features its Spring collection combining art with renowned artists' views. The picture below of a skeleton stands for this campaign.
What surprised me the most was "Hogan"'s collection, which for the longest time had featured silver, black and leather. Now they are sporting rubber shoes and shirts with the same outlook - colorful! For a lot, the hues melon, ube and cherry blossom seem so fun. Accessories also play a great role in doing these colors. The weather gets warm by the day and becomes breezy in the evening. To that, headbands could be helpful all through out the day to keep your 'do in place. For your own warmth, cardigans are advised to be in the bag so that once it gets chilly, you're ready. If it doesn't favor a cold night, it can easily be tied around the waist.

You get to wear different sandals too and open-toe heels which leads us to the second thing you may be dying to do.


     To some, they lack the push. It's important to be surrounded with positive energy that would suffice you with that support when you are ready to embrace change. May it be about how you dress up, acquiring a new lifestyle or changing careers. In any of these, remember that you need to stay true with who you are. Because how you understand yourself would reflect how you carry yourself.

Vibrant colors are all around us during Springtime. And one way to know what kind of personality you have is how you express yourself thru the style you pick. Keeping in mind the cliche, "Don't judge a the book by it's cover.", is important that you'd consider the occasion that you're going to attend, the age bracket you're in and the work you do when you groom up. Say, in choosing the shade for your nail polish, pick your favorite color and style up around it. You're allowed to play with any shade as much as you like. Usually, a darker blue denotes power, fuscia pink is fun to wear at the beach and peach embraces natural clean up. Make the pastel greens, baby blue, orange and yellow go for that weekend road trips. Personally, I love keeping it classic. French tip, blood red and electric blue are always my picks.


Your house should be treated as your own sanctuary. The change of seasons are always a good excuse to redecorate. To give your humble abode a different vibe, you can decide on getting colorful vases like these. If you put it by the window, it will be ready to wake you up in the morning with a warm greeting together with the sun seeping thru.
It doesn't stop there. The kitchen could also be full of fun for a workplace and so would your dining table if you had to eat on these:

While I was studying nursing before and were reading about how to feed kids on their terrible two's, there was a suggestion to put colorful food altogether so that they'd have a feel of "play" still even if it's all about "eating" compared to what they'd prefer to do = "play". So the next thing about Spring, is playing RESPONSIBLY by combining having fun with "productivity".


Everyday is an opportunity to try doing or creating something new. It's most special when you share the experience with a friend or with your family.

Boundless ideas pour on us every time and there's nothing much better to do than be productive about it. Here is an inspiration of how you can innovate your ideas.

Hobbies can reach that point in time that you may find it boring from how it used to be moving you. But if you continuously find a way of giving it a different approach, an outcome like these flavorful cupcakes can make a crowd go "Wow!" To a lot of people, baking could be a means of killing time, earning money or bonding with their family, whichever reason, this tip of mixing and matching colors and flavors may do you so much good

This goes the same with our next best thing to do during Spring time.


The kitchen should not be limited to the usual viands and selections that we prepare for our family. Alongside "productivity" and "decorating", keeping in mind "presentation" is a huge factor to consider when preparing a meal for our loved ones. Yet again, being playful, indulging to the crispy-ness of Springtime and your own momentum for creativity would make wonders for the food you're about to prepare. Here, I've encountered some snacks via Pinterest that are rainbow themed and would surely make kids running to you to have a joyous experience.
Pancakes layered with Assorted Fruits

Rainbow Jello Desserts

Rainbow Pancakes with Maple Syrup
Fruit Snacks

I found these flavored syrups in Elements. These are nice ideas too from Spring segue to Summer crushed ice breaker for the warm days that may Start from April all the way to the first weeks of August. My personal favorite is the Kiwi one. Together with the rest of the fruits, these snacks or drinks instantly replenish the body and keeps it hydrated all through out the day. Hopefully, with these ideas, you won't have a hard time gathering up the kids after playing outdoors.

Not only kids may enjoy these colorful treats. Cocktails may also be enjoyed in the evening by the adults. You spending time with colleagues may be a refreshing idea and I'm pretty sure presenting your drinks this way would not only be perceived as inviting but may also be found remarkable. Impressive presentations like these may just catch your superior's attention once your colleagues would be talking about it to him/her after having a great weekender at your place. Being as imaginative as you can be may just lead to anything. Not all people own qualities of being a good host at parties. This way, you may be marked as prepared not just inside the office but also outside work in which you may be regarded as having that varied sense of commercialism.


As I've emphasized the importance of balance in everything in most of my blog-posts, engaging in outdoor activities are also suggested once the sun comes out after Winter. Make sure that during Springtime weekends, after a week's work, you give time for yourself.

Smell the blooming flowers and inhale that refreshing energy from nature itself. Springtime is the best time to do hiking. Winter is just too cold and summer is just to hot - simple as that. This doesn't make you escape from putting on sunscreen and most especially, bug spray. One thing I noticed is that, the moment the sun comes out here in Hong Kong, so would the tiniest but most annoying bugs. So whether you'd be deciding on hitting the beach, going for a picnic or deciding on hiking, prepare the necessary protection for your skin. In addition, bring adequate supply of food and water to keep your body replenished to counteract the water loss. Probably, during Winter, you've been in the gym burning the guilt away from those Holiday feasts. So, this time around, I'm inviting you to jog around the neighborhood or at parks to rejuvenate your lungs with fresh air while it's not too hot for it. This way, you could make your body leaner for that new swimsuit you've purchased for the upcoming Summer.


It is important to truly know what's worth it for your money when going shopping. A secret of mine when looking for long-term finds are:

a. I choose basic staples.

Nude, White and Black are what you'd mostly see in my closet. Because no matter what the season is, these colors never go out of style. I just make sure that when a certain season kicks in, I have something to match with what I have and still make it pumping!
Like these cute bows, it may give the basics I have a different vibe.

b. I purchase those that I know will serve me right.

It's undeniable that I have an unusual body type. The most difficult that I'm struggling with is my lower body. My hips don't lie let me tell you that! While my waist seem to be smaller than the usual hip size it'd go with normally. So, whenever I am blessed to really bang a good find (most especially pants), I purchase 2 or 3 of it. It's hard to find the right fit for me so when I am satisfied with the fit, there would be no hesitations at all. It makes me save money too rather than buy one of each style and then the ending would be, not all of them look good on me at all.

Another addiction would be flip flops. Ipanema and Havaianas offer a great line of slippers that I may use not only during Springtime but also all the way to Summer. It doesn't easily break and it makes my feet rest from heels which are good. I have bunions that tend to kill me a day after I wear heels so, alternating foot wear is a must for me. I also love taking walks so, these benefit me a lot.

c. I purchase during end-of the-season SALE periods for the next year's season.

For example, Summer is almost up but I usually, check on items that may be long-sleeved or thick or may be made of wool (any finds that are good for Winter) because usually, they are priced cheaper than buying it "during" Winter. So, I'm a year ahead when buying stuff. But this practice requires a high standard skill in choosing the fabric. Because, you don't want them to wear out while it gets kept in the closet for 3 more seasons. The last thing you'd want to see would be a sweater deteriorating like OREO as you get back to it. LOL!!!!

I like fabrics made in Bangladesh, Cambodia and India. My clothes that served me the longest are made from these countries and their designs and the very material of it is strong. Even if you put it in the dryer, it rarely shrinks. Or it would take 3 years for it to get worn out.

No bias, Philippines also got a lot of nice clothes compared to anywhere else. As far as I know, SM Department Stores and Robinson's Department Stores have their own factories where independent designers are encouraged to work on their own staples and most of them choose strong fabrics but are priced cheap. If not, you'd be able to explain how reasonable it is because of the details of how it was made.


"Less is more".

I've always lived around this saying. But that doesn't mean you miss out on being vibrant. Understanding what you need versus what you want could help you out in which lifestyle you should keep. Don't be afraid that people will judge you based on your looks. What's most important is for you to accept the real you. Never live under a shadow of anybody. I know most of the ladies have that dream of being a Victoria's Secret angel but not knowing that somebody actually sees you more than that is something. And that energy should start from you. How people would see you directly lies on how you act around them.

So for the last best thing that I could think about Springtime, celebrate yourself by shining your own light - by staying truthful with your thoughts and being passionate with your actions. Your smile is the best asset so this is the easiest thing to share to anybody. Surround yourself with people who offer positive reinforcements. Springtime is a season full of promise with the life it brings and offers you. Have a great one!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hey there! It's Tuesday once again and here are 
2 videos that you may like for my "Laidback Tuesday".
First is Anna Kendrick's rendition of "When I'm Gone".
I'm amazed that she got a special talent with the cups and
so are the other people who were in this MTV.
It's pretty great how they came up with this.
We've all seen, slap dance, dubstep and many more
dance innovations but this is the first of its kind.

This next video is a strong, promising collaboration
between and Justin Beiber.

A little bit of trivia about Will that amazed me
as I came across a video of his appointment by Intel
when I was researching this morning:, founder and chairman of, llc, 
is a multi-faceted entertainer and creative innovator. 
A seven-time Grammy Award winner
 known for his work with The Black Eyed Peas, is a founding shareholder in Beats Electronics, 
the creators of the Beats by Dre™ headphones. 
As an enthusiastic user of technology 
and in recognition of his ability to harness technology to enhance
 entertainment, creativity and communication, 
Intel Corporation appointed as Director of Creative Innovation in 2011. is fusing the worlds of 
fashion, photography and mobile lifestyle 
by introducing camera accessories that are 
exclusively available at the Selfridges & Co. department store 
in London through the 2012 Holiday season.

- Google search & CES (Consumer Electronics Show)

On the other hand, Justin Beiber, besides the knowledge
that we have that almost half of the whole world's population
of teenage girls are swept off of their feet by him,
let's look at how it ended as is.

Many people ask how he became famous. 
His mom had put up videos on youtube 
and the record producer named scooter braun had paid attention.
After he saw him on youtube, he flew JB and his mother out to the company. 
JB saw Usher and ran towards him and asked "can i pleasee sing a song for you?!?!".
But before that, the record producer (Scotter) already warned him 
not to run to anyone but he obviously didn't listen. 
Usher said no. What would you expect?
So they went inside and showed JB to Scotter's boss and they said no. 
According to them, he's too young. 
Finally Scotter was smart enough to ask Usher himself for Justin to sing. 
Probably for Scotter, he's worth Usher's time 
as he knows how good the kid was in the youtube videos.
He loved it and BAM Justin is a teen sensation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
During that process, Justin Timberlake wanted to sign 
Teen Pop Sensation Justin Bieber.

During 2009-2010 year Justin Bieber became bigger 
than Stevie Wonder! He was nick-named "Boy Wonder".

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Being part of the Team Mushu

One of my January posts talked about the inspirational message I wanted to share to you all combined with my favorite pics for 2013. Challenging yourself into doing something new was one of the biggest advices that I've made which I find difficult to accomplish as well myself. But NOT today.

Dragon Boat Festival is annually celebrated in Hong Kong. It is a huge event where a lot of teams assemble to compete against each other for grand titles, awards and recognition. For 3 years, I've been a part of the cheer leading squad of our team called Team Mushu, Hong Kong Disneyland's Dragon Boat Team. It was not 'til today that I officially became part of it as I paddled my first race after 3 months of training.

For my Lifestyle Weekend, I would like to encourage you to try do something that you've never done before to reassess how well you are doing with your health and how determined you can still be. I am not claiming that I am perfect in fulfilling these two but it did make me realize of what I needed to work on with myself. When you realize your weaknesses, strengths come. Hold it and sustain it once you get hold of it. I exercised this today literally (during the race) and figuratively (for having a mind set of being competitive from 9am to 4pm). All in all, it was exhausting but it was worth it.

Today, we won 1st runner up, taking home the Silver Cup for the corporate division and 4th placer, taking home the Gold Cup. Going for the gold cup means you belong to the highest category of dragon boat racers in this event that was held in Repulse Bay.

I am truly proud to be part of this team and for this year, we still have a long way to go. Team Mushu had signed up for 9 races I believe and we are down by 1 with something to bring home like 2 trophies. I'd say, not bad! So, thank you to the whole TEAM MUSHU for welcoming me warmly and for training me to be at my best and strongest. I will forever treasure racing with you all. 1-2-3, GO TEAM MUSHU!!!

Monday, April 08, 2013

What makes it possible for me to prepare for a show in just 15minutes, tops!

I have been performing 269 days/ year for 5 1/2 years now. Different kinds of dance, costumes and make up under different types of weather to suit numerous roles. And I'm proud to say that I can get ready in 15 minutes, the earliest time possible, that I can put up these looks for good 30 minutes of non-stop dancing.

These are just but a few samples of 'em all.

And I've noticed that what eats most of my time is when I put on my make up. Specifically, when I do my eyebrows. In the beginning, when I just started performing for corporate shows and tv shows, back in the Philippines, I always allot at least 30 minutes just in working with my eyebrows alone. And I always get a "you're not a monkey, are you?!" comment. Yep! You get the picture? Ha! But after quite a while, I got used to it that people are saying that I put on a pre-made up mask already, rather than doing my make up from scratch because of how fast I can do it already. Don't I wish!!!!

So, for my DIY Monday,
let me share to you how I do it
by applying these simple steps in doing my eyebrows
before a show.

Steps 1-3 reminds you to shape it up properly by plucking the excess hair. You can consider shaving too if you're in a hurry. But plucking, threading and waxing makes hair regrowth finer.

Steps 4. Define plucked/shaped eyebrows with a brow liner, with a shade that compliments your skin tone. Be careful with the kind that you'll use. Oily/Soft-tipped ones & creamy ones need to be applied minimally so as for your brows not to appear too thick.

Personal Tip: When I perform, I match the color of the brow liner with the role I do. Perhaps with my hair or depending on how strong my features should be.

Steps 5 & 6. Blend using an eyebrow brush to give it a full illusion and to maintain the natural outlook.

Steps 7-9.
Highlight your eyebrows by applying little amount of light eye shadow under the bony arch. Blend it well for your defined eyebrows not to appear too drag-queen-ish. The idea is, "Don't settle for a "cake-y" finish. Using the padded side of your middle and ring finger tips help a lot in blending it evenly without putting too much pressure on your face.

Steps 10 & 11. Redefine by using the brow brush for a final finish. Make sure edges are softened because if not, you might end up looking like you just had a line tattooed atop your eye.

Personal Tip: Doing your eyebrows by defining them don't end there. If you must, make your way to the sides of the nose bridge with a shade of light brown (maybe, just a little bit darker than your skin tone for a reference) to emphasize its height. BLENDING is the secret to it all.

They say once you've done your eyebrows almost perfectly symmetrical, everything follows. From the application of eye shadow, to blush and lipstick, practice makes perfect.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Making their Dreams a Reality

The HUMAN BRAIN weighs 1,300 to 1,400g by nature. It is a 24/7 workstation of our body, receiving in and sending out impulses, hormones and bodily fluids just to sustain life. As God had put it atop our bodies when we were created to roam in the world, it serves us well for everything about us is technically ruled by it, physically and mentally working hand in hand with a powerful will.

"WILL", as defined by Google, is the faculty by which a person decides and initiates action. I'd say it dictates the human brain when you need things to get done. I'd say the will is a powerful force, a kind of drive that determines what you would or would not do based on a lot of points: personal reasons, future consequences and level of difficulty in having it done. And the following people had taken this leap for "willing" to put up their own businesses in no other time but "now".

For my "Lifestyle Weekend" special, I'd like to feature Dazha's creativity, Berna's drive and Ria's passion in coming up with their on-line shops. Amongst other things, for making their DREAMS a REALITY as these on-line shops have flourished into something greater than what they had expected.

  - had been put up by Lady Dazha Dacanay early this year. I know this girl as one of those independent women who are the hard working kind but owns a genuine smile to keep you up light on your toes. She loves to dress up with unique accessories and shouting colors. Working in Hong Kong had given her a chance to express her self more with its different style and limitless opportunities. Hence, she said, putting up an online shop would help her out in earning extra income. Determined with her goals and focused when she wants to pursue something, she had partnered with Ms. Berna Pacia in nurturing her idea of traveling to China to buy cool pieces and re-selling them. She adds her personal touches on some goods to make it unique and cool. As how internet had made wonders to a lot of people, Dazha used Instagram for the people to get hold of what she's selling. And may I suggest that you find it as she truly has a taste for classic pieces that will surely be the talk of the fashionistas. This had caught my eye.

Besides the idea that she's putting extra embelishments and decors here and there on some pieces that she's selling giving it her personal touch, she is also fond of D-I-Y accessories that accentuates a normal get up. She decides on concentrating on this more as friends started to use her necklaces in a show for the launching of her own "Ever After" accessories. I purchased 4 of these cute wrist bands for my own. (I match my blue, neon orange, neon pink and/or neon yellow wrist bands with a casual white shirt for my simple get up to have a kick!) They cost HK$10 each and are worth it for sometimes, I use it to tie my hair as a ponytail band. Such a versatile piece! I love good finds like that.

Here is one of the first necklaces she had made. People had defined it as elegant, sophisticated and one-of-a-kind design. One friend of ours described as very "2-Broke-Girls"-ish. The necklace that the rich girl in this series was wearing gives the same vibe.

For now, she is busy gathering up swimsuits for the coming Summer season here in Hong Kong and for those who are bound to the Philippines for a getaway since April and May are the country's summer months. Here are some of the sexy patterns Ever After is offering.

So, please don't hesitate to look up _everafter_ in Instagram if you want to kick off your style with this wow Ever After touch!

2. ig.Lesias'
         - was put up interestingly by performers and partners Berna Pacia and Japs Iglesias. When I asked Berna how they came up with this online shop, she described, "The shop's name was a mixture of the "family name" and our medium which is instagram. "ig" for instagram but making emphasis to the letter L (hence, the period in between) coz' we wanted the Lord to be the center of our lives and our 1st family business."

As performers, they believed in the freedom of dressing up according to who you are, what you're most comfortable with and how you wanted to make a statement. Way back when they belonged to a dancing group in the Philippines, their production numbers required costumes that are of their own taste. Most often than not, they had caught themselves buying costumes and at the same time, clothes that they can use outside the shows like going to the malls, hanging out or during night outs. This way, they can save up their own moola and not buy too much which will end up getting wasted.

They started small, doing trial and error since their target
buyers are co-performing artists and fashionistas. They've posted up personal finds in Instagram, initially for personal use. They love to experiment with colorful, printed, unique and weird cuts. And so, these photos had attracted friends asking Berna if she was selling them. They thought, they could go extraordinary with their products as this puts up the scale of their retail to greater heights because they would want to go above as compared to what's familiar to the Philippine market. She was never scared to take the leap and had willed to go where the opportunity had taken them. And coming to Hong Kong helped them out a lot! "Hong Kong fashion is perfect!", according to Berna. Besides the fact that she loves dressing up according to her preference, she loves posting fab finds in Instagram until one friend had commented, "Why won't you shop for us who truly admires what you always get triumphantly?" And then she had given it a great thought and came to a fabulous conclusion, she gets to shop and earn at the same time. She mentioned that December of 2012 had been a blessing to them that they were able to launch the online shop by January the next year.

They proudly launched their first ever bazaar (April 6-7) in the Philippines and they're getting more and more excited with what this would eventually pave for them. They are aware that Instagram won't be there forever but they are willing to innovate their medium as technology also changes. They plan to do this as a long term investment and asset and they aim to make their own fashion line in the near future. My friend, Bobby got me and Hogan Casio watches from Berna. A his and hers which really are classic pieces I truly adore. Though I'm more of wearing Hogan's. I love anything manly when it comes to basic accessories.

She is currently employed in the happiest place on Earth and they believe that it works both ways. She doesn't want to waste her time as there are a lot in her hands right now. She was blessed with a stable job and she wanted to make the most out of it by also maximizing her potential as an entrepreneur. Find them in instagram: @iglesiasph.


I've performed with Ria since I was still in my college days and I know how frantic she is when it comes to shopping. It's just her passion. And now, she had chanelled that energy into something that would bring her back funds, instead of spending a fortune. 

Ria is also known as Ree, hence, the name of her online shop. Similar to Berna's experience, Ria always get compliments on her own good finds from every place that she visits. She loves traveling and shopping so she thought, combining the two would be an edge into coming up with an online shopping account via facebook and instagram. 

Ree is balanced with how she chooses pieces to sell. She loves the basics but she loves making a statement with it. Her online shop offers fabulous street-chick combination of clothes to street glam wear. She has a bubbly personality but owns a glamorous way of pulling every get up. But what I like about her is that she emphasizes that girls-next-door could be kick-ass cat walk rippers by being the real you, not being afraid of standing out and keeping it simple all at the same time. I notice her style goes from making just a piece or two stand out to carry everything else. She is careful in going overboard with what she wears and so she shares this ideal to the other retailers out there.

You can connect with her thru facebook:

and instagram:

I got a blue shirt from reetail frenzy and I will post the picture soon once I have worn it in style. Thanks to Hogan for shopping it for me.

So, there you go. Hope you'll get to try out some of their pieces and tag them as you post up a photo of you wearing it. One thing about starting entrepreneurs: they are FEARLESS! They use their mind in nurturing the dream that their hearts had been so passionate for from the start. Now you can do that too. Open your eyes as you take that walk. It might just spark that fire in you to start up the business that you had been thinking of doing since the beginning. Or you just might come across the opportunity you have been waiting for.

Remember, "If there's a will, there's a way!"

Thursday, April 04, 2013

"NO TEARS" this "THURSDAY"! Get INSPIRED instead!

The Academy Awards, officially re-branded as The Oscars as of February 20, 2013, are a set of awards given annually for excellence of cinematic achievements. The Oscar statuette is officially named the Academy Award of Merit and is one of nine types of Academy Awards. Organized and overseen by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS),[2] the awards are given each year at a formal ceremony. And ever since I have come of age, I've always loved watching it. I love movies and I always catch myself in awe with that priceless moment when their names are called. Whether their faces show expectancy, excitement or satisfaction, PRIDE and SENSE OF ACHIEVEMENT are undeniably present.

The journey to being successful as we all know ain't easy. With the cliche that goes, "SHIT HAPPENS!", success counts less SHIT then or better yet, no SHIT as much as possible. Huge words such as SELF-ACTUALIZATION, PRESTIGE, AND VICTORY are fed most of the time by a simple PRACTICE, right DISCIPLINE and humble ATTITUDE. Usually, we are so scared to take the first step when it is all what it takes to get to that "unknown" world of fear without knowing that that might have been the change you have been praying for to happen. The following Filipinos had been awarded in their own right for taking a leap and owning what it takes to be on top.

1. RONY FORTICH - Hong Kong Disneyland's Musical Director had recently been given the "DISNEY LEGACY AWARD". The recipients of the said award are selected by their leaders, direct reports and/or their co-workers. These are individuals who consistently DREAM, CREATE and INSPIRE each day by supporting the business objectives and goals of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. [(ALLEARS.NET) = "Sharing the Magic Worldwide"]

That being said, I would like to congratulate Rony for this well-deserved recognition as he inspires thousands and thousands of people with his craft (including me) EVERYDAY. Literally, everyday with the music he had created and had put together for the parade team. A lot of spectators forget that the people who work  "behind the scenes" are as important as their "on-stage" counterparts for there wouldn't be a show if not for them.

The picture below was taken when Rony was talking about Disney music to 2,000 students. 
Truly an amazing and priceless moment for him.

2. KRISTIAN LEI - Brace yourself with what she had done so far:

- Theatre Stage -

       * THE FESTIVAL OF THE LION KING - HK Disneyland
                                                                         - Princess Nala
                                                                         - Storyteller (RAFIKI)
       * MISS SAIGON - Cameron Mackintosh/Stella Musicals
                                    - Kim
       * THE KING & I - Hawaii Opera Theatre
                                           - Tuptim
       * ONCE ON THIS ISLAND - Actor's Actors Inc. Philippine Tour
                                                      - Ti Moune
       * THE MAGICAL BIRD - Honolulu Theatre for Youth
                                               - Magic Bird
        * HONOLULU BROADWAY BABIES - Honolulu Broadway Babies
                                                                        - Lead
        * HABI - SI Centrum, Stuggart Germany
                     - Lead

To know more = just visit . Because I need not elaborate on this woman's achievements. It's all there. It's an honor to meet her and be under her for a couple of sessions. I am truly grateful.

Rony and Kristian's humility is so admirable. Despite their achievements, numerous awards and recognitions they have remained the same person as they are. Real, humble and encouraging. Both of them never stopped complimenting on fellow artists. Moreover, they continuously become good ambassadors by not minding if they have to be of service for free when it is for a good cause.


I am so proud to include my good friend, GILES in this line up. He had been hard-working as he had been part of HK Disneyland Entertainment team since it opened. He had given the HK Disneyland audience genuine service from then up until now that he is a part of the staging team being the Stilts Captain. He, together with ELA had recently been interviewed to share about what they do as a performer in the park to the Filipinos back at home. I believe I have had a lot of posts about Ela describing how talented she is. But in addition, she, along with 11 more Filipinos (JAY AR VILLADAR, BOBBY RALPH MANALANG, IROY ABESAMIS, GISELE GUARIN, MARIE VEGA, CAR PONCE, MARVIN NAADAT, SCOTT BLANCO, ANA QUINTO, and RIA VICTORINO), had won 1st place in the 2013 HK Salsa Festival.

Here in the same 3rd spot, PAOLA MARIE KAGAOAN

and yours truly, KATRINA DALINO had graced both Ch. 2's Balitang K and Ch.7's Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho, for an interview about Christmas Parades and Toy Story Land respectively.

4. ANNA FEGI - was my idol from my childhood days. Watching her in the Sunday noontime show called 
                          ASAP, made me want to be on the same stage. (Oh those happy days with WHIPLASH!)
                          Ms. Fegi had graced HK Disney with her great talent as being part of the Festival of the
                          Lion King theatre show. She is an international award-winning singer born from Cebu
                          who like Rony and Kristian had been reaching out to kids who dream to of performing and
                          having their own audience. Right now, she is working on "School of Rock" Cebu's
                          Summer Kick-Off and I'm sure this will be more than a success. It will surely be a stepping
                          stone to a lot of youngsters involved in this project into becoming like her.

    I've known him as one of the most renowned performers Philippines had ever produced. Getting involved in the Theatre Arts of the University of the Philippines and mixing studies with it is no joke. But Kuya Julius didn't give up. Pursuing a career in ARTS, he eventually ended up as a Senior Dance Scholar in STEPS Dance School, became a chorus dancer in Hong Kong Disneyland's Festival of the Lion King, and now holding his own agency in United Kingdom called, Be.artisan.

   BE.artisan is a commercial artists and entertainment agency that offers unique and remarkable lists of artists, acts and creatives in all aspects of the entertainment industry. Founded by its creative director Julius Ebreo. They provide dancers, actors, models, singers and creatives for theatre, TV, film, music, videos, fashion shows, cruise ships and corporate events here in the UK and internationally.

Julius had sent me the entire CV he got and it was just overwhelming. I am so proud of what he had become, or I am proud to know him personally. It is too hard to believe that this guy whom I know is one of those on top says humbly, "I'm going slow with my career." when I was just asking him via facebook if he could help me out with "some" information that he'd be willing to give as I was planning to write this feature blog. He has a movie that is yet to come out. What did he mean that he's slowing down with his career? By the way, that's still yet to watch out for. But I'd like to share to you some of the performances he did that made me drop my jaw:

Theatre/Production:                Role:                       Location:                           Choreographer/Director:
* Romeo and Juliet                 Dancer                   Buckingham Palace            Cristian Valle
* Lion King                            Ensemble                Hong Kong                        Lynne-Taylor Corbett
* Pearls of the East                 Choreographer       London                              Dominic Bethune
* Parallax Dance Company     UK Alliance           Australia                             Jordan Punsalang
* Binhi ng Sigwa                     Actor                     Philippines                          Dennis Gutierres

* ASAP                                 Choreographer        ABS-CBN Ch.2                Charles Thompson
* DJ Fresh "The Feeling"         Dancer                   London                               Ministry of Sound
* Children in Need                  Dancer                   London                               BBC
* Sonny J Music Video           Dancer                   London                               David Leighton
* SOP                                     Dancer                  GMA 7, Philippines             Georcel Dapat

* Elektra                               Creative Director         London                             Michael Falzon
* Brazil Song                        Featured Dancer          London/Brazil                    Ooberfuse
* Coca Cola                         Choreographer            Asia                                  Christine Cho
* Asia Photo Awards            Model                         Hong Kong                       J Kong
* London Fashion Week       Choreographer/           London                             Julius Ebreo (himself)   
  Closing and Opening           Stylist

Julius just really has a wide range of talent eh!? Taking this chance, "Kuya Julius! One word. REPRESENT!"


A lot of people measure success by the amount of money they have, how far fame had brought them or just by the power they hold. But to Benjie, it's something else. Being at peace with himself, knowing who he is and being proud to represent gay community is far more than what life could give him. Winning the title of MR. GAY Hong Kong 2012 had lead him into fulfilling his purpose in this world. One whole article talked about the opportunities this title had given him. It spoke a lot about how he wanted to fight for equal human rights not basing it on their own sex preference but how efficient they could be. He had put emphasis on the courage everybody should possess as you pursue your dreams. He is now with Pink Alliance.

 The Pink Alliance (aka Tongzhi Community Joint Meeting or TCJM) aims to link tongzhi organizations operating in Hong Kong, to assist them in their work and to provide a network for information in both Chinese and English within the tongzhi community. The TCJM will also research and campaign on issues of key importance.
Tongzhi (同志) is a Chinese word, often translated as ‘comrade’, which refers to people of different sexual orientations and gender identities in the Chinese-speaking world.
The TCJM does not seek to direct or interfere in the work of individual tongzhi organisations, nor will it claim to represent them unless specifically authorised to do so. All organizations in Hong Kong working for the welfare of the tongzhi community and its liberation from all forms of discrimination are welcome to be represented in the TCJM, which also includes key individuals in the tongzhi community.
The TCJM has a simple structure. Members meet every three months, and at other times if required, and have equal rights. Any issues requiring resolution are first referred to members’ organisations for their views. Members who are not in agreement are not committed to any action or view.
A number of Groups further the TCJM’s work. These consist of volunteers who assist in research and translation, letter writing, fund raising and communications. The TCJM has established a data base of information which is open for use by the whole tongzhi community.
The TCJM is not for profit. It is registered as a Society with the Government of the Hong Kong SAR (under the Societies Ordinance CP/LIC/SO/19/40337).

I have worked with Benjie in his project before called, "JUST DANCE". It shared the same concept with "So You Think You Can Dance" except that it's a smaller one. He was the director and I've hosted the show for 2 seasons. That was quite my proof on how dedicated this person is. His creativity and passion served us all well. It encouraged me to pursue hosting and may I say that it pays dues now. Besides directing, producing and serving humanity, he is a suave ballroom dancer. And is performing here in Hong Kong and abroad at present.

Cheers to Benjie for all the hard work he had done for it paid off. I am so proud of you Direk and more power to you.

Disclaimer: I've based my choices on Filipinos who had been and are still a part of the Hong Kong Disneyland Family.  
                 It is purely subjective and out of admiration.  
                Though some information provided were solicited online, most were from the people featured.
                 Intentions of writing this post is solely to INSPIRE, nothing more and nothing less.

Wednesday, April 03, 2013


In fast paced cities like Hong Kong, finding a good fine-dining place is like an oasis in a concrete jungle. And my good friend Cathy, always has the eye for it. Together with our friends and guests who had visited from across the globe from their CIRQUE du SOLEIL "Alegria" tour, we had come to RED PENNY for Evi's (Cathy's husband) 26th birthday dinner. For my blog entry for Wine and Dine Wednesday, RED PENNY is the place to be.

Situated in 147 Kan Sheung Road, Yuen Long, this Thai Viet Chisine Bar offers a good ambiance for wedding receptions, romantic dinners and intimate gatherings amongst friends and family.

Cleanliness wise, it gained 3.47 out of 5 ratings ( and to compliment that, the food is just but as promising as how this lovely place was put up. Must tries for me would be the following:

1. Garlic Nan Bread - I saw how an Indian lady made ours fresh. This was quite nice to pair up always with curry.

2. anything and everything curry - they have every variety: yellow, green, red and it tastes truly authentic. We had ordered this to warm up our night because the breeze was cold when we went there last Friday.

3. stir fry veggies - The water spinach stir-fried with garlic and a little bit of chilli spice was ooh-so yummy. It balances out the rest of the meat you would be having. And they know how to maintain the texture the crunchy stalks contributes to a zesty meal.

4. chicken with coconut soup is also a must try along with the green papaya salad - Delicacies that Jane suggested for me to try. I tried them for the first time that night and I'd definitely go for it again.

5. Different kinds of seafood may also be ordered as they present them fresh for you to market followed up by the cooking service (grilled, garlic and butter, fried or with soup). We had Grilled Squid, Steamed Lobster sprinkled with Garlic, and Fried Sea Bass. it was perfectly cooked and we indulged on it alright.
6. Also, we tried the pineapple fried rice but this one was similar to how other Chinese restaurants cook it. I suggest that you just do the Nan bread than the rice.

Here are some other information that you may find important:

* MODE OF PAYMENT = Cash/Credit
* CAPACITY = 250 seats
* PARKING = Check!
* CORKAGE FEE = HK$100/bottle of wine
* OPENING HOURS = 12nn to 12mn
* SERVICE CHARGE = 10% of total bill

It is advisable that you make necessary reservations before going to Red Penny as it is always packed most especially during weekends and public holidays. For more inquiries, do call 2488 3263.

Some information (not excluding pictures) are from

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

RIHANNA - Stay ft. Mikki Ekko

One word to describe this mtv for taking it easy this first Tuesday of April. BARE.
I love how bare the setup of where it was shot, how bare Rihanna's make up was done and how the lyrics are barely talking of a simple thing - STAY.

Interesting melody, well-blended harmony and is soulful. I love it.
Let me know what you think.

After listening to the original one, get to open your eyes and ears to this guy's special talent....

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Being fool proof on April Fool's

It's the first day of April, "Monday" and it's time for some DIY information. This April Fool's, a lot might pull your strings and stress you out with jokes, schemes and gimmicks. This may lead you to saying, "I'm having a headache for everything that I've encountered today!" So, be out of the April-Fool's-headache Syndrome by knowing how to act on each type. Medications might be given to you according these:

Wishing you all a prank-free day!

Disclaimer: Information was from Doctors and Hospitals (facebook) - Thank You!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pinoy Pride

Being the second placer, yet the most outstanding, amongst the rest of the finalists last year in American Idol, Jessica Sanchez continuously pursues "the" dream. For my laid back Tuesday (laid back in a way like - "just- sit-back-and-enjoy-watching kind), let me share to you her new single featuring Ne-Yo entitled "Tonight". They performed this upon announcing the Final 12 in this season's AI and Jessica Sanchez and Ne-Yo surely knew how to keep it rollin'! You guys rock!

Monday, March 25, 2013

DIY Stone Pathway for your garden

Hey there folks!!!!

MONDAYS are D-I-Y (Do-it-yourself) days... It's always nice to start your week with something that you didn't think you could do at first. Last week, I presented to you "Different ways on How to wear your Scarf" (

This week, these images would guide you on how to beautify a walk path for your garden. Hogan is about to do finishing touches on his newly renovated house in Samoa and we were looking up on easy touch ups that could really make his mom's garden nice.
As you can see, 3 things that you'll need:
1. cement mix
2. a big leaf enough for maybe around size 10 of a foot to fit (you can choose your design)
3. little shovel
Just thought of sharing it to you. The illustrations give you a step by step procedure on how to build the stone path way.