
Sunday, August 09, 2015


For my #DIYMonday, I would like to encourage everybody to keep abreast of your strengths and weaknesses by being aware of the common causes of failure. The importance lies on knowing what you might be having or doing wrong as of the moment in order to set yourself straight and in order for you to fully know your WORTH. 


Life's greatest tragedy consists of men and women who earnestly try, and fail! The tragedy lies in the overwhelmingly large majority of people who fail, as compared to the few who succeed.

I have had the privilege of analysing several thousand men and women, 98% of whom were classed as "failures". There is something radically wrong with a civilisation, and a system of education, which permit 98% of the people to go through life as failures. But I did not write this book for the purpose of moralising on the rights and wrongs of the world; that would require a book a hundred times the size of this one.

My analysis work proved that there are thirty major reasons for failure, and thirteen major principles through which people accumulate fortunes. In this chapter, a description of the thirty major causes of failure will be given. As you go over the list, check yourself by it, point by point, for the purpose of discovering how many of these causes-of-failure stand between you and success.


 There is but little, if anything which can be done for people who are born with a deficiency in brain power. This philosophy offers but one method of bridging this weakness-through the aid of the Master Mind. Observe with profit, however, that this is the ONLY one of the thirty causes of failure which may not be easily corrected by any individual.


There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Ninety-eight out of every hundred of those whom I have analysed, had no such aim. Perhaps this was the


We offer no hope for the person who is so indifferent as not to want to get ahead in life, and who is not willing to pay the price.


This is a handicap which may be overcome with comparative ease. Experience has proven that the best-educated people are often those who are known as "self-made", or "self-educated". It takes more than a college degree to make one a person of education. Any person who is educated is one who has learned to get whatever he wants in life without violating the rights of others. Education consists, not so much of knowledge, but of knowledge effectively and persistently APPLIED. Men are paid, not merely for what they know, but more particularly for WHAT THEY DO WITH THAT WHICH THEY KNOW.


Discipline comes through self-control. This means that one must control all negative qualities. Before you can control conditions, you must first control yourself. Self-mastery is the hardest job you will ever tackle. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self. You may see at one and the same time, both your best friend and your greatest enemy, by stepping in front of a mirror.


No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health. Many of the causes of ill health are subject to mastery and control. These, in the main are:
a. Overeating of foods not conducive to health.
b. Wrong habits of thought; giving expression to negatives.
c. Wrong use of, and over indulgence in sex.
d. Lack of proper physical exercise.
e. An inadequate supply of fresh air, cut to improper breathing.


"As the twig is bent, so shall the tree grow." Most people who have criminal tendencies acquire them as the result of bad environment, and improper associates during childhood.


This is one of the most common causes of failure. "Old Man Procrastination" stands within the shadow of every human being, waiting his opportunity to spoil one's chances of success. Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing something worthwhile. Do not wait. The time will never be "just right." Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.


Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for PERSISTENCE. The person who makes PERSISTENCE his watch-word, discovers that "Old Man Failure" finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with PERSISTENCE.


There is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality. Success comes through the application of POWER, and the power is attained through the cooperative efforts of other people. A negative personality will not induce cooperation.


Sex energy is the most powerful of all the stimuli which move people into ACTION. Because it is the most powerful of the emotions, it must be controlled, through transmutation, and converted into other channels.


The gambling instinct drives millions of people to failure. Evidence of this may be found in a study of the Wall Street crash of '29, during which millions of people tried to make money by gambling on stock margins.


Men who succeed reach decisions promptly, and change them, if at all, very slowly. Men who fail, reach decisions, if at all, very slowly, and change them frequently, and quickly. Indecision and procrastination are twin brothers. Where on is found, the other may usually be found also. Kill off this pair before they completely "hog-tie" you to the treadmill of FAILURE.


These fears have been analysed for you in a later chapter. They must be mastered before you can market your services effectively.


This is a most common cause of failure. The relationship of marriage brings people intimately into contact. Unless this relationship is harmonious, failure is likely to follow. Moreover, it will be a form of failure that is marked by misery and unhappiness, destroying all signs of AMBITION.


The person who takes no chances, generally has to take whatever is left when others are through choosing. Over-caution is as bas as under-caution. Both are extremes to be guarded against. Life itself is filled with the element of chance.


This is one of the most common causes of failure in business. In marketing personal services, one should use great care to select an employer who will be an inspiration, and who is, himself, intelligent and successful. We emulate those with whom we associate most closely. Pick an employer who is worth emulating.


Superstition is a form of fear. It is also a sign of ignorance. Men who succeed keep open minds and are afraid of nothing.


No man can succeed in a line of endeavour which he does not like. The most essential step in the marketing of personal services is that of selecting an occupation into which you can throw yourself wholeheartedly.


The "jack-of-all-trades" seldom is good at any. Concentrate all of your efforts on one DEFINITE CHIEF AIM.


The spend-thrift cannot succeed, mainly because he stands eternally in FEAR OF POVERTY. Form the habit of systematic saving by putting aside a definite percentage of your income. Money in the bank gives on a very safe foundation of COURAGE when bargaining for the sale of personal services. Without money, one must take what one is offered, and be glad to get it.


Without enthusiasm one cannot be convincing. Moreover, enthusiasm is contagious, and the person who has it, under control, is generally welcome in any group of people.


The person with a  "closed" mind on any subject seldom gets ahead. Intolerance means that one has stopped acquiring knowledge. The most damaging forms of intolerance are those connected with religious, racial, and political differences of opinion.


The most damaging forms of intemperance are connected with eating, strong drink, and sexual activities. Overindulgence in any of these is fatal to success.


More people lost their positions and their big opportunities in life because of this fault, than for all other reasons combined. It is a fault which no well-informed business man, or leader will tolerate.


(Sons and daughters of wealthy men, and others who inherit money which they did not earn). Power in the hands of one who did not acquire it gradually, is often fatal to success. QUICK RICHES  are more dangerous than poverty.


There is no substitute for honesty. One may be temporarily dishonest by force of circumstances over which on has no control, without permanent damage. But, there is NO HOPE for the person who is dishonest by choice. Sooner or later, his deeds will catch up with him, and he will pay by loss of reputation, and perhaps even loss of liberty.


These qualities serve as red lights which warn others to keep away. THEY ARE FATAL TO SUCCESS.


Most people are too indifferent or lazy to acquire FACTS with which to THINK ACCURATELY. They prefer to act on "opinion" created by guesswork or snap-judgements.


This is a common cause of failure among those who start out in business for the first time, without insufficient reserve of capital to absorb the shock of their mistakes, and to carry them over until they have established a REPUTATION.

31. Under this, name any particular cause of failure from which you have suffered that has not been included in the foregoing list.

In these thirty major causes of failure is found a description of the tragedy of life, which obtains for practically every person who tries and fails. It will be helpful if you can induce someone who knows you well to go over this list with you, and help to analyse you by the thirty causes of failure. It may be beneficial if you try this alone. Most people cannot see themselves as others see them. You may be one who cannot.

The oldest of admonitions is "Man, know thyself!" If you market merchandise successfully, you must know the merchandise. The same is true in marketing personal services. You should know all of your weaknesses in order that you may either bridge them or eliminate them entirely. You should know your strength in order that you may call attention to it when selling your services. You can know yourself only through accurate analysis.

The folly of ignorance in connection with self was displayed a young man who applied to the manager of a well known business for a position. He made a very good impression until the manager asked him what salary he expected. He replied that he had no fixed sum in mind (lack of a definite aim). The manager then said, "We will pay you all you are worth, alter we try you out for a week."

"I will not accept it," the applicant replied, "because I AM GETTING MORE THAN THAT WHERE I AM NOW EMPLOYED."

Before you even start to negotiate for a readjustment of your salary in your present position, or to seek employment elsewhere, BE SURE THAT YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN YOU NOW RECEIVE.

It is one thing to WANT money -- everyone wants more -- but it is something entirely different to be WORTH MORE! Many people mistake their WANTS for their JUST DUES. Your financial requirements or wants have nothing whatever to do with your WORTH. Your value is established entirely by your ability to render useful service or your capacity to induce others to render such service.

Related posts:

1. 5 TIPS IN PREPARATION FOR A JOB INTERVIEW - Is selling yourself bad? Check out this post if it agrees with you. Or if you agree with it, let me know.

2. A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL STOCK INVESTING WITH EIP COL EASY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - interested in investing on mutual funds? This might help you out.

3. THE PARABLE OF THE WEEDS - Patience is most needed while you are kept waiting, it's not the ability to wait. Are you patient enough?

Friday, August 07, 2015

Ballet Manila in Hong Kong

"It's not about the shoes, it's about what you do in them."

The Asian Grand Prix Mission International Ballet Competition is an international platform created to inspire and recognise the artistic excellence of passionate and dedicated ballet dancers.

This competition aims to provide an opportunity for talented ballet dancers to demonstrate their talents, explore their potentials, and learn from their peers as well as from the professionals.

Outstanding dancers receive cash awards for advancing their career in professional ballet companies or receive scholarships to further their training in renowned ballet schools.

CEO and Director
Ballet Manila, Philippines
Representing Asia, AGP hosts this annual event in Hong Kong and invites ballet stars from all over the world to perform at the Gala Performance.

- AGP  Mission

This year, Ballet Manila will grace the Y-Theatre of their newest masterpiece called "Flight". Its most talented dancers were sent off to participate in the Gala Performance on August 8 (7:30pm) and August 9 (2:30pm).

"Flight" is a combination of all its famous best selling pieces choreographed by world class teachers namely, Agnes Locsin, Augustus Damian III, Gerardo Francisco and the late Tony Fabella.

For those who would like to see them perform, Filipino groups will get huge discounts (HK$80 each) if your group is composed of 20 people and up. Please do leave a comment below if you're interested.

Ticket prices are:
HK$80, HK$180, HK$280, HK$380, HK$480

Another dance project to watch is the Transcendance Project: "Children of War". Presented by Nina Gelladuga,  it is about the war the modern world is currently facing. It says a lot about the precariats, who continuously thrive after the war had been survived. As life's challenges constantly shakes them up, what happens?

That you will get a chance to see on August 15 and 16 from at 8pm in McAulay Studio, Hong Kong Arts Centre. Tickets are available at URBTIX. Click here to book it. For ticketing enquiries, you may also call 3761-6661 and for credit card telephone booking, 2111-5999. For programme enquiries, you may call 6332 7301 or email

"Each body is affected by its form-of-life as if by a clinamen,
a leaning, an attraction, a taste. A body leans toward what leans its way.
This goes for each and every situation. Inclination go both ways."
- Tiqqun, Introduction to Civil War

"Children of War" is a dance performance reflecting on the social and psychological impact of war on children. As if to offer us relief from the normalisation of war, this performance piece reminds us of the children as both prime symbol of the disruptive impact of a life without reprieve from and an embodiment of an aspiration for gentle, peaceful, settled and dignified life. "Children of War" upholds the lives that children deserve - a life safe from harm, from the traumatic sojourn of refuge, from being orphaned and free from overlapping sound of bombs. In looking at their conditions through dance, bodily propositions, and visual environment, this work not only calls attention to how children have become vestiges of war but of how the adults are themselves children, or to be more precise, surviving children of war.

Proceso Gelladuga II
behind him are his paintings
Further more, it is the inaugural project of Transcendance, an arts initiative that aims to stimulate collaborative multimedia projects by bringing together like-minded artists, dancers, former dancers, dance students and enthusiasts. It endeavours to encompass the limits of what dance performances are expected to be and propose alternative methods of presentation and production of dance. Let by husband and wife, Pro and Nina Gelladuga, Children of War also features dancers Sarah Tang, Johnny Amar, Vincent Egido with lights by Billy Wong, visual design by Koala Yip and music and sound design by Fional Lee. This production is made possible through a venue subsidy grant from the HK Arts Center.

If you have time, please do support my friends, Nina, Pro and Vincent for they truly are creative geniuses. Their passion had brought life to this project. I've known Pro for the remarkable portraits we have at home and I know Nina to be one of the bests in her craft. I've seen Vincent also and his core and technique had been reliable enough for him to be able to dance his heart out. And for me, every artists should be able to emulate the way he does. He's one of a kind. Very soulful and free.

1st Dance and Nature Project 2015 which will happen from August 17th to 29th in Finca Manantial  De Tara, Arafo, located in Camino del Portugues 42, 38550 Arafo, Canarias, Spain, is a unique fusion between nature and the art of dance. It is infusing all nature's 5 elements, into the essence of dance.

The work we will delve into will be primarily focused on one hand on great dance styles such as Flying Low and Passing Through, Contact Improvisation, Release, Physical Theatre and Choreographic methodologies, and on th either on the traditional Alchemy and Fusion energy-meditiations and practices from Taoist and Chi Gong lineage. To enhance the practice, we will infuse Buddhist values and philosophies as well as Kundalini Yoga meditations and Kriyas.

Brief Schedule:

Morning classes: Chi Gong and Kundalini Yoga 


Afternoon classes: Technique and Improvisation


Late afternoon class: Improvisation and Creation


Free time and space for rehearsals and discussions

Vangelis is organizing this project so as to integrate dance with nature and the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) from the Taoist and Chi Gong lineage. We will have intensive workshops but also space and time to develop solo and duets inspired by nature. It is a project where we can reconnect back to mother earth, to find our true nature of being and also reconnect with each other; to reconnect with people from different countries, backgrounds and experiences. We will work in studio but also in Nature, we will have cars to take us to the island so as to work, research and develop in unique place of nature in this beautiful island. Vangelis focuses this project on solo and duet works so as to delve deeper on personal and individual practice and develop our dance language and choreography through a process of self-reflection and introspection.

We have confirmed performance on the 29th of August at the Teatro Victoria with the special support by Roberto Torres, and also to be confirmed we will have performances at the theatre of Arafo and site specific performances as part of the local festivities of municipality of Arafo. Vangelis invites people from all diverse backgrounds and continents so as to collectively create an artistic environment where all participants will evolve not only as artists but also as personalities.

Classes description:

Embodied Unity

Vangelis will teach flying low and passing through improvisation class in combination with five elements Chi Gong. After many years of research Vangelis has created this unique class of fusion of energy work, contact improvisation, flying low and passing through. It is a high technical improvisation class, by working on original flying low sequences and principles to find the right foundation to express and expand from. 

In the afternoon classes Vangelis will facilitate choreography and composition intensive workshops through his yearlong research on Chi Gong and five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) including the meridians from Chinese Traditional Medicine. This will be enhanced influenced by great teachers that have inspired him for many years: William Forsythe, Julyen Hamilton, Gill Clarke and David Zambrano. He will open the space for creating solos and duets to present at the end of the project in the theatre of Arafo and Teatro Victoria in Santa Cruz. We will delve deeper on individual and partnering interconnections but even more important we will connect all five elements (earth, metal water, wood, fire) with nature and the human organs to find a sense of being instead of doing.

Release and Reconnect

Kuan will be teaching release technique improvisation based, floor work, and contact improvisation based on the various and diverse experience she has. We will be using situational games to enhance the body-mind connection and mindfulness awareness. Movement qualities will be a main focus so as to investigate deeper and develop our dance language. During her classes you will explore and confront your own vocabulary through improvisation, contact and partnering. The class will be physical and challenging to reawaken and reconnect the body with the mind. By reconnecting you will explore what moves you in different unique ways so as to express from within.

Physical Theatre | 
Voice and Movement from the Body to Nature

Gamze will focus on waking up the energies of the body with Tao Vinyasa, golden Seed flow and strong breathing technics. We will work in the studio but also in nature so as to take be influence and stimulated through the five elements. We will feel the power of nature within the body so as to explore unknown potentials and nurture unlimited creativity. We will work on improvisational body and voice games and tools, and throughout unearthed feelings we will reflect on our inner self-potentials to express ourselves genuinely and authentically. We will create different embodied movements that will form sequences and choreographic phrases that can present our inner essence influenced by nature itself. We will work on meditation and Chi Gong alongside to the voice, motion, and physical theatre.

How to apply:
Send your CV and a motivation letter to

Costs for participants:
450 Euros including accommodation and food
400 Euros if apply before 5 July

Contact details:
For more information and a full file of all the activities, teachers, schedule, workshops and theatre performances please contact

2013, Kuan's Birthday,
Red Bar, Hong Kong
I am more than thankful that I get to meet Kuan for she is one of the most talented people I know in Contemporary Dance. She had become a friend and a colleague and in support of what she has to share, I would like to let you know that she would be gracing the students with her knowledge in dance fresh from the classes she had in New York. In pursuit of combining it with nature, Kuan's Chinese culture speaks out. Our bodies and minds co-exist and keeping it in balance is the main objective.

If you will be in Spain during these dates, you might be interested to go for a retreat.

For more of these kind of artistic presentations, shows and getaways, follow the hashtag, #swagginsaturday. You can also follow me by enlisting your email. This way, you wouldn't miss out on anything. Check out the column on the right for submission. If you also would like to showcase some of your projects, missions and get togethers that may need faster announcements, invite me in Facebook as soon you put up the event and/or write me a personal message.

Related posts:

1. TEAM PILIPINAS, ALL GIRLS ELITE - Check out how these girls, representing Philippines had prepared for the annual International Cheering Union's World Cheerleading Championships and ended up taking home silver for their second time of joining.

2. BEAT THE HEAT THIS SUMMER - Check out these activities that you and your family might want to do this Summer 2015

3. GRAND COLOANE RESORT - looking for a place to take your family in Macau? Here's a good place to visit.

Monday, August 03, 2015


Hong Kong, as it sits on the southeastern China, is surrounded by a naval harbour, making it a melting pot that holds a dense population. The people are made up of different kinds of races, owning different kinds of culture. On top of that, a lot of tourists come in and out of Hong Kong. So the country caters to a wide array of cravings, expectations and demands in terms of food, entertainment and adventure.

Here's a list of what to do as you visit and stay here in Hong Kong.


Most of us love instant gratification. To Asians who had been longing to have a Disneyland experience, flying to Hong Kong becomes the first consideration. I was born in Manila, Philippines and seldom did I meet anybody there who's not a Disney baby. Meaning, we all love Disney. So if you're looking for a sure fun, money worthy and a place for your entire family, then this is definitely a place to list down your itinerary.

Photo by: Gail Nicolas
Don't forget to have fun when taking pictures.
Instead of doing the usual smile and stand,
enjoy and jump! It gives you almost that exciting feeling if you see
it again as you reminisce thru your Disney memorabilia.

Location: Penny's Bay, Lantau Island

Admission  for the single day pass:

a. Child (Ages 3 to 11) = HK$355
 * 3 and below can come in for FREE
b. General Admission (Ages 12 to 64) = HK$499
c. Senior (Ages 65 and above) = HK100

You may know more regarding the theme park's on-season shows, other discount prices and hotel packages thru their website: . Based on experience, it's advisable to get a 2-day pass since the park had expanded greatly in terms of location that one day is not enough to cover everything there is worthy to see. I also would like to share to you that once the park opens, you may go straight to walking the farthest since for sure, the people would be going firstly to what's available in front of them but just to give out a useful information, every land starts operating altogether. So, line up for the rides that are located at the farthest end because for sure, it's not that packed yet.


After riding the cable car,
here's a good spot to take pictures for
your own souvenir.
Ngong Ping Cable Car Ride was called Tung Chung Cable Car Project originally. This project was made to enhance the Tung Chung area as a tourist spot for the Big Buddha had gained fame amongst tourists as well did the Tung Chung Citygate Outlet Mall. The branding Ngong Ping 360 had changed it to its current name and since then, commercial establishments and shops had metastasised at the cable ride stops. I love how Starbucks situates the alley where a lot of shows happen depending on the season. To get abreast with what shows they have, go for their suggested itinerary by visiting their website, .

Location: Lantau Island
(It is pretty much accessible to any mode of transportation. If you are interested to see your options as to what's the best route to take, click here.)

Admission for the single day pass:

Round-trip *Standard Cabin for:

CHILDREN (3-11) = HK$85
SENIORS (65+) = HK$115

Round-trip **Crystal Cabin for:

CHILDREN (3-11) = HK$175
SENIORS (65+) = HK$205

*Standard Cabin is big enough to share with other people. If there are 4 of you, most likely, you'll be sharing with one more person or 2 during the trip. **Crystal Cabin is much pricey because the entire cabin is made up of crystal glass that makes you see everything even the floor that you're stepping on to. So, it's going to give you a more memorable experience of the cable car ride. In addition, you can also go for a Private Cabin which I strongly suggest if there's enough people to go, by all means go for this one.

So, in Lantau Island alone, there are quite a lot to experience already. From Hong Kong Disneyland, to riding the cable car and shopping gallantly at the City Gate outlets, it's an assured one hell of a trip if you're going to allot 3 days and 2 nights around this area. To top it all off, there are mini jewels here and there in terms of sceneries, restaurants and beaches to lounge in. There's Discovery Bay that holds a beach, a plaza and is surrounded with cocktail bars and western restaurants. If you catch it on time, Dragon Boat Races are held here every Summer too. And cheap siu mei and pearl milk tea stalls, both Hong Kong favourites, are sold around Tung Chung area. To get hold of a number of list of affordable yet satisfying Hong Kong treats, click here.


It's amazing to see a city come MORE alive starting from the happy hours of 5 to 10 (and then God knows up until when after that). As the busy working people swarm Lan Kwai Fong slowly for either its good wine and dine restaus, live band music or just for a street party, you would see how diverse Hong Kong had become.

Now, I should warn the lovers of heels out there. Lan Kwai Fong streets are quite a challenge because it goes uphill and may get you tired in no time if you plan to start your night early.

Hong Kong locals and tourists alike hail happy hours. Drinks could be pricey depending on which bar you want to hang around in. TIVO, ALCHEMY, DRAGON-I, SOLAS, MARLIN'S, HARD ROCK CAFE, SEVVA, RED BAR, AQUA, HONI HONI and LE BUDOIR are some of the clubs that are popular nowadays.

Now, don't expect an easy way of parking in the area. It's best to just take a cab to finish the night off. That's the best piece of advice I can give you. Of course there's always an option of taking the bus or the last trip via train. With that being laid out there, it's safe to have around HK$300 up to bring with you to party all the way.

Central, also, is accessible by ferries. If you have time, include AQUA LUNA in your itinerary. Hong Kong's harbour is one of the most sought after by a lot of traders because of its advantage in being open to navigating shipping goods. Hong Kong maximises the use of this harbour by opening it to tourists as well with its Symphony of Lights Show and surrounding it with its very own walk of fame patterned after Hollywood's, the Avenue of Stars! Aqua Luna in Cantonese is called, Cheung Po Tsai, meaning a Chinese junk operating in Victoria Harbour. To know some prices of the trips to and fro the district nearest you, check their website out.

Avenue of Stars

One of the many great things I love doing is eating good food, enjoying a very good view, sharing the experience with good company. I am enlisting this to be included in anybody's itinerary because it's truly something that you should not let pass.

I experienced brunch in the Jumbo Floating Restaurant and we had overflowing wine in between. It felt like "THE" best brunch I've ever had! The crab legs were scrumptiously sweet, the lamb shack was so melting in my mouth and their fried rice is not that simple. It got the works! Those specially mentioned is not even a third of how incredible the food is in this place.

Now, I suggest for you to make reservations at least a day before for it's really crowded during lunch and dinner time. The boat can hold as much as 2300 people but they are pretty much in demand. Celebrities love dining here too. They actually have a gallery of the famous people that had visited this huge floating restaurant making it the only one there is in the world.

Their menu has a wide array of dishes but they had made a name with their seafood dishes. There are over 100 dishes to choose from that I suggest you go for the Top Deck Brunch! They honour discounts from certain credit cards and VIP cards and if you go HK$600 and over worth of your dining experience, single receipt, you can reimburse your taxi fare by presenting your taxi fare receipt. Please do inquire from any of the staff or server regarding this information to be sure.

Location: Sham Wan Pier Drive, Wong Chuk Hang, Aberdeen

*You actually would be needing to ride a boat to reach the restaurant. It's part of the experience.

Contact details/website: 2553 9111,

Now, how to get here...

From Hong Kong/Central Station, go to the Exchange Square Terminus where you can take Bus 70 to Aberdeen. Upon reaching Aberdeen Terminus, use the pedestrian tunnel to cross the highway. Turn right and walk towards the pier where free ferries await. The bus fare costs around HK$6.00. You can take the cab from Central too so there are options that you can consider. Whichever works best for you or your friends is highly recommended. 


A lot of tourists see to it that they get to visit Macau whenever going to Hong Kong because they want to see some shows/concerts, they want to do bungee jumping, they want to visit the church ruins and of course, it's VEGAS on steroids. It is 5 times as big as Vegas and has 10 times more with its hotel rooms. It is the only place in China where gambling is legal.

  1. Macau is a small peninsula in mainland China, across the Pearl River Delta from Hong Kong. A Portuguese overseas territory until 1999, it reflects a mix of Portuguese and Chinese influences. Its giant casinos and extravagant malls have earned it the nickname, the "Las Vegas of Asia." One of its more striking landmarks is 338m-high Macau Tower, with sweeping city views.

If you are coming from Hong Kong, check out the Cotai terminal. TurboJets are there to bring you straight to Macau within an hour. Whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, it's better to give yourself enough time allowance because so many people are coming back and forth. Trips happen every 30 minutes at least.

When visiting Macao, budget that you should have at hand should be at least HK$500 and up. 

Don't miss on paying the Venetian Macao a visit to try the Gondola experience, seeing the church ruins and antique shops in the city and of course, the infamous House of Dancing Water in City of Dreams.

Venetian holds a lot of visitors per year. So don't hesitate on making a booking before hand.

VENETIAN MACAO ROOM RATES start at a very affordable HK$1,328++, the best price that offers free WIFI. Extra 30% off if you book 14 days before and 20% off if you book 7 days before.

Contact Details: - website
Hotline: +853-2882-8888

HOUSE OF DANCING WATER TICKETING starts at HK$580. They have special discount for children, senior citizens, students and Macau residents provided you are able to show your ID as proof. Click here if you want more detailed pricing and seating options.

atop the free-entry observation deck
of The Peak Galleria

Location: Mid Levels, Hong Kong

This may not be much of a good shot in terms of showing what the peak could offer. We went in a
November and it seemed like it was too humid making the view of the background from the camera a little bit hazy. But this I have to say, if you didn't visit Victoria Peak when you come to Hong Kong, then it seems like you didn't come at all.

According to WIKIPEDIA, the Victoria Peak is a mountain in the western half of the Hong Kong Island. It is also known as Mt. Austin but is mostly known by the locals as "The Peak". It doesn't end in the souvenir shops, restaurants and the great view, Maddam Tussaud's is another place to check out. The original Madam Tussaud's museum, located in London, had inspired this to be as extravagant to cater to every tourist's hunger for anything extraordinary. This museum isn't just for those who are into arts but also to those who is quite knowledgeable in history and of famous and influential people.

How to get to Victoria Peak? You can, number 1, take the boring cab (excuse my sarcasm...) or you can have, number 2, a virtual tour of the mountain via the historical Peak Tram.

Located at Lower Terminus, The PEAK TRAM Historical Gallery is a way of paying tribute to The Peak Tram,
its heritage and the history of Hong Kong. Since 1888, The Peak Tram has served Hong Kong, quietly witnessing
120 years of the city's changes. The Gallery brings back many memories for local visitors and
gives overseas visitors a glimpse of how the Pearl of the Orient has come to shine.

Reach the PEAK TRAM by taking Bus 15C from the lay-by outside the Central Pier, or walk from the Central Station then take Exit J2.

Number 3, take the Bus 15 from Exchange Square bus terminus (near MTR Hong Kong, Exit D)
Number 4, take the Minibus 1 from MTR Hong Kong Station public transport interchange.

Peak Tram Ticket Prices: (Prices effective from January 1, 2015)

Adult - Return: HK$40
             Single: HK$28

Children & Seniors (65 and above) - Return: HK$18
                                                            Single: HK$11

Peak Tram Operating hours: 7am-12mn (Mondays-Sundays, incluing Public Holidays)
Frequency: Departs every 10-15 minutes
Contact Details: +852-2522-0922 (Tel)


* Do you want to be able to train like Ip Man?
* Try how Marilyn Monroe's skirt got blown up.
* Walk the ramp with famous models.
* Be able to have a portrait with Leonardo Da Vinci and Van Gough?
* Would you want to transform yourself into Wolverine's ally and possess your own invincible claws?

Well, you can all make this happen as you walk thru Madamme Tussaud's Wax Museum right on Victoria's Peak. Hit two birds with one stone by making your trip up the mountain more memorable. This wax museum is based on the original one in London. Packed along with Asian celebrities, Madamme Tussaud's is worthy to experience if you're a first timer in the Peak.

Operating hours: Open daily from 10am until 10pm
Admission tickets: Adult - HK$245
                               Child (3-11) & Seniors (65 and above) - HK$175

*It's advisable to book your tickets online and have a major discount if you book ahead as an early bird.


taken during a colleague's birthday party
Hong Kong holds an array of nice parks, areas, exhibits, malls and galleries which are worth the space in your android. Let me start off with the Tsing Ma Bridge.

The Tsing Ma Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the whole world that can both hold rail and road traffic. I get to pass thru it twice a day, every working day. This bridge connects the Lantau Island (my working place is situated here) to the rest of Hong Kong. So basically, Tsing Ma Bridge serves me just right. Not to mention, it gives me a breathtaking view each time, day or night, it's beautiful. And the more I appreciated this place when I got to see it from Park Island.

Whenever I see Park Island, "it is my dream place to live in in Hong Kong", I say. But for now, I can't so all I can do is admire the place. It's easy to go down here anyway. Most especially during Summer as the beach is open to public I recall.

So, just hit Tsing Yi Station via MTR. Take Exit A1 and then take a mini bus 308M or from there, you can access Park Island via taxi too. Whenever I see this place, I easily compare it to Discovery Bay because they're both pretty and somehow owns that serene atmosphere but then I remember how inaccessible Dbay is by cab and then it makes it a no contest from there.

Noah's Ark is another tourist attraction that you may see while you're in Park Island. It had become an iconic place that stands up for Ma Wan's mission in fostering family values, love, social harmony and care for the environment.

Parents, learning institutions, NGO's, religious groups and businesses are encouraged to bring their kids, staff and instructors here to propagate social awareness early on in terms of inflicting love for self and others, love for the environment and love for life itself. The park has a an Ark Expo, Ark Garden, Adventureland, Ark Life Education House and a Treasure House. So there's a lot of things to do and see.

Operating hours: Open daily from 9:45am until 5:30pm
Admission Tickets: General - HK$168
              Child (3-11) and Senior (65 above) ticket: HK$138
* If you'll purchase your ticket online, you can get discounts.
* Religious groups, NGO's and schools may contact Noah's Ark Mission Development Team at (852) 3411 8714 or email to:
* Travel agents may contact Noah's Ark sales team at (852) 3411 8700 or email to

the fabulous Park Island
As you take the MTR and goes to an exchange transit like Tsim Sha Tsui, it extends to different establishments and the most accessible that I find is K11. It has a posh feel with its classy interior and classic art pieces on display. It extends to an alley that is decorated depending on the season. Once I passed by it in December and they had put up a mini kaleidoscope world. This mall has luxurious shops that every big spender would never have a problem getting magnetised to.

This photo is my most favourite of all because it is made up of toasted bread. 

K11 Mall is a shopping mall in Hong Kong located in the Masterpiece, honed by New World Development and was completed in December of 2009. It is claimed to be the first "Art Mall" in the world. Hyatt Regency, one of the most known prestigious hotels, which sits atop one of its floors (K11 got 6 floors) is the cherry on top of the ice cream. 

Location: 18 Hanoi Road
Operating hours: Open daily from 10am-10pm
How to access via MTR: Take TST Exits D1, D2, G and N1
Contact details: (852) 3118 8070

1881 Heritage should not be missed as well. It got seasonal decors that are good for photo ops and it needs little photoshoppin'! After shopping in Tsim Sha Tsui, head to this scenic area where you can sit and just get mesmerised with its Victorian era appeal. 1881 is a real Hong Kong experience. Going there is for free, taking photos is for free, sight seeing is for free and yet you get hold of a true historic place for these are the headquarters of the Hong Kong Marine Police from 1800s 'til 1996. They have preserved the place but had embraced transformation by putting up designer shops, fine dining restaurants, a heritage hotel and an exhibition hall. This is actually across the Avenue of the Stars so, you can visit these all at the same time in a day.

There are a lot more to learn about how historic this place is as you visit their website. 

Location: 2A, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Contact details: (852) 2926-8000
How to get there: Take the MTR, go down at TST and then take Exit E, walk towards Salisbury road, turn right then take subway (pedestrian tunnel) next to YMCA to 1881 Heritage.


Given, Ocean Park is one of Hong Kong's oldest attractions. I remember it standing there since the first time I visited Hong Kong way back 1994. Up until now, it doesn't fail to bring excitement each time. My husband still couldn't deal with some of its suspense rides but visiting here is still entertaining. Most of its attractions cater to the pumping adrenalin of the young adults but now, I'm thinking of bringing my daughter for her to get acquainted with the sea world. They are known for their huge aquariums and as time went on, it served as an attraction to many families, extending fun to different age groups. They have cable cars too as it connects two mountains building the entire park.

Admission and operating hours could be accessed and booked by clicking here
Location: Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Island
Contact details: (852) 3923-2323
How to get there: Take the Bus 629 from Central Pier 7 or from MTR Admiralty Station, take Exit B and alight at the park

The park is composed of the following attractions:
1. Adventures in Australia
2. Shark Mystique
3. Polar Adventure
4. Old Hong Kong
5. Thrillmountain
6. Rainforest
7. Aquacity
8. Amazing Asian Animals

Take your pick and hopefully, you can finish the whole of it. This advice may be unsolicited but trust me, you will need to at least be in your most comfortable shoes in visiting Ocean Park.


Hong Kong makes sure that all its natural resources are well protected. That protection extends up to its rich marine life and remote areas. Sai Kung is considered as the "backyard of Hong Kong". That being said, it's kept tidy and untouched because of its remote location. Hence, it had become an attraction amongst adventure seekers and divers alike to experience its diverse marine life.

Junk Boat Trips are "it" in Hong Kong most especially during the Summer season. For many adventurers, Sai Kung is a paradise. Besides swimming, kayaking, snorkelling and doing other fun water activities, Sai Kung is also a good place to hike and had been enjoyed by a lot due to junk boat trips that took voyage.
I, personally was a fan of junk boat trips. Some of the volcanic rock formations from 140 million years ago had enveloped its coastline with the perfect venue for having a photo shoot for your own remembrance and of course, for fun. Its waters aren't too salty and no harmful corals underneath so it's really nice to swim in its beaches. Summer maybe a little tricky though because this season in Hong Kong is also the rainy season. Junk boats would have to go back to Sai Kung Pier when this happens and will stop operation. It's safe unless you choose not to... if you know you're drunk, don't swim from the junk boat to the beach. YOU SHOULD TAKE THIS ADVICE SERIOUSLY.

Junk boats fee depend on how many are onboard. Three years ago, prices start from HK$200/person up excluding drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages). When you say junk, don't expect that it's a dirty boat, it's actually presentable enough for you to have a good time and usually, they have karaoke set up inside. So, this usually affects the price but overall, the experience is worth it.

As the sun sets, Sai Kung got restaurants that are ready to impress you with fresh seafood. Don't hesitate to take your time in having dinner with some friends and colleagues to complete your Sai Kung trip. A more detailed booking for different kinds of yachts, boats and Sai Kung packages may be checked out here.

How to get to Sai Kung pier: 


(i) MTR to Choi Hung MTR Station then from station exit C2 take Green Minibus 1A (24 hour service approx every 3-5 mins – journey time about 25 mins) to Sai Kung Minibus Station (next to the promenade). KMB Bus 92 (see below), also stops outside exit C2 of Choi Hung MTR Station.

The green minibus stop for Sai Kung is located about 50-metres to the left, on reaching street level from exit C2 of Choi Hung MTR Station

KMB Bus 92 to Sai Kung, which starts at Diamond Hill Station (see below), also passes Choi Hung Station, where the bus stop is located about 50-metres to the right, on reaching street level from station exit C2

(ii) MTR to Diamond Hill MTR Station then KMB bus service 92 (approx every 12/20 mins – journey time about 40 mins) to Sai Kung Bus Terminus (next to promenade).

(iii) MTR to Tseung Kwan O MTR Station or Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station, then from the bus terminus at either of these stations, take NWFB bus service 792M (every 20 mins – journey time approx 40 mins) to Sai Kung Bus Terminus (next to the promenade).

(iv) if travelling from other parts of the New Territories KMB BUS SERVICE 299X from Sha Tin Central Bus Terminus (under New Town Plaza and Sha Tin MTR Station) via Ma On Shan Town Centre to Sai Kung Bus Terminus may be useful. Buses operate at about 10 minute frequency and the journey takes about 35 minutes. The journey includes a scenic stretch above the shores of Three Fathoms Cove and below the peaks of Ma On Shan Country Park.

Red Minibus from Mong Kok - a 24 hour frequent red minibus service operates between Dundas Street, Mong Kok and Wai Man Road Minibus Terminus, adjacent to Sai Kung Waterfront Park. The fare at January 2015 was HK$16 and Octopus Card is accepted on most minibuses operating this route.
A 24-hour red minibus service operates between Dundas Street, Mong Kok and Sai Kung

A little bit of shopping won't hurt. In fact, if you reach the ladies market in Mong Kok, it's impossible for you to shop just a "little". Kidding aside, if you plan to buy souvenirs like I LOVE HK T-SHIRTS, replicas of Hong Kong artifacts and Hong Kong signages, this is the place to be.

You will be challenged with your Cantonese and bargaining skills as you go thru the entire street.

*Tip: Try walking a little as they give you the price pretending not to be interested and that the price doesn't work for you. They'll start to awkwardly pull and ask you discreetly, "how much?" or "give me good price." That's when you bargain from half the original price the vendor gives you. Trust me, at one point, they'll give in to a low unexpected price.

The best time to check out the Ladies Market is at night. It gets pretty crowded late in the afternoon onwards and closes around midnight. During the weekends and holiday season, expect a large number of people swarming to the Ladies Market. Goods prices start from as low as HK$15 and up.

Location: Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon

How to get there? Simply take the MTR Red Line, go down to Mong Kok then take Exit E2. Then walk along Nelson Street passing 2 blocks.

Now on the other hand, there's a 15 storey level mall if you take Exit E1. It leads you to the Langham Mall.

Langham Mall 

Now you see, it owns 2 large scale escalators, measuring 83 meters high. The building is made up of gargantuan rock facade and the Happy Man stands affront which was sculpted by Larry Bell, making it a monumental landmark of Mong Kok. This mall is 15-storey high, with 2 basement levels, holds 665 hotel rooms and a carpark with 250 parking spaces. If you have extra time from shopping in the Ladies Market, sit for lunch or have a quick coffee break at this place. They have a huge H&M, Ralph Lauren, an alley of the luxurious make up brands and they have a serene spa upstairs catering to both the mall spectators and hotel residents.

Location: 555 Shanghai St., Mong Kok
Contact Details: 3552 3388

All prices, fees and discounts hereby shared in this post is subject to change based on each featured attraction's policies and discretion. Writer should not be accounted for any discrepancies as these may get affected economically.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


This year marks my decision to be financially literate.

It all started when I had attended a seminar held here in Hong Kong called, "Rich Dad Poor Dad". Like any other free meet-ups made available in most countries wherein finance is the name of the game, it was the usual 2 hour motivational lecture by this woman who had been into the deepest, darkest hole as a result of her bad decision making, lax prioritization and irresponsible lifestyle. Needless to say, it leaves her penniless, hopeless and desperate until she mentions attending the very same thing we (the audience) are attending. Her story touches all the necessary buttons to set us all into an awakening. To sum it all up, the story telling part resonates to most of the middle class (which to my estimate composes 65% of the attendees): continuously in a situation of being overworked and underpaid. Dramatic as it may sound, it set us off to a mode of action in just an hour.

With an expert knowledge about these people who go to seminars, the staff knows that one way or another, this 65% is in need of enlightenment from their own current financial situation. While the rest were dragged to attend because of their curiosity, including me, its motive was quite established with a pang.

Through the rest of the seminar, the lady introduced methods that she followed on how to get out of the draining misfortune. The one I attended focused on real estate. It encouraged all the way to invest the money they are saving. The clue was to look at the rate of return on investment as to which tool you'll embrace and work on.

May I say that in the end there was selling of the "help" that you should need but it was enveloped as a form of investment on education. As a writer, I continuously research. Included in reading books and studying statistics, I consider reviews, comments and forums concerning a specific topic that I need to know about before I write my own input. Because of that, I know there are a lot of free information in the Internet that I can hold of. This convinced me that right before I entered the room, I was just after the satisfaction I would get and the refresher on the methods I stubbornly keep up with. I just wanted to be aware further more. So, I have set myself to hold my credit card very well and to let the information settle before I make a move... or a swipe.

I was successful in not doing so.

But I came out from that free seminar, rich in resources. Books, links, inspiration. And the one that I benefited from the most were the books, "The Rich Man in Babylon" and "Think and Grow Rich".

Now reading these books had kind of made me learn 10 very important things:

  • Set a S.M.A.R.T. goal. I know some may have come across this abbreviation a thousand times but just for the sake of reiteration, let me give you what this effective acronym stands for: 

              S - specific; M - measurable; A - attainable; R - realistic; T - time-bound
         These meanings are pretty self-explanatory. But there's one thing you need to do after coming up with one, you write it down and recite it as often as you can, stating it as if it happened already, claiming it and considering it as done. Mine was to have Php50,000 within a year, even declared it in front of my husband (despite the book's advice to just make a commitment with yourself) just to give myself a sense of stronger responsibility to live up to my word. He challenged me why not 50,000 Hong Kong Dollars? And so, I added it up.

  • Never lay all your eggs in one basket when it comes to investments. - There are different investment tools and the more you are well versed on them, the more you'd be able to calculate the risks that come along with each.
  • Understanding the concept of the 8th wonder of the world called "compounding interest", you may think that time is not your ally anymore. But think about the present learning as a gift and consider "now" as the best time. Countless years may have been wasted before but there's no other best time to start than today.
  • Learn from those who had gone the path already. Easily put, if you want to be rich, learn from the rich, the experienced. There are a series of steps that are usually presented in books but the most important is, if it's feasible and if it is actually doable. The only way to find out is if there's somebody who had tested and did it themselves. Follow that person.
  • Keep the three laws of money (save, invest and re-invest) intact in every financial decision you will have to make. Saving may be in a way of assets, bit coins, saving plans and is not limited to just keeping an amount of money safe in a bank.
  • Emergency fund is necessary as your safety net as you level up into investing. Establish this first before anything else so that come what may, you will have a fall back.
  • Never ever neglect paying yourself first. This is not through material stuff like buying yourself a new gadget, clothes or shoes come every payday. It is putting aside money for your retirement in the future. Paying yourself first is paying yourself for every non-working day you need to live for after retirement, keeping the same lifestyle like when you still had a job.
  • Habit forming will be your weapon in keeping up with your financial goals. 
  • In every investment you have to make, see to it that you separate your emotions from the very beginning. Because if you do, you're already 50% short on your ROI.
  • Anything that you do, integrity is the key. If you want to come up with a business, word of mouth will always pave the way to your success. If you're hard to work with and trust unworthy, chances are, people will talk negatively of you. Whether you're a boss or an employee, treating your subordinates right and respecting your bosses, having the appropriate work ethics can send you high rocketing into success. From there, you'd be able to give your goal a check, leading you to the road to financial freedom.

Right now, I have been awakened. Having a family had pushed me into planning for my own financial freedom. Let's see if it works.

Related posts:

1. GET INVESTED IN STOCKS FOR A RICHER LIFE - One of the many form of investments I've tried doing. Believe me, I was scared shit less of the term 'stocks' alone. But I had turned the risks into a calculated one, and slowly, it pays off. Read on why you should at least invest on a sturdy one like Facebook, Disney or Jollibee.

2. JOLLIBEE - why it's worth buying its stocks.

3. HOW FINANCIALLY HEALTHY ARE YOU? - Here are 6 steps on how to assess your financial status.