
Monday, November 05, 2012


"SOCIAL DRINKING is the consumption of alcohol without reaching the point of being drunk. It is drinking in a safe, legal, and responsible manner, allowing you to socialize. Three or less measured drinks (or a blood alcohol level of up to 0.05%) is considered to be within the social drinking range."


I do drink mainly for 3 reasons:
1. to unwind
2. to celebrate
3. to heighten up and extract the flavors of what I eat

To take these into account, I'd like to share some drinks that I really loved in welcoming the month leading to my 30th birthday. As Carrie Bradshaw did say "Have fun! That's what your 20's are for, when you're at your 30's, that's when you learn the lessons, and when you are at your 40's, that's when you pay for the drinks!"
I did learn it the hard way that drinking to be drunk didn't do me any good. I did have my share on one of the corners of Lan Kwai Fong to release myself from getting possessed by alcohol but that's where we draw the line with how much I should share. What's more interesting are the drinks that I have had that would be good to have "again". Stanford University mentioned (and I agree) that in order for the deed to be called social drinking, it should not go pass 3 glasses/servings/cups nor exceed a 0.05% alcohol blood level. Here they are:


Cathy Seumanutafa, a friend of mine and I, had gone out to a lot of lunches and meet-ups together just to catch up. She would take me to the nicest places to dine. One day, we tried out a brunch buffet together with Nicole in ISOLA and we decided to ease the hearty brunch with a MOJITO. Since then, mojitos are ever present in everything that Cathy and I share. Now, she's expecting a baby boy and I can't wait to share the most recent flavor I've drank just yet. Probably, after she is done nursing the baby, the MANGO MOJITO!!!!

Mojito's primary alcohol content is rum, preferably, white rum. It is prepared in a Collins glass standardly with 3 leaves of Mint, 30ml lime juice or just how much you'd prefer to kill the bitter taste of alcohol, 2 teaspoons of sugar, soda water and poured on the rocks. Now, with the Mango Mojito, I ain't sure if the lime juice is reduced to 10 ml then mango extract/juice is poured on to fill the extra 20ml. This summer this particular cocktail had just topped my charts this year.

I have tasted it for the first time at BISOUS HK while watching the ever fabulous Les Fleurs Savage!!!! And had preferred to start a celebratory night with it for my friends getting promoted recently.


Vai Lima of Samoa, Red Horse of the Philippines (famous amongst foreigners here in HK), Heineken and Corona as I stayed here in Hong Kong. These are so far the top choices. A poker game maybe with friends, or having a BBQ by a bonfire, of course, ain't forgetting the "So You Think You Can Dance"-nights and a hearty dinner with Hogan at Chilli and Spice, it's either Heineken or Corona. It's smooth, perfect when it's icy cold and releases tension after a week's work.

This was taken last fall when we spent our 4th year anniversary in Gold Coast over good barbecue in Chilli and Spice. One of the most priceless moments of my life. Together with my loved one who supports me all the way and someone who'd accept the real me. I never was a fan from the beginning of beer but then I get to taste the finest ones. And I get to compare it and got some of my own preferences.

3. There's no other way to enjoy social drinking other than doing it with co-workers as you get an opportunity to relate to them on a different perspective. You get the chance to let loose, vent out without being judged and knowing more of who you work with spending 8 hours or more with them almost everyday anyway, whether you like it or not - so it wouldn't hurt if you would get to know them better. Most days, you and your co-workers are driven to move with a common purpose, "pressured" most often than not. So, having a breather could be a good way to bond for a much better outcome at the workplace.

When doing so, it shouldn't necessarily be fancy. Here in Hong Kong, there are a lot of freebies and happy hours. These happy hours offer snacks and my most favorite would be cheese to go with my rose wine. For women, Thursday is ladies' night. Most bars give out free drinks to ladies for a couple of hours to start off the night. Champagne and Vodka nights happen too. Not much of a fan of red wines but it's good to drink it when enjoying a juicy medium well steak. With a roasted salmon or any fish for that matter, white wine blends well. Wines help to regulate blood pressure levels as it relaxes the heart from working overtime when you're nerves are a wreck. On the other hand, hard drinks and/or shots can do two things. It's either to awake you with just one or two but more than that paves the way to the other thing.... it's called a HANGOVER. Don't dare try this if not with trusted company.

4. TEQUILA ROSE is the one thing that I love sharing with 'em ladies. It's not that popular here in Hong Kong and is ain't available most of the time at the bars in Lan Kwai Fong. But this is a dear drink to me because it tastes of cream, milk and strawberry with a pinch of tequila that makes this drink worth ordering. I just get it in Duty Free whenever I get a chance. Rarely do I get a chance to taste this so it's always good and special. Do try this y'all!

5. BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM, on the other hand is an Irish whiskey and cream based liquer, made by Gilbey's of Ireland. Compared to the TEQUILA ROSE, this could be shared among men. There are different variants that it could be served as. There's MINT CHOCOLATE, COFFEE, CREME CARAMEL, HAZELNUT, BISCOTTI AND ORANGE TRUFFLE, though the ORIGINAL is still my top choice from the rest. A friend of mine, Madame Beular Makehta, made a ref cake/dessert out of it once and made us all taste it. It was so good to wrap up dinner with plus some dancing in the end.


I remember we got this because of a buy-one-take-one deal in Singapore when we had our vacation there last year (2011). I actually got the lemon variant but this was waaaayyyy better. If you would ever have the chance to have dinner there with friends, do try this because it was more than satisfying. This drink reminds me of my good friends, Wendell and Earl who was the lead singer for the musical called, "LaVie" and who plays "SHE-DEVIL" in Universtal Studios' "Monster Rock"-show respectively. We celebrated both of their successful lives as dancers turned star vocalists. I made this drink go along with a triple threat. Shrimps, steak and grilled chicken! That beside me, is Wendell by the way. Great times!


Ahhhh.... there's nothing compared to reuniting with ladies
who are beautiful inside and out. This shot was at TIVO which
was introduced to us all by Carlie who knows Central, HK by heart.
This place offers free snacks with their happy hour cocktails.
My favorite to order here is their LYCHEE MARTINI.
Bitter and sweet. Just how I like it.

8. FAT TUESDAY drinks in Las Vegas are a must for an experience. Alright, in scouting clubs in vegas, it's good to start it up with this. Alcohol mixed with fruits. Alright, this one that I'm holding, there ain't no alcohol in it. Because I've had enough the night before and I still wanted to take a lot of "good" photos of the view. Plus my mom was accusing me already of being an alcoholic because I was drinking in Vegas! It just makes me laugh.

So, yeah, people, this could be a good addition to your experience list.

9. Earlier this year, Ate Beks, my sister's housemate brought us to  The Grove where a good terrace for cocktails stood next to Planet Dailies where we were going to have dinner. Three of us had cocktails and my mom pineapple juice. This was Khrista's choice and we did offer a sip of each of our own to share so that we would know how different each mix are. And I liked hers the most. Here is the mix of the said drink so you might want to mix it up for yourself at home.

What's so funny was, my mom ended up drinking Khrista's because we reminded her that she was driving that night so... she skipped.

Saturday, October 06, 2012


It was just last year that I had witnessed a good friend of mine of over 10 years, John Paul Adena, awating Rizalyn Morada at the altar for marriage. The closest people whom I have been close to along the time I've spent here in Hong Kong were also there with me. And it was one of the grande vacations I've ever had. Their blessings had kept on pouring as Rizalyn had been part of our Disney family eventually. And now, they're expecting a baby girl.

On her 6th month, she asked me to photograph her pregnancy. It was going to be my first time so gladly, I was more than willing to be part of her project. As I researched for images to inspire me, I've come across bloggers that had documented their own experience on this. And here are the things that I learned:

1. SAFETY FIRST. Pregnant women are expected to be limited with what they can do as you direct them. Their condition should be considered at all times and it would be good to start if both of you are properly nourished. With my experience, Riza and I had lunch with friends before we did the photo shoot.

2. TIME AND GOOD MOOD IS GOLD. Pregnant women could easily get uncomfortable. The outraging hormones could affect their mood easily. So, it's good to let her know how long the photo shoot will take. You also don't want her face to be oily earlier than usual as her stress level easily goes up, so it's good to avoid going beyond the time that you have oriented her with. With Riza, I showed her images that will serve as our aim/inspiration and I have told her that 3 hours would be the allotted time. So she had an idea of what we're going to work on. I've also asked her to tell me whatever makes her feel awkward and uncomfortable and also what she would be willing or not willing to do.

3. THE BUNDLE OF JOY IS AS IMPORTANT AS MOMMY. Jp and Riza are expecting a baby girl and they have named it MJ. Along the way, we whisper to her her name and orients her as well of what we are doing. This helps for some reason for the baby to relax and not give the mom a hard time. You can play mellow music in the background too. Do ask the mom of what she prefers. A form of advice, classical music helps the baby's mind to form to its utmost potential.

4. PROPS, SCENERIES AND CREATIVITY. It's important if you include props that gives your captured moment a personal touch. Rizalyn had a pair of cute shoes given to her as a gift and she likes color purple so we played with all of these. Daddies can also participate but Jp had work that day so I got shots of MJ fore-fronting the wedding band.

5. SERENITY. I had one thing only in mind when I was enhancing Rizalyn's shots. I focused greatly on making every picture look serene and peaceful. Be the judge of it as you watch the slide below.

Monday, October 01, 2012

Getting Pumped Up

10 songs that I can't seem to get tired of listening this week:

1. "Turning Page" by Sleeping at Last

A song made and written for Edward's thoughts as the book, turned to movie "Breaking Dawn (Part 1)" came out. The lyrics remind me of "Iris" of Goo Goo Dolls giving Seth's emotions life in its truest intentions in the movie "City of Angels." Every time the first 8's (piano intro) plays, it sends "goosies" straight to my scalp. The first time I heard of it was when I watched the movie but it hit me hard into downloading it when I watched a contemporary routine in "So You Think You Can Dance Season 9". Here it is...

2. "SKIN" by Rihanna

I know, I know, this came out for so long already. But, there's something irresistibly carnal about it... I can't seem to find the dance which I came across with in youtube randomly that made me attracted to the song but here's the lyrics....

Verse 1:
The mood is set
(ha ha)
So you already know what's next
(uh huh ah)
TV on blast,
Turn it down,
Turn it down.
Don't want it to clash,
With my body screaming out
I know you hearin' it,
You got me moanin' now.
I got a secret that I wanna show you, oh.
I got a Secrets Imma drop em to the floor, oh.


No teasin',
You waited long enough.
Go deep,
Imma throw it at you,
Can't catch it.
Don't hold back,
You know I like it rough.
Know I'm feelin' you, huh.
Know you liking it, huh.


So why you standin' over there witcha clothes on,
Baby strip down for me,
Go on take em off.
Don't worry baby,
Imma meet you half way,
Cause I know you wanna see me.

Verse 2:

Almost there,
(ha ha)
So baby don't stop what you're doing.
Uh huh ah
Softer than a motha-
Boy I know you wanna touch.
Breathing down my neck,
I can tell you wanna-(no-o-ow)
And now you want it like,
(oh o-o-oh)
Want you to feel it now.
I got a secret that I wanna show you, ooh.
I got Secrets imma drop em to the floor, ooh.


No teasin,
You waited long enough.
Go deep,Imma throw it at ya,
Can't catch it.
Don't hold back,You know I like it rough.
Know I'm feelin you, huh.
Know you liking it, huh.


So why you standing over there witcha clothes on,
Baby strip down for me,
Go on take em off.
Don't worry baby,
Imma meetcha' half way,
Cause I know you wanna see me.

Chorus 2:

No heels,No shirt,No skirt,
All I'm in is just skin.
No jeans,Take em off,
Wanna feel your skin.
You a beast, oh.
You know that I like that.
(your skin)
Come here baby,
All I wanna see you in is just skin.
(o-o-oh oh oh oh your skin)
(o-o-oh oh oh oh just skin)
(o-o-oh uh oh oh im lovin your skin)
(oh oh)


All in baby,
Don't hold nothing back.
Wanna take control,
Ain Nothing wrong with that
Say you likin' how I'm feelin'
Gotta tell me that.
Just put your skin baby on my skin.

Chorus 2 (2x):

No heels, No shirt, No skirt,
All I'm in is just skin.
No jeans,Take em off,
Wanna feel your skin.
You a beast, oh.
You know that I like that.
Come on baby,
All I wanna see you in is just skin.

All I wanna see you in is just skin.

All I wanna see you in is just skin.
All I wanna see you in
All I wanna see you in is your skin, oh.


No words on how hilarious this mtv is....
In Hong Kong, I think every bar that you'd pass by in Lan Kwai Fong was playing this in different kind of mixes. Thanks to my friend Khaya for sharing this to me.

4. "GOIN' IN" by Jennifer Lopez, featuring Flo Rida

This was a hit single used in the movie, "Step Up Revolution", as part of their original soundtrack. Jennifer Lopez had just been coming up yet again. It's not new to her to be there on top but this woman's passion and beauty probably would make her stay there for awhile. I believe that season in "American Idol" had put her back on track, exposure wise. Now, he gets to know everybody and reconnect with fellow artists/celebrities/uprising stars to collaborate with in coming up with her new hits.

5. "TONIGHT (Best You Ever Had)" by John Legend ft. Ludacris

Another collaboration alright but me likee!!!! John Legend wrote the lyrics sensually. Such a sweet and luring song. It instantly wakes me up during the "not-so-easy-to-get-up-mornings". Instead of sharing the mtv, (since it's for you to see on your own quiet moment at home) let me get to you to a shoot of one of Urban Camp's dance classes. I love the how the girl in the middle had made the steps so crisp yet so flowy.


One big fashionista, that's Rihanna. I love the beat, keeps you going; I love the outfits, it just makes the whole MTV a statement; I love the theme, it will take time for me to get tired of this MTV, seriously; and the simple groove that Rihanna got, it's just so easy to look at but you've got to be a natural to get it work!

7. "STARSHIPS" by Nicki Minaj

As the song goes, starships were meant to fly, from there, I love what it suggests that we own different identities. Though, generally, we pursue the same thing, HAPPINESS. So, I'd say, along with how the MTV was made, we should all respect differences. Nobody is "EVER" alike!!!!

8."WHO YOU ARE" by Jessie J

I love Jessie J, the way she writes, the way how fierce she looks but sensitivity arises from her songs, SHE IS DOPE!!!! She sings this and it reminds me that the world deserves to know who you are. LIFE is too short to live somebody else's life.

9. "MOVES LIKE JAGGER" by Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera

The longest band standing for me. Well, they started since I was in college I believe and they're still wanted by so many expecting fans up until now. They recently had a concert here in Hong Kong that sold standing tickets for more or less hk900.00. The arena was filled, let me tell you that.

Let me share this to you. It's much more to watch.

10. "I WAS HERE" by Beyonce

The first time I heard this song, I've always thought that this is Beyonce's way of rewriting Frank Sinatra's "My Way". It almost talks of the same thing as they graced the limelight being able to touch a lot of people's lives with their songs. I did my warm up after learning that somebody dear to me had passed away. He helped me to be where I am now.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I always feel excited every time I am about to do a photo shoot, may it be me who's going to be the subject or me doing the project for somebody.

Recently, I had the infamous Mark Bautista to grace me with his talent. Mark, who had been of service for a lot of Hong Kong performers, had already caught my attention as he continuously works on a lot of portrait shots of my friends and colleagues at work. And they all came out divine. Finally, our schedules met after 3 attempts of booking a day with him. We grabbed the opportunity for a fun day.

No awkward nor dull moment as we started as he was as passionate in styling me up as he was with his camera. Truly, he and Jen Bautista are a good match in coming up with a new me. There is more than "dedication" for a word to describe their team as Joms Ortega's helping hands contributed to the photo shoot's huge success too. All of us just went in sync automatically and I, myself was also amazed that it went smoothly and longer than we expected.

The appointment was at 11am. And as soon as Mark reached the house, we uttered our hi's and hello's and he took note of what looks I would and would not be willing to do. After then he looked at the closet, asked where the shoe cabinet was and scattered the set of accessories I have to match 'em altogether. I did bring out some of my preferences and he combined it with his own. We had set my home as the location as it went more than versatile as we have thought so. We went for industrial look, rocker look, serene, happy, "maring" (sweet), and of course, we had to wrap it up with the Katrina Kyte Dalino pose.... as he wanted it to be documented from when I did it when I was younger.

All in all, it was such a good rediscovery of what I always have loved to do. The "plus" there was gaining another friend who was more than willing to show who I truly am, not just based on looks. It was a good release to be helped out to portray the real me even thru a very silent picture. It was all worth it. Professionally speaking, he did a great job of convincing me to give out more than what I was used to working on. Jen and Joms on the other hand, never ran out of praises and kind words. Oh! They knew how to encourage a "SMIZE" out of you. Catching up with them made the time spent go priceless in doing this project. I've performed with them before but now they have moved on to greater heights and hearing them talk about it nurtured my dreams. It's always important to surround yourself with positive people who makes you feel that "nothing is impossible", people who never loose hope and are just happy come what may.

It's a long gone thankful post but still, I would want to extend my biggest gratitude to Mark Bautista, Jen Bautista and Joms Ortega for all of these wonderful shots....

I suggest you coordinate with him if you want to refresh your portrait shots or just to capture a certain moment with family and friends. It is definitely worth it. Or please feel free to comment if interested on how to contact his team.
Related posts:

1. THEN AND NOW - a tribute to the creator of the KATRINA KYTE DALINO POSE, and to the ones who had made it famous.
2. JACKY JUNTARO PHOTOGRAPHY - See the works of Jacky as he had helped me make a record of one of my bucket list coming to life.
3. BUCKET LIST - Check out what we have in common and what I may have written down that you want to include in yours.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Humble Beginnings

TIME surely does pass swiftly as this page from way back just emerged from Facebook. My man's
(Hogan) manager before in Taiwan, Papa Chien posted it up and I thought of sharing it and writing about it. It just continuously amazes me how much I'm witnessing as to how the Lord used him to be a tool in sharing their rich culture thru their renowned talent.

This was a page from the newspaper announcing Hogan being the champion of the 4th International Siva Afi Competition (2005) in Samoa. He now shares the limelight with two people that I know now personally. Harry Pupualii, whom Hogan had been friends with and Frankie Solomona, who is a brother to him are now working together with a line of talented people here in Hong Kong Disneyland. I pray that all of you would continuously be blessed of strength that you need to possess in fulfilling your dreams to serve as good examples of your own people. Keep up the good work and continue making your mamas proud.

Related posts:
1. THE DISTINCT ART OF THE SAMOAN TATTOO CALLED THE PE'A - Here's an experience to share of witnessing my husband take the first step into becoming a chief, receiving the traditional tattoo.
2. NO TEARS THIS THURSDAY, GET INSPIRED INSTEAD - A line up of talented Filipinos representing their country and their families respectively by being part of a magical day to many tourists at Hong Kong Disneyland.
3. D'TALIPAPA - If you're planning to see Boracay, don't miss visiting this seafood haven.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


It's amazing how pictures could play a great role in our lives as they mirror
traces of memory, that even to us, the truth behind it is awakening.

It was seven years ago when I had my photo taken by Patrick Mabanta
whose creative efforts had given birth to the "Katrina Kyte Dalino pose".
He studied photography in Brunei then had put up his own business
in the Philippines that time (around 2005).
My sister advised that a photo is a good investment
if you want to land some commercials and gigs, so I had my own taken.
I'd say for both business and pleasure (for FRIENDSTER - lol!).
I was hesitant to own this pose as this photo shoot was
just for own usage coming up with zed cards to give to a number
of talent agencies in the Philippines.

When I decided to be part of the Disney family,
people started tagging me doing this pose and it made me feel
more than grateful to be remembered this way.
I love seeing them get inspired as they embrace their own beauty
and confidence in having their photos taken doing this exact pose entitling it
"a tribute to you" or just the mere fact that they feel beautiful in doing it,
putting on a fierce attitude and adding up their own personal touch.
But going deeper, I love it that they remember me this way.
In fact, all of their renditions were so good,
it came to a point that I felt intimidated as theirs
had looked way better than mine.

To that, I challenged myself to have my picture taken once again
considering the added experience, stronger motive and bold intentions.
It did show as looking at both of the images,
you would find remarkable changes.

My eyes became more relaxed and not too innocent.
My cheekbones had formed and all baby fats and/or chummy cheeks
turned to form a deeper angle chiseling the jaw.
My awkward lips had faded away and so did my two
front teeth that are longer than before for some reason.
I guess a woman had emerged alright.

For the latest Katrina Kyte Dalino Pose,
I'd like to extend my gratitude to Mark Bautista and his crew,
Jen Bautista and Joms Ortega for a wonderful photoshoot that we had last Sunday. 
Edited photos are yet to come up and I'd share it to you soon once
it's all completed and shared by the photographer.

I've included a slide show of the people who had shared
their photos doing the "Katrina Kyte Dalino pose".
A million thanks to all of you.

A Sweet Reminder

The LORD is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?
(Psalm 27:1)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

"50 Shades of Grey"

Whenever I critique a book, I always choose a very good line to include in it and start from there. For some reason, considering this being on the top on my list of "Good-reads", it's very hard for me to do so since to a lot of people, EROTICISM is huge taboo.

E L JAMES's, (who had set aside writing for a long time to care for her family first) "FIFTY SHADES OF GREY" Trilogy was a surprise to me how she had me hooked for just 2 days to the first book. Her way of writing was raw and fresh that makes her readers wanting for "more". She had given "ROMANCE" a different pang as she mixed Anastasia Steele's INEXPERIENCE to Christian Grey's INDIFFERENCE opening a different world for your imagination to conquer.

I've always been pointing out that AWARENESS to oneself is a key to knowing your next move towards a certain situation. Whether it is about decision making, assessing expectations or just remaining still, AWARENESS helps you into accepting who you are. And I'm sure you're going to agree to what I am about to say, but, ACCEPTANCE of oneself, is VERY IMPORTANT to be able to relate to our surroundings, animate and "or not". All of these, I am reminded as I go thru the exchange of emotions and demeanor between each of the character mentioned previously. And yet again, it all boils down to one thought, NOBODY'S PERFECT. This is considered a FACT all over the world. Yet the line, "We aim to please." always lingers at the back of your mind, at the tip of your tongue, remaining to be our mantra. And that's when everything turns about and becomes complicated. LIFE, as it is, is a continuous struggle to attaining BALANCE.

I recommend this as a "GOOD READ" and worthwhile of your time to increase such AWARENESS.



Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Exciting Hong Kong Disneyland, October 2012

The Mickey Water Works Parade hold a great place in my heart.
You will naturally love it if you get to watch it,
and to my account, the more you'd enjoy it if you're the actual performer.
That's what I shared to the new batch that came in this 2012.
Being first timers, I thought of welcoming them by telling them
the story of how I loved it in the first place.

It was the first parade that I learned when I first started working here in HK Disney.
From 2007, every Summer, it was presented to a lot of guests
combined with different other shows. Namely, the Stitch Summer Dance Bash,

the High School Musical Live Show,
the Cars Show,
and the satellite shows where in each land,
you get to do a meet and greet with different characters such as
the Junior Space Rangers, Minnie doing the hula hoops or blowing
bubbles with Donald and getting a feel of the Polynesian fire knife performances
in Adventureland. Overall, it was the most enjoyable season for me to visit the park.
This year, 2012, it ran again after skipping a year (2011) to give way to
Hong Kong Disneyland's 5th year anniversary.
To celebrate that, the Flights of Fantasy was unleashed to
bring the guests' imagination to greater heights for one whole year.

We did two parades everyday, both FOF and Mickey Waterworks,
for 2 and a half months and I never realized how much I missed
all the summer fun 'til I get to do it again.

Now, we have started Halloween Parade and in addition to
the 2 roles I got, I would be doing the Zombie Waltz.
It's something that I find challenging that I had to ask
the veterans and the original cast for this when it started
about how they did it and what do they think about to give
justice to the role.

Watch out also for the extra shows happening in
Tomorrowland as the Trons and the hiphoppers get it
alive and pumping! The park has a new horror house
called Graves Academy and I believe it was disturbingly worth it to see.
The vampires and the werewolves also will prove to you
what they got as they come to a battle.
You've got to choose your side fast!

Don't miss on the spectacular shows HK Disney got for you this
Halloween season!
See you there!

Saturday, June 30, 2012


When I researched about China Eastern Airlines, before flying to the States, I figured, "No wonder the flight to LA is super cheap. They just gave it a half star out of 5." I read so many nasty things about the airline as far as getting delayed is concerned, uncomfortable seats, poor service and unbearable in flight movies.

At first, before booking my flight, I had to ask colleagues at work as to what their own experience went with China Eastern. Edwin Kamantigue, (whom I know travels a lot and had experienced it once or twice) told me that it went alright, reminded me that all flights get delayed regardless and that there's nothing much to expect in the first place because the fare had cost me just HK5,900 from Hong Kong to USA including tax. Meaning, the entertainment it provides could be annoying but, it'd push you to somehow get a snooze which you needed more for your trip as far as time difference is concerned. I didn't have much to complain about flying with them since it's always a habit for me to read while on a trip. It's my own personal form of entertainment. Compared to some businessmen and techies who had downloaded their own entertainment in their laptops, I prefer having my own entertainment in my hands. But as you can see, I've taken a photo of the accessible plugs at the back of each seat to recharge your gadget for 'em computer addicts, who would in the future might prefer speed rather than convenience. Just to give out viable information, it turns green once it's alright to use. Ideally, after taking off. In addition to what I could let the future passengers of CHINA EASTERN know is that the entertainment sucks for a FACT. When the airplane kind of goes into turbulence, some of the TVs turn off on its own. It gets turned on again but not at the same time. (Refer to the photos below as I took them during turbulent times every 30 seconds.) They also play a movie and then you'll be surprised that in a matter of like around 1 hour had passed, it would switch to a different movie. I was mad and confused at first. And then I realized, it's like watching VCD's. They play the Disc 1 first and then the Disc 2 later after 5 Disc 1 movies were shown. I don't know why but looking at it positively, maybe because the passengers may feel a little bit sleepy at first. In changing to another movie, it will give them ample rest for the remaining Disc 2 of the movie within the 14 hour flight.
I didn't take photos of my food but they were very well served. It was warm and on time. I think that's what's most important. I missed capturing them because I still don't believe that my iPhone can be totally 0% troublesome during a flight even if it's on an "Airplane Mode". I can't risk my safety and that of others. Let those people who still turned them on but the crew kept on going to them asking them to shut it down. I hope somebody could let me know the difference of turned on laptops with iPhones on an airplane mode because honestly, it's really scary. I guess there's none but just so for getting properly informed of what triggers the aircraft's computer system to get damaged when we turn on our cellphones? Please do comment if you have any ideas.

Anyway, the food.... oh yes.... they have good choices. I always went for noodles. Both of the choices present Western and Eastern cuisines. They serve wine too, apple/orange juice, water (I've been going to the back where the flight attendants heat up the food for water and they didn't mind. It had become like a "Help yourself situation.") and sodas. It was pretty difficult to let them know of what you need right away because they don't speak in English. Or at least just slow in understanding it. I believe they all know how to speak. Their approach is a little intimidating and you don't know if they're in the mood or what. It gives you a feeling of "rather not ask".

This one's funny. When I went to the back to take a little walk and to stretch up, I saw this and I couldn't help but take a photo.

That's the thing with second hand aircrafts. It's usually a case of an airline gone bankrupt that they had to be absorbed by a bigger one. And so, they don't want to waste the manufactured/engineered, "good to go" airplanes that they'd just let it be as long as it can bring passengers to their desired destinations. As I've observed, China Eastern Airline tickets' selling factor are the following:

1. AVAILABILITY OF FLIGHTS - They have a flight almost everyday and at the most convenient time of the day. If you leave, 9am here, more likely, you'll reach your destination the next day. For sure, you've had enough sleep by then that you won't have a problem dealing with jet lag. With my flight, I departed at 9am and I reached LA by 12nn. I was good to go the entire day as I've slept quite well.

2. SPEED - They are quite on time. Many comments in one website said that they were most often delayed with all their flights. But as of me, From HK to Shanghai, it was on time. Then Shanghai to LA was actually on time. I took the same route coming back. Even then, it was alright except that with the last flight that got delayed for just 20 minutes (TOLERABLE...) due to the limited buses in Shanghai to bring us to our aircraft going back to HK.

3. CHEAP FLIGHTS - I already shared the amount I paid above. Imagine the savings I made.
4. NON-STOP FLIGHTS - Most of the passengers hail this if American tourists wanted to see Beijing or Shanghai for its renowned tourist spots such as the Forbidden City and Great Wall of China. Some airlines needed to have a layover in some other Asian countries before heading straight to China. I find this as their own strategy (Prohibiting direct access of other airlines to China so that China Eastern Airlines would be much preferred.)

Overall, CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES didn't give me a headache at all. I give them 3.5 stars out of 5. With EVA air, the last time I went to USA, my luggage was lost and it took them a long time to contact the man who had mistaken my bag as his. But CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES, despite my layover in Pudong, Shanghai, to and from the USA, took care of my stuff as expected. I didn't need to get it then check it in again. Plus, they granted the seat that I liked which was along the aisle with no awful remarks nor violent reactions. It went all good.

In Shanghai, I took my time to walk around. When I was hungry, I ate. But it tasted totally different with Hong Kong food. Theirs needed a lot of salt. Hehehe! That part of getting laid over was not fun.

Their airport offered sterile water. That saved me from 4 hours of dehydration.

Folks, CHINA EASTERN is alright. It ain't that bad. I had expected worse.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Abercrombie & Fitch Ad

 It was in the afternoon when my friend, Fern Caoilan (Chang Fernie!) shared this to me before doing the second parade. AJ (Aaron Jan) and I went gaga as we watched it. I could tell some of the models were actually laughing awkwardly though this video has its highlights. My personal favorites are the models, shaking it right and left to the beat turning about from the camera and rising up from the bushes lip syncing each stanza. It's entertaining enough for us to feel light even if it was a 2-parade day on a hot weather warning. Worth to watch and it's alright to gasp! LOL!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Filipina wins first prize at prestigious ballet tilt

Filipina wins first prize at prestigious ballet tilt

Happy Independence Day Philippines!!!!

From the time being that I had known that Philippines had been conquered by Spain (for more than 300 years), USA (for more than 3 years), and Japan (1 year), my understanding of how pure I am as a Filipino had been a crucial argument with myself. Actually, as of the present, let me include *China since they own a lot of businesses in the Philippines - lol!!!! It seems like they are "currently" co-owning the country. That's just my personal opinion though. (So sorry, let me continue writing about the "INDEPENDENCE WEEK".) I own some qualities of the Spaniards in terms of how black and thick my hair is, not wavy like theirs but straight (so Asian, maybe from Japanese or Malay race), my built is in between endomorph and mesomorph... some say I could pass for a Chinese when I try to bargain in Mong Kok (I try to speak in Cantonese so that I could get a good deal; that way they'd never think of me as a tourist.) I'm not surprised that I am attracted to Spanish music and they're way of dancing. I guess, the Spaniards really influenced us a lot in terms of lifestyle because I can never take away my fascination for POKER and having *siesta in the afternoon.

In terms of learning, I owe it to the Americans I guess since they're the ones who introduced public schools in the Philippines. Japan, lastly, were brutal as far as I know based on the books that we had studied and movies that included reenactments of those horrible times. But I do owe them a lot in terms of my drive to strive to being the best. In my own opinion, Asians tend to become survivors because of their color and/or race per se. Most of the Asian countries are always seen as composed of third world countries. They are the ones who are often mistreated by racists. So, they always strive to be good in everything.

Well.... all in all, I just want to be proud of who I have become. In honoring the Philippine Independence Week, I would like to take into account, all our ancestors who had shaped the freedom all of us Filipinos enjoy today. If not for them, we would always be "a part" of a colony. We would never get to share our history combined with our rich culture.

I came across this passage after seeing the photos of Filipinos being dumped 
because they didn't make it in the Death March. 
At the present time, so many Filipinos are gracing different countries of
service, talent and whole-hearted dedication.

Let me mention Filipinos that gave an inspiring impact to me this year
that they deserve a special mention and introduction.
I'm sure not only me knows these people.

Firstly, the one who held this much record in boxing....


Our very own  MANNY PACQUIAO.

I wanted to say more but I just copied this much in WIKIPEDIA.
I didn't realize that it was going to say it all already.
But just a little thing to add up.
He trained when he was young with an old set of tires which
I shared the photo in one of my blogs entitled "Strive to Make a Difference".
Please don't hesitate to check it out.

being the the 2012 American Idol 1st Runner Up. She blew
an audience off during the entire season of 2012 American Idol
since was just the best from start to finish, needless to say.

Being a 16 year old singing sensation, she had the chance
to perform with Jennifer Holiday, the one and only daring dreamgirl
during the last night of the mentioned singing competition for showing off what she got.
I'm sure she had inspired not just me but a lot out there who
own the same talent merging it with pure intentions and a very sturdy passion.

Last but not the least, I would like to honor the two Filipino
ballet dancers, namely, *CANDICE ADEA and  
for winning 1st Place in Helsinki Internationall Ballet Competition
and Best in Pas de Deux Technique respectively.

It's such an overwhelming feeling, witnessing how Filipinos strive
in becoming at their best and in the end, accomplishing
breathtaking success. I have to mention all the overseas workers
also who sacrifice being away from their families just to earn a living
and provide for their dependents' needs. Here in Hong Kong, 
Disneyland cast members, domestic helpers, government workers, entertainers and teachers 
are just but a few who render service to the best of their abilities.

Again, like the people who had sacrificed
their own lives in the past, the OFW's who are now
sacrificing their own time away from their loved ones are heroes in their own right.
We wouldn't be granted much of this FREEDOM if not for their courage.


*Cebu Pacific is an airline very well known of its Php1.00 (both) local and international flights coming to and from Philippines that is being owned by John Gokongwei and so are all Robinsons Department Stores. SM Department Stores which hold the most numerous number of shopping centres and now branching to real estate is owned by Henry Sy. Both Henry Sy and John Gokongwei are Chinese.

*SIESTA ( ) - is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Such a period of sleep is a common tradition in some countries, particularly those where the weather is warm.

*Candice Adea and Jean Marc Codero's article: go to this link -->
or click the link above which I've set for my own post featuring the talents mentioned to go directly to the information regarding this article.

DISCLAIMER: All of the information shared are based on a research made online only. Google links to certain blogs and usage of photos are for visual purposes for identification of certain topics, specific people and detailed descriptions. I am humbly sharing it and not claiming it as my own. WIKIPEDIA had also been one of the resources used.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Current Addictions


1. I love the elegant stylization of the characters. 
Despite the conspiracy behind the connections of each character to another,
lines are still delivered with grace. Sarcasm is to be read between the lines.
MADELINE STOWE amazed me with her versatility in acting.
The only movie I remember her in is, "BLINK".
Her persona there is totally opposite of what she had shown here in REVENGE.

2. I love the idea that the title strongly suggests evil.
But as you watch it, EVIL NEVER WILL PREVAIL.
It is a modern way of implementing to the audience
that only TRUE LOVE can break an EVIL SPELL.
If you've seen this, you'd totally agree with me.


She plays the underdog here. And I love the struggle in her character.

2. I love DEBRA MESSING singing here.
I never knew she underwent broadway training.
As I read about her, I found out that 
"A Walk in the Clouds" was her first debut movie.
I loved that movie. Cool to know.

3. I love the reality it presents when it comes to actually being in broadway
or any other performing business for that matter.
Show business has its flaws too. What to do and what not
to do are bluntly shared here.
It reminds me of the movie, "SHOWGIRLS".

4. I love how it is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from GLEE.
There are a lot of original songs that are good to
sing for auditions.

Because of this series, my faith towards serendipitous events just builds up more and more. It also makes me appreciate subtle and weird encounterments. This series encourages me to look at LIFE's bigger picture.