
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Something to Ponder On.... EVEN ME

The 3 Signs Of Spiritual Maturity
One day, someone asked me a very disturbing question. He asked, “Bo, the Philippines is a very religious country. We’re supposed to be the only Christian nation in Asia. Yet why are we so corrupt and so poor? How come?”
Yes, Filipinos are religious. No doubt about it. But here’s the Key: 

There’s a giant difference between religious maturity and spiritual maturity. 
Religious maturity means you do your religious duties very well : you pray daily, you attend church, you read your Bible, etc. 
Spiritual maturity is totally different: It means you love like Jesus.
Spiritual mature people know that faith without action is dead (James 2:17). And they know that without love, all religiosity is nothing but noise (1 Corinthians 13:1).
Do you want to know if you’re spiritually mature?
Look for these three signs: 

1. Service. I love this passage below. I’ll tell you why in awhile. Read through again how Mary said Yes to God:
“I am the Lord’s servant,” said Mary; “may it happen to me as you have said.” And the angel left her. Soon afterward Mary got ready and hurried off to a town in the hill country of Judea. She went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth. Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home. (Luke 1:38-40, 56)
After Mary gave her YES to God, the Bible says she “hurried off” to the hill country of Judea.
Why the hurry?
Real spiritual people know that there’s this twilight zone between your decision and your action. Don’t stay in this area for too long. It’s dangerous. If you dillydally, if you loiter, if you meander in this twilight zone, before you know it, POOF! Your decision disappears forever.
Here’s my advice: Once you make a decision, act immediately. Run through this twilight zone between decision and action. Don’t sleep until you do something!
I’ve yet to meet a successful person who doesn’t have a bias for action. Once a successful person makes a decision towards a goal, a flurry of activities takes place. The successful person acts immediately. 

My Books Have Varied Results
Let me give you an example. Yesterday, I was in Cebu. A man came up to me and greeted me with so much joy.
“I read your books and I love them,” he said. People say that to me all the time. But what blew me away was what he said next. He said, “Bo, I read your book, 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich. Because of that book, I was inspired to build 3 businesses, all giving me passive income. I still have a job, but I now own 6 taxi cabs, a store, and a water station.”
Wow. I began to think of the other people who read the same book, who also made a decision to do something, but didn’t do a thing. Why? They didn’t hurry in the twilight zone between decision and action. Because they didn’t have a bias for action; instead, they had a bias for analysis 
Don’t get me wrong. Analysis is very good. But some people like analyzing something to death before they act.
Another man came up to me yesterday. He said, “Bo, I’m still far from becoming a success. I suddenly realized why nothing has happened in my life. Because I’m afraid of failure.” I asked him, “Have you had a major failure in your life?” And he said, “None. Because I don’t even try.” “Then your problem isn’t your lack of success,” I told him. “Your problem is your lack of failure. Here’s what you do: Increase your rate of failure so you can increase your rate of success.”
(Want to see who made it to the top but had the silliest mistakes, errors and had huge failures to get there? Check this link:
Let me go back to my topic.
If successful people have a bias for action, spiritual people have a bias for service. Why is this important? Loving God is easy. He’s perfect!
But haven’t you noticed? Loving another human being will be more difficult. By the way, it doesn’t have to be a big service…
2. Simple. Serve simply!
Mary served simply. She didn’t conquer armies, vanquish nations, run organizations, or preach to millions. Instead, she went to her cousin Elizabeth to cook meals, mop floors, wash clothes, dry dishes, clean toilets…
When we reach Heaven, I bet we’ll be surprised at how God will reward different people. For example, my staff—the tech guys setting up the audio system every time I preach—may have a bigger mansion than the Preacher. Our wonderful Caregivers serving the abandoned elderly in Anawim every single day, bathing them, feeding them, cutting their fingernails and toenails, may have a bigger mansion than the Founder of Anawim. Our telephone counselors in our Light of Jesus counseling ministry, or the vendors who sell my books in the booktables, or the cooks who prepare the meals in our orphanages—all of them may have a bigger mansion than my mansion. Shoot, it may be possible that altar boys and church janitors may have a bigger mansion than the Pope. (Sounds heretical, I know. But it’s the truth.) Why do I believe in that?
Mother Mary is our model of simple service. She never served in a high-profile manner. She never had a title. She just served. And that’s what God would want you to do. 
At the Feast in PICC, we have 200+ people who volunteer to make it happen. From the Ushers to the Kids ministry to the Youth team to the Choir… I remember a woman came up to me and said, “Bo, I really want to join the Ushers Ministry. But it’s difficult for me to wake up early and come here 30 minutes before the Feast starts…” So I reminded her, “Service is Sacrifice.” Which is the third sign of a spiritual person. 
3. Sacrifice. I go to Israel every other year. And every time, without fail, I take that looooong trip that Mary took to visit Elizabeth—from Nazareth to the Judean hill country. But unlike Mary, I take a nice tourist bus. A very well appointed, comfortable, air-conditioned tourist bus.Mary had no bus. Goodness, Mary didn’t even have a bike.
For 4 hot days, while already pregnant, this 14-year old girl trekked the Judean desert, under the scorching heat of the sun. Those hills were crawling with wild beasts and thieves. (Remember the story of the Good Samaritan? And how thieves beat up the guy? It was pretty common among travelers.) She took that trip because she wanted to serve an elderly cousin.
That was sacrifice.
Spiritual people are sacrificial people.
Mary had all the excuses in the world not to go. She could have said, “Lord, I’m pregnant myself. I have morning sickness. I don’t like the smell of garlic. How can I serve my cousin Elizabeth?” But she didn’t think of her own discomfort. Or her own pains. Her own issues. Her own needs.She went out and served someone else. This is real Christianity. Christianity isn’t about going to Heaven. Christianity is about bringing Heaven down to earth, especially for those who are going through Hell today.
And sacrifice starts in our families.
Sacrifice In Your Family
Last month, I went on a 3-day trip with Francis, my 6-year old boy. We went to Cebu, just the two of us. It was a father-and-son trip. No wife. No sibling. Just him and me, talking, laughing, playing, swimming, and eating together. I promised myself to bring out each of my sons for a trip like this at least once or twice a year.
(Note: This isn’t part of the talk, but let me tell you about the second child syndrome. Francis is my second child. It’s easy for the second child—or middle children—to feel inferior, especially if the elder sibling is an achiever. You need to spend time with each of your kids. But pay close attention to your second child and all your middle children — because sometimes, they need it more.) Why did I take a trip with little Francis?
I’ve realized that life is about creating memories. When Francis is older, his conscious mind will forget the details of that trip. But his subconscious mind will remember everything. Your subconscious mind is a perfect recording machine. It remembers every detail. Most of all, Francis will remember how much I loved him because I spent enormous time with him. I’m a busy guy. I run 9 non-profit organizations and 12 businesses. So how can I “waste” 3 days with my son? Simple. It’s called Sacrifice. When you love someone, you make sacrifices.
I know my roles. Before being a preacher, or author, or leader, or businessman, I’m first of all a father. Real Spiritual people sacrifice. Serving others is a privilege. The reward of service is the fact that you have been given the chance to serve someone.

Are you a spiritual person?
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

This was just something to share on a Sunday because I myself had appreciated what it says most especially with the last part. I've been apart from my family for a long time and due to an advanced way of communicating to people (smartphones, social network, skype), we neglect the idea of being "physically" there for the most important people in our lives. I humbly admit, this is much of an AWAKENING.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Spa in your own Home!

Hi everybody! It's DIY Monday again and to start off your week, let me help you in unleashing that potential you got that rests for way too long. But the most important thing to remember is to start realizing that you have it. So let's pamper "you" this time with these spa treatments that you didn't know can be made in you own home. 

1. Relaxing Bath - Rosewater* helps in keeping your skin moisturized. Coconut milk on the other hand, not only moisturizes, but it also boosts your skin's elasticity for its rich Vitamin C and Copper contents. These actually play a great role in decreasing wrinkle formation. Use them both and benefit from the calming effect of a relaxing bath to get you ready into going to bed. It's better to do this with luke warm water and candles to relieve you from stress. This is also suggested to insomniacs as a way to get a good sleep.

2. Skin Moisturizer - From all the hustles and bustles of the outdoors (early morning demands of work, sun, pollution, vices, make up, late night partying) combined with stress, bad habits and poor circulation, your skin needs to breath every now and then and you could rely on nobody else except yourself to achieve that. Honey has antibacterial and antifungal benefits while olive oil serves as an anti-aging agent. These products, when put together, even out your skin tone and instantly brightens your skin.

3. Facial/Body Scrub - The SKIN is the largest organ of the body. It needs to be nurtured, moisturized and cleansed. It can be helped to regenerate by doing facial/body scrub every once in a while, say 2-3 times a week. It is tempting to invest on fragrant scrubs that any beauty shop sells but you could be as organic as you choose to be in your own little way. Since honey has a moisturizing and nourishing effect as well (besides being an antibacterial), and brown sugar is the most cost-effective, natural and not too coarse of an exfoliant, putting this together could be the fastest, easiest and most affordable way in keeping your body silky smooth. Just be warned that exfoliating is not to be done over wounds and/or burns.

4. Lip Scrub - According to my beauty bible, Cosmopolitan Magazine, these are just a few of the reasons why we get chapped lips, hence needing of a lip scrub.

a. You probably have this habit that when you're stressed out: you either bite on your lip or are subconsciously peeling your lip with your teeth (either while reading, writing or doing something).

b. You might have used your facial scrub over your lips too and/or too much that it may have had broken the barrier that helps moisture locked for your pucker to be kept plump.

c. You might be using lipsticks that contain Cinnamates which is responsible for the good smell of your lipstick.

d. You might not be using the right lip balm for you. Choose the one that's petroleum-based since waxed-based formulas offer less protection.

However, a lip scrub saves you from dry, cracked and peeling lips.
Achieve this after a lip scrub.
A lip scrub is a grainy cream or paste that you rub on your lips to help the dry skin slough off faster, thus, letting your lips uncover its true suppleness. You probably might be thinking that you're applying your lip balm or lip gloss faithfully to moisturize your lips continuously but often times, we are unaware that our lips may not be active in absorbing the moisture it needs because of the extra layer of dry skin. Remember that your lips are sensitive and are full of nerve endings that it may also irritate easily so before you get attracted to buying the perfectly tubed lip scrub, think again as you probably can prepare it at home and would not worry if it's edible or not. Check out the formula above.

5. Anti-redness Facial

Sometimes, you are clueless about blotches on your face. And whether it's red or of darker tone than your natural skin color, it simply tells you one thing: it needs "immediate" attention. Some of us have sensitive skin and if you're not allergic to eggs, its yolk could be of a remedy. Egg yolks contain retinoids that regulate excessive oil production on the face leaving it moisturized and smooth. Combining it with the lemon juice, it helps your skin fight acne formation. Lemon juice is beneficial to the skin in terms of its Vitamin C content which helps in the formation of collagen making our skin (which is made of collagen) firm and young. It also has a bleaching effect that helps lighten dark spots. Unless contraindicated by your dermatologist, applying this regularly can hasten the disappearance of redness or dark spots.

Caution: Use lemon juice externally on the body only at night. It makes your skin photosensitive (sensitive to light). Exposure to sun would be extremely harmful so use sunscreen diligently after using lemon on your skin. *

It was important for me to get you empowered when it comes to taking care of your face because like how me and my friends consider it, it is an INVESTMENT!!! Hahaha! Take care of it and never hesitate to treat yourself to these "organic" formulas. Be as natural as you could be when choosing what to apply to your face because the perfectly packaged and tubed creams are mixed with harmful chemicals that for all we know may be the exact reason why we have acne, rashes and skin infection. If you have a suggestion, please don't hesitate to write your comments below. I am welcome for any additional tips that I may have missed to include and don't hesitate to introduce your own DIY formulas by leaving a link on the comment box.

To read more about the following, check out the link beside it:
1. Rosewater - Read about the benefits of Rose Water for Health and Beauty
2. What lemon juice can do to you, click here.
3. Products I love - Here are products that I use in cleansing and taking care of my face.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

STEROIDS, are they good or bad?

Cory Monteith in the Kids Choice
Awards, 2010 - who would have known
that he's just left with 3 1/2 years
more to live?
So many lives had been taken from this world because of overuse of drugs or drug overdose. Two days ago, facebook had been bombarded with "RIP" wishes for Cory Monteith death because of an alarming reason: DRUG OD (Overdose)*. It is unexplainable how people resort to drugs in making them feel great; when as a matter of fact, the simplicity behind the logic that goes taking or ingesting anything beyond what you should (and this goes for just about anything - not just drugs) can be harmful and even fatal.

In the news, about sports today, there were athletes who had been tested positive for usage of illegal drugs, namely, Asafa Powell, Tyson Gay and Sherone Simpson. But they have denied such allegations of using it for personal gain since all they did was take the vitamin supplements that were advised to them by their personal trainors. As I researched, I didn't hesitate to share what I've read until a friend of mine had recommended to watch this video below to truly understand the serious conflict whether steroids (ANABOLIC STEROIDS* SPECIFICALLY) are beneficial and/or harmful. Since this had been known to affect athletes' performance, there's an underlying question if it should be accepted or considered illegal completely. Some competitions have banned certain steroids and once their athletes are tested positive of it, they would be instantly disqualified.

My personal opinion goes like this... What is the essence of having these competitions if you'd rely on enhancers? It makes the ultimate reason of awarding who is the best in terms of SPORTS (considering the basic elements behind it such as strength, stamina and most of all holistic health), goes absent. So, it is just but right to have these athletes tested. Otherwise, there's no point in it at all.

Be the judge and share your opinion with me by leaving a comment below. Oh! And this video is around 1 hour and 40 minutes. i will just share the first three and just search for it in if you want to continue watching. It's worth knowing about these things.


If you want to read more about these, just click on the corresponding links or, if it doesn't work, search on it by just copying and pasting this/these complete address/es on your browser:

1. Cory Monteith's death -

2. Anabolic Steroids -

Saturday, July 13, 2013

2013 Summer Activities

SUMMER had always been a fun time of the year that letting it go without a bang is just not advisable.
Here are simple yet fun suggestions in spending your summer here in Hong Kong:

1. Stay young at heart.

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort offers immersive, unique Disney experiences for all families, generations and ages to enjoy. Hong Kong is one of only five locations in the world that is home to a Disney themed park and many Disney characters that are beloved to the world over, such as Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Stitch and Buzz Lightyear. Since the Grand Opening in September 2005, Hong Kong Disneyland has received more than 38 million guests from around the globe. Through the unique product offering and the world-class service provided by the 5,000 strong Cast at the theme park and the two hotels, the Resort had received outstanding Guest satisfaction ratings and a range of awards from the hospitality and entertainment sectors.

Hong Kong Disneyland is dedicated to serving Hong Kong people through a wide spectrum of community services programs from helping those families in need, to inspiring creativity among children and youth, to encouraging the protection of the environment in the region.

Personal suggestions would be to hit up Hong Kong Disneyland's
newest attraction this summer which is the Monster University. Sulley and Mike have a lot to tell you about their days in the university before they became part of the Monsters Inc. As a preparation for the movie Monsters University, HK Disney had something in store for you to give you a feel of where and how these two had become best friends. After getting enrolled and having your ID made, enjoy while getting soaked as you watch this season's Mickey's Waterworks Parade. Let's all have fun until the end of August for you surely will have a great time with your family and friends. See the princesses dance as they spritz you with perfume and play with Mickey and his friends while he splashes you with water. Yes, you have to be ready to get wet all over. Better yet, you should bring an extra shirt. Lastly, Mystic Point, the first of its class, a miniland which you can only find here in Hong Kong, that allows you to get a taste of what the world has to offer thru the eyes of Lord Henry alongside his nephews. He is an explorer ready to share what he had seen if you visit the Mystic Manor. What's more, he had invited the ambassadors of some of the places he had seen to share some of their culture thru a simple dance presentation.

If you want to know more about them, and you'd like to enjoy a unique magical experience, visit for more information.

2. Collect and Select

I've come across a lot of fashion bloggers that had recommended a lot of versatile materials that could last not just this Summer but the entire year. Most of us hate the idea of having limits but with these patterns, designs and fabric, you'll get more than your money's worth and rest assured that you'd be in style.

dress: Retail Frenzy;

bracelet: H&M

belt: Kingswood marketplace, Tin Shui Wai

sandals: Kingswood ginza, Tin Shui Wai


The most popular style that a striped pattern is known of during Summer is the sailor get up. This fad can be mostly seen during boat trips and amongst the people who got the moola (money) since they'd wear this in letting their yachts sail. But now that Cotton On and H&M, even UNIQLO had popularized it, making it available on a bargain, people are driven to try with other styles.

Now, you see, one of my most favorite thing to do is to support and help entrepreneur friends. One of them is Ria who had recently put up her online shop called Reetail Frenzy*. She had rewarded me a maxi dress for blogging about this fab street-chic yet glam stylized goods.

Like all writers would account fashion, it is a mere expression of how you want to be perceived and fashion says a lot about you; your personality, how laid back you are or how uptight you could be. It tells your story, it talks about your personality and most of all, it says about what kind of persona you are. So, however you style up with this classic pattern, don't forget that you shouldn't overdo it.


There's a sacred word behind every tourist's mind when they go on a vacation - RELAXATION! And it's important that you wear something comfortable, functional and fabulous even when it's just about staying in a villa out in Bali, Santorini or Tahiti. Now it's important to choose a pattern that could go with your personality and the material that would hug your body just as how you want it to. When traveling, you expect that you'd always be on the go. So from using it as an extra cover up if you're cold during the flight, to using it as something to lay on to get that tan while on the beach, make sure that you enjoy that great holiday time by flaunting with confidence those curves and legs that you've invested on months before.


Summer is all about having fun. So playing with different designs and colors is a good way to extract those creative juices you got. Check this dress out on the right. One, it is very comfortable, two, it is unique, and three, yes, it may be too loud for some but the designer had put a plain black shades with no accessories at all to highlight this wonderful piece. I love how the waist line had been given emphasis. A black obi belt could also do it with this get up.

Swimsuits also could be in a loud shout out that spells F-I-E-R-C-E! I'll include the animal prints here to maximize the "patterns" that I'm talking about and the following images are some of the designs that made me look twice. Hopefully, you'll make your crush look twice too. Invest on one and regret nothing that will make your summer worth remembering.
“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.”

C. JoyBell C.

I came across this passage and I do totally agree. But knowing myself, I have to add up, "Throw yourself with style!" And, no matter how simple you would want to be, or loud because you are more than eager to be noticed, be honest with yourself and never be afraid to show who you really are. Never attempt to be like somebody else. Accept the true you, I always emphasize this in my posts.

“You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don't know it, all of that doesn't even matter. Every second that you spend on doubting your worth, every moment that you use to criticize yourself; is a second of your life wasted, is a moment of your life thrown away. It's not like you have forever, so don't waste any of your seconds, don't throw even one of your moments away.”

C. JoyBell C.


Now, when you go on vacation or on a holiday trip, it is advisable to pack light yet pack the most necessary in doing the activities lined up for you. One of the most advised pieces are beach pants.

Beach pants are functional pieces that are good for photo ops, on your rented bicycle, planned shopping spree and a little bit of hiking giving you that trendy touch up. It usually comes in white or see thru but the printed ones make you feel light, good and energized. As you strut down the beach, you'll be a good sight to everybody with the colorful trail you'll be leaving behind. From all the swimming, tanning and laying under the sun, dry up a little and just put this on with your flip flops if you're ready to hit the villa for a pina colada to cool off. It's a good cover up and a fabulous way to put the beach mood up a notch. Time is essential to go back to your hotel and change just for this so, beach pants are light to carry wherever, whenever.


Now, there are an array of cover-ups besides beach pants that you can choose from. The most fabulous ones usually can be bought from the vacation sites themselves and the secret is to buy the perfect fabric that flows thru the body comfortably. I love the following designs and I hope you could get some ideas of what to purchase the next time you hit D'Mall of Boracay or the stalls Phuket offers.

It is important to keep yourself presented decently.
At all times, you need to be appropriate.
And most of all, comfortable.

3. Do some projects that may help you earn a buck.

There's no other perfect chance to use your free time during Summer, than using it to earn extra money. It is a rewarding time to engage in DIY projects that can be shared to your younger siblings, cousins or your own children. First step is to figure out what you love doing, what are you passionate about and/or what are your hobbies. Maybe from there, you could figure it out. 

My good friend, Dazha had first started out by making her own accessories and now, she is actually collaborating with her other entrepreneur friends earning bucks from what she loved doing and what she does best. The Ever_After* bands have indeed made a statement that H&M have somehow adapted it later. Being worn by the 2013 champions in Dragon Boat, Team Mushu, the bands had been famous and popularized in an instant.
Team Mushu ladies with their team captain after winning
the all Women's Championships 2013
Head accessories: Ever_After
Bikini tops: Ever_After
Team Captain's paddle necklace: Boracay All-Stars

everything else (trophy/shorts/team captain's top/abs): TEAM MUSHU

Ms. Celina Bilbao, on the other hand, takes advantage of Summer season by creating her head bands using a more personalized style that are good for weddings, formal gatherings and lovely occasions. She designs and creates them according to the client's color preference and where it's going to be used. I've ordered one to use at my wedding and I'm truly excited in using it. Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you're interest in ordering from her.

Project by: Celina Bilbao
Model: Carmelle Ros
Celina Bilbao trying on her own masterpieces.

Other than these, of course you can come up with different money making businesses such as baking cupcakes, writing blogs, offering styling services, pimping up old t-shirts, flats and many more. Every Monday, I aim to post up useful DIY information* that are handy and cheap to do to boost that confidence in you.

You can sell one cupcake for HK$10/piece

4. Have a day out.

Now one thing good about Hong Kong is that their weather observatory is as precise as it should be. There could be mistakes every now and then but most of the time, it is reliable. If you heard that weather in Hong Kong can get crazy, you heard it right. So use the internet wisely as you plan out your day. Check the predictions because during Summer here, days could go beautiful but it could also be steaming hot outside as compared to how you saw it out the window from your air-conditioned room. Better be ready to bring a wide-rimmed hat, bottle of water and a spare t-shirt if you plan to spend an afternoon out. If you will go on a picnic, make sure that you bring a mosquito repellant for the bugs come out during this time of the year. Protect yourself from the harmful sun too so it is advisable to choose around 4:30 pm in laying down the picnic blanket. At the same time, it is Hong Kong's rainy season so it's good to be ready to have a plan B.

In pinterest, tons and tons of activities that caught my attention that is truly fun to do for the whole family to enjoy is the Glow Sticks Bowling. This is not only for the kids but also, adults would find this cool and fun. If you don't own a garden to pull this game, let me share to you this particular list and just pick out what you find suitable for your home. Copy the list or save the photo and it's ready to be printed out.

5. Get fit.

Joane Laygo - at her best, 2013
Choreographer, Stage Manager
Last but not the least, you ought to flaunt that bod that you've worked hard for and it's time to show it with a nice bathing suit.

Here is one of my icons for living a healthy life, owning a beautiful family of 2 kids and her man and still having that unbeatable confidence and girl power that I admire so much. Ms. Joane Laygo, who had been an assistant to Johnny Manahan of ABS CBN Philippines, is continuously an inspiration. She has one message to share to everybody and that is to continuously live. It seems so easy to put it that way but when you actually do it, you meet obstacles. But the fabulous lady in the image had been a master of it all. She would undeniably share about her ups and downs in the magazines that had featured her but that's what makes her special. She always manages to be a good example despite of it all.

So this Summer, you have the time to do soul searching, to get inspired via the book, "EAT, PRAY, LOVE" and find the rejuvenation you're looking for. To start off, channel that energy into doing some exercise. EXERCISING strengthens the body, relaxes the mind and toughens the spirit. What's so exciting about doing it this season is that the outdoor awaits you. Here's something that you can ponder on as you decide to make it happen.

When you decide to do something for yourself,
 do it to create a better version of you.
There's no other competition except your will
and believe me, it's the hardest opponent you'll ever have.

Here are links where you could read more about the following:
*Reetail Frenzy and Ever_After -
*DIY posts -

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

To my Favorite What If

Phoenix Raven,

I have waited for you for God knows how long.
I have uttered a prayer, hummed you a song.
The joy that you gave was short but sweet.
It almost made us crazy asking, why did you quit?

People encouraged us, gave us hope.
Your dad and I are finding ways to cope.
The depth of pain we feel afterwards,
just made us walk for yards and yards.

Your mom had done everything.
While your dad prayed and kept hoping
that someday we will get to hold you,
that someday there'd be three instead of two.

We dreamed for a baby,
to complete our family.
We were given an angel instead,
that made our love grow and not dead.

And you were more than a blessing,
"the little one" for some,
you'll always be my superhero
keeping me away from harm.

Now your purpose is done.
God has a reason, God has a plan.

For awhile we were mad,
for awhile we were blue.
But we will stay strong and hopeful,
all because of you.

I love you my child and so does your father.
So much that we, wish you to endlessly flutter
your wings as you play up there in the heavens.
We are glad that you, will never have worldly burdens.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We all don't want to be judged.

There are only 3 types of judges that I studied when I was in college. My Sociology professor had shared to us his theory. All of us don't want to be judged... or misjudged. Though nobody is ever rightful to judge another person, it always is important to keep ourselves knowledgeable of the rightful people whom should impose judgements on certain circumstances.


This includes people who own a position in the court, senate and executive office. All of them had taken an oath to keep, sustain and respect order in an office, municipality or country for that matter. It involves common good and to that, any laws studied, debated on, produced and approved are to be followed as imposed. Anybody who'd go ignorant and/or against it is punishable by law.

Ex. president, chief executives, senators, queen


These are people who had studied for years and years and have completed a curriculum to earn such position. They have certification, entitlement, medals, awards and anything alike that proves that they are worthy to judge you. Not personally but objectively. This is due to the reason that they'd judge you based on the need for you to be judged. Meaning, only in the field of expertise that they have.

Ex. doctors - They judge your diagnosis but the final decision is yours when it comes to medical treatment to be done; doctorate is the highest form of education
      lawyers - They will judge your case as something to fight for based on your civil and human rights
      teachers - They will grade you according to expected performance based on level of curriculum suited for your age.


Similar to the lawmaking bodies, the assigned leaders are put into position to maintain peace and order. Although, they can be seen and observed in minimal area of concern, they have the right to judge following a certain criteria, a specific set of rules and regulations and/or (but not limited to) an agreed percentage allotment. These leaders need more training, knowledge and further experience so they are likely to be judged as well based on facts like manual contents, rule books and/or videos of the exact circumstance. Usually, to amend and keep errors to a minimum, these assigned leaders often come in groups to seek better judgement.

Ex. pannel of judges in a beauty contest, line of officers in the classroom, 3 referees in a basketball game

Probably you're surprised that not even your own parents are on the list of people whom you should allow to judge you. This means that beyond these people, it's YOU who is the greatest judge of yourself. It comes from within you, your core values, the limitations of your understanding and your willingness to learn as to how you'd judge your own life. It's you who'd choose your person to look up to. If for some reason, you can't see a parent as your guide because of issues he/she has to work on, by all means, choose one that keeps you in the right path. Begin not judging by looking at your own self. Stop judging YOUR OWN SELF. Stop saying you're not worthy, stop saying you're not enough, and stop giving yourself labels. Liberate yourself from negative thinking to avoid channeling it out to others. Live free.

If you think there are more leaders that I should know of, feel free to share it by commenting below. I would love to hear about your opinion.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Tribute

"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone
could give another person....
- Jim Valvano

I've known my dad as the protective kind. He would always remind us of errors that could be avoided from the beginning for us not to get hurt. He taught us how to be CAUTIOUS. I know this is the ultimate trait owned by every good parent. I thought I knew him just as that. But now that I'm about to become a parent too, I've come to realize that the saying, "our parents live in us" is true after all. And the best part is, he knew me more than I know him. He knew what I needed before I say it. He knew he had to allow me to gain full responsibility of my life. He was there to guide me; he encouraged me to fulfill my purpose, to seek it and make it happen, and most of all, he trusted and believed in what I can do.

He never contradicted my plans, he supports them more instead. He loved that my life is in balance. He was there in my volleyball games when I was in high school, watched some of my halftime shows for UAAP when I was still cheerleading, helped me to decide on Chemical Engineering in college then later on, encouraged me to become a nurse which I never regretted taking up. All in all, he respected my capacity to learn. He gave me enough leeway to come about the person I am right now.

There are so many similarities that I noticed I share with my father. My penmanship, my love for sports, my singing voice, my obsession to music and dance, my drive to learn, and my amazement towards nature's best. I learned how to cook, use the dictionary and encyclopedia by 8 years old, play chess by 11, socialize and become confident around people thru him. He taught me how to be compassionate, appreciative, humble and prayerful (both him and my mom were religious). My dad taught me how to give balance to life. He's funny, always the life of the party and he always gave us flowers when we were young during Valentine's Day and had made the difference between reward and punishment sound and clear.

I would never be able to accomplish my achievements if not for my dad's support. That being said, I wouldn't be the BEST me if not for him combined with my mom's BEST. Happy happy Father's Day and hope you'll enjoy your day today.

 And to all the fathers that I know, 
may God bless you of more days to spend with your families, 
more days to touch more lives and more days 
to become immortals as you pass on your legacy.

Related posts:

1. MOTHER'S DAY TRIBUTE 2014 - "A human body can only bear up to 45 del (unit) of pain. Yet at the time of birth, the mother feels up to 57 del (unit) of pain. That is similar to 20 bones getting fractured at a time."

2. HOGAN TOOMALATAI - my better half

3. HOGAN AND KYTE, AUGUST 26, 2013 - the beginning of our journey as a family

Monday, June 10, 2013

Check this out!

For "D-I-Y Monday" and "Laid Back Tuesday",
I've combined both by presenting to you some basic videos
that you could learn and do by yourself to gain some new
knowledge in finishing up household chores fast,
pumping up casual style and
in adding different trends to make something unusual.

1. This is a video I've encountered way back when I was in College. The first of its kind was from a Japanese lady demonstrating the fastest way of finishing up with your laundry. Here's a more detailed version of it in terms of instructions.

2. Don't throw away t-shirts that you don't like because you can transform them to something cool like this.

3. I have a lot of scarves at home and I have benefited in this video in so many ways. Watch and learn.

4. Some of you might enjoy experimenting with different materials. This is just an example of that potentiality. So, go and get that creative juices to work with this video as a guide.

5. This could be a good project between you and your daughter or any younger sibling, cousin or friend. I remember spending a lot of time doing this during summer with my aunties before. And those are one of the best childhood memories that I wish I could hold on to. Share this activity with somebody in your family. Or you can make a business out of it.

I'll share more do-it-yourself videos next time. Hope you enjoyed watching and doing these!

Sunday, June 09, 2013


Have you ever doubted the saying, "MIRACLES HAPPEN."? Well, I have when I shouldn't.

As defined by Google, a MIRACLE is a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine. And knowing this was just out of any human being's context. I mean, if there's no way of understanding the trend on how miracles happen, then you wouldn't know how to react, therefore not knowing what to expect. Simply put, "HOW CAN YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN?"

Let me share to you a story of my own simple miracle.

When I was in my high school days, I've been pro-active, I lived healthily, ate right and slept well. But I've always had a dillemma when dealing with that special time of the month amongst ladies. It always gave me DYSMENORRHEA (painful menses) often accompanied with NAUSEA and OVERFATIGUE. There was one day that I've been in so much pain that I had to go home at the middle of a school day. My parents were so alarmed about all the screaming so, we consulted a gynecologist and had to do PAP SMEAR at an early age. I was diagnosed of inverted uterus then. According to medical studies, 20% of women have this condition. This isn't categorized as a predisposing factor for an ailment or a disease to occur. It's just like identifying people who are left handed from the right handed ones. Though due to anatomical position, the doctor warned me that it may be hard for me to conceive a child because the ligaments that hold my uterus to position (facilitating easy conception) are shorter than the average. Hence, the pain that my menstruation causes. The doctor said, it could be a reproductive challenge.

From then on, a lingering worry whether I may or may not have a child had been present in my subconscious ever since. Due to limited knowledge and experience, I'd sometimes mask my worries with daydreaming. I remember assigning 25 as the age of me settling down and at least at 27, I'll be having my first baby already. IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.

I was preoccupied with goals, job and traveling opportunities that my aspirations of having a family was quite put to a halt. Then it finally dawned to me that my sister's 2nd child is approaching his 7th year already; my friends have been getting married and having kids; all have been slowly and steadily settling down. I admit there was pressure there plus the fact that my mom was reminding me that I'm not getting any younger. However, my relationship was also at play. No matter how I plan things, the right person had to come. And he did. He actually agreed with me that it was time when I had realized, I'm already 30. We were both 30!Alright people, that time, we were talking about marriage 'til my younger sister told me about her plan to get married. Considering Philippine culture, we cannot marry in the same year (a.k.a. "sukob"). We were choosing a great timing when to do ours. Then.... the "MIRACLE" happened....

My period happens on irregular terms so, noticing I'm a week delayed wasn't a big deal. I was going to do the annual physical exam for Filipino overseas workers requested by our company here in Hong Kong as a protocol. It involves x-ray procedures. The physicians and nurses are very strict in checking if you're pregnant or not in undergoing these procedures so, I just did a home pregnancy test to be confident of my answer - which was a  "NO". And there you go, after the longest 3 minutes of my LIFE, the test revealed a very good news. I have conceived 3 weeks ago. And it was a Sunday, Mother's Day - my first!

 I told my Hogan that night and we instantly came up with names. Phoenix if it's going to be a girl and Raven if it's a boy. We agreed that we will choose birds' names so that wherever our child may be, he/she will soar high. Cheesy as it may seem, this is the first thing you would notice as you become a parent. You're just carrying a whole bundle of love that it transforms you from within. After letting our parents know and planning of what to do next, we are pleased to announce (after considering Chinese tradition that it should at least be almost 3 months before you let everybody know that you're carrying a child - to ensure its safety) that we are going to our 10th week of pregnancy and that the ultrasound had shown a very healthy baby owning a strong heartbeat and is nestled well in me. God knows how happy both Hogan and I are and we are so excited everyday checking on Babycenter (a very good application to download), how our baby develops everyday. Packed with videos and descriptive illustrations, this app gives us an idea of how our baby's progress goes as it grows its vital organs and how the mom could be helped out in adapting to changes of her own. I suggest that every mommy-to-be should download this on their smart phones.

I'm continuously dealing with a lot of physical changes. Except if I inhale strong perfume and Indian spices, I'm all good and ain't experiencing that much of morning sickness. I never had vomiting relating to my state. All in all, it's not giving me a hard time and I thank my husband for that. I'm one spoiled pregnant lady, I must say. We believe that if I'm in a stress free condition, the baby too would be feeling the same way. Our own theory goes that it won't give me a difficult time, if it's at ease. I am giving credits to my friend in sharing how "instincts" could play a great role.

I feel more than grateful of this gift, this bundle of joy and this angel inside me. I can't wait for my child to come by January 7. Also, I'm grateful for all of our families, friends and loved ones who took time to say congratulations, offering little bits and pieces of advices about being pregnant for the first time and most especially offering just about anything to make me feel at ease. Thank you for sharing this happiness with us that even if my child isn't out yet, all of you are showering him/her with abundant love. May the Lord be as kind to all of you as He was kind to Hogan and I.

Hogan with my little one's 1st photo with his celebratory cupcake!!!

Thursday, June 06, 2013

It's in your hands...

Here's something to take those blues away.

10 Truths that I have learned upon reaching my 30th year.

1. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE. - We only have one life, so it's never an excuse to feel that it's too late to live yours. Make your  dreams come true because as long as your heart beats, you are still capable of doing something.

2. FAILURES ARE PART OF GROWING UP. - Being aware that you just have one life doesn't give you a license that everything will go too well. There's only one life yes, but it's not worth living when you don't get to encounter opposites. Someone you love dies so you get to appreciate life that is given to you. You experience being heart broken so that you get to figure out what true love is. Something precious to you is taken away so that you'd know how to treasure the next big thing. The irony in every situation you encounter is a preparation for you to get thru the next.

3. YOU CONTROL YOUR OWN DESTINY- You are the one responsible for you own life. If you think it's not going too well right now, you have all the power to make that change.

4. THERE'S NO RIGHT OR WRONG, BUT THERE ARE WHAT YOU CALL CONSEQUENCES IN EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE. - Courage is earned thru out life as you learn from your own experiences. Don't be afraid when you are in a crossroad because whatever path you'll take, there's always a lesson that goes with it. Just a personal reminder, there are errors you could avoid from committing in the beginning. You just have to observe to the best of your ability.

5. TIMES IS GOLD. Believe in the power of NOW. Never stop learning. Never waste a second. And never doubt. Thinking twice is advised and knowing the best timing is a gift. Learn its art.

6. YOU CAN NEVER PLEASE EVERYBODY. - Minding negative people and negative situations are a complete waste of time and effort. Free yourself from unproductive environment. Empower yourself with people who don't hesitate giving you compliments, encouragement and people who doesn't hesitate telling you what you need to know, even though it hurts.

7. WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU MAKES YOU STRONGER. - And this strength doesn't necessarily come as physical strength. Oftentimes, the ones who act tough are the ones who had to mask weaknesses out. Ability to forgive, to let go and to restart are the best attributes of strength.

8. NOBODY IS EVER READY. - Engagement, promotion, marriage, pregnancy, sickness, death... I'd hail the people who really are so sure that they were ready upon dealing with these life changes. Don't fight back but learn to cope up. Humans have the natural ability to cope up. And you may find it hard to believe, but you are blessed to be in these kind of situations because it means you are given a chance to adapt, learn new survival skills and most of all, reap its goodness which is to be able to pass your own legacy.

9. EACH OF US DESERVES RESPECT. - We have come from different backgrounds, gone thru different circumstances, experienced different kind of pains. We are molded accordingly to be able to serve our purpose. Never judge.

10. HAPPINESS IS A CHOICE. - It comes from your own satisfaction from within. Be guilt-free. That's the ultimate form of happiness.