
Saturday, June 30, 2012


When I researched about China Eastern Airlines, before flying to the States, I figured, "No wonder the flight to LA is super cheap. They just gave it a half star out of 5." I read so many nasty things about the airline as far as getting delayed is concerned, uncomfortable seats, poor service and unbearable in flight movies.

At first, before booking my flight, I had to ask colleagues at work as to what their own experience went with China Eastern. Edwin Kamantigue, (whom I know travels a lot and had experienced it once or twice) told me that it went alright, reminded me that all flights get delayed regardless and that there's nothing much to expect in the first place because the fare had cost me just HK5,900 from Hong Kong to USA including tax. Meaning, the entertainment it provides could be annoying but, it'd push you to somehow get a snooze which you needed more for your trip as far as time difference is concerned. I didn't have much to complain about flying with them since it's always a habit for me to read while on a trip. It's my own personal form of entertainment. Compared to some businessmen and techies who had downloaded their own entertainment in their laptops, I prefer having my own entertainment in my hands. But as you can see, I've taken a photo of the accessible plugs at the back of each seat to recharge your gadget for 'em computer addicts, who would in the future might prefer speed rather than convenience. Just to give out viable information, it turns green once it's alright to use. Ideally, after taking off. In addition to what I could let the future passengers of CHINA EASTERN know is that the entertainment sucks for a FACT. When the airplane kind of goes into turbulence, some of the TVs turn off on its own. It gets turned on again but not at the same time. (Refer to the photos below as I took them during turbulent times every 30 seconds.) They also play a movie and then you'll be surprised that in a matter of like around 1 hour had passed, it would switch to a different movie. I was mad and confused at first. And then I realized, it's like watching VCD's. They play the Disc 1 first and then the Disc 2 later after 5 Disc 1 movies were shown. I don't know why but looking at it positively, maybe because the passengers may feel a little bit sleepy at first. In changing to another movie, it will give them ample rest for the remaining Disc 2 of the movie within the 14 hour flight.
I didn't take photos of my food but they were very well served. It was warm and on time. I think that's what's most important. I missed capturing them because I still don't believe that my iPhone can be totally 0% troublesome during a flight even if it's on an "Airplane Mode". I can't risk my safety and that of others. Let those people who still turned them on but the crew kept on going to them asking them to shut it down. I hope somebody could let me know the difference of turned on laptops with iPhones on an airplane mode because honestly, it's really scary. I guess there's none but just so for getting properly informed of what triggers the aircraft's computer system to get damaged when we turn on our cellphones? Please do comment if you have any ideas.

Anyway, the food.... oh yes.... they have good choices. I always went for noodles. Both of the choices present Western and Eastern cuisines. They serve wine too, apple/orange juice, water (I've been going to the back where the flight attendants heat up the food for water and they didn't mind. It had become like a "Help yourself situation.") and sodas. It was pretty difficult to let them know of what you need right away because they don't speak in English. Or at least just slow in understanding it. I believe they all know how to speak. Their approach is a little intimidating and you don't know if they're in the mood or what. It gives you a feeling of "rather not ask".

This one's funny. When I went to the back to take a little walk and to stretch up, I saw this and I couldn't help but take a photo.

That's the thing with second hand aircrafts. It's usually a case of an airline gone bankrupt that they had to be absorbed by a bigger one. And so, they don't want to waste the manufactured/engineered, "good to go" airplanes that they'd just let it be as long as it can bring passengers to their desired destinations. As I've observed, China Eastern Airline tickets' selling factor are the following:

1. AVAILABILITY OF FLIGHTS - They have a flight almost everyday and at the most convenient time of the day. If you leave, 9am here, more likely, you'll reach your destination the next day. For sure, you've had enough sleep by then that you won't have a problem dealing with jet lag. With my flight, I departed at 9am and I reached LA by 12nn. I was good to go the entire day as I've slept quite well.

2. SPEED - They are quite on time. Many comments in one website said that they were most often delayed with all their flights. But as of me, From HK to Shanghai, it was on time. Then Shanghai to LA was actually on time. I took the same route coming back. Even then, it was alright except that with the last flight that got delayed for just 20 minutes (TOLERABLE...) due to the limited buses in Shanghai to bring us to our aircraft going back to HK.

3. CHEAP FLIGHTS - I already shared the amount I paid above. Imagine the savings I made.
4. NON-STOP FLIGHTS - Most of the passengers hail this if American tourists wanted to see Beijing or Shanghai for its renowned tourist spots such as the Forbidden City and Great Wall of China. Some airlines needed to have a layover in some other Asian countries before heading straight to China. I find this as their own strategy (Prohibiting direct access of other airlines to China so that China Eastern Airlines would be much preferred.)

Overall, CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES didn't give me a headache at all. I give them 3.5 stars out of 5. With EVA air, the last time I went to USA, my luggage was lost and it took them a long time to contact the man who had mistaken my bag as his. But CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES, despite my layover in Pudong, Shanghai, to and from the USA, took care of my stuff as expected. I didn't need to get it then check it in again. Plus, they granted the seat that I liked which was along the aisle with no awful remarks nor violent reactions. It went all good.

In Shanghai, I took my time to walk around. When I was hungry, I ate. But it tasted totally different with Hong Kong food. Theirs needed a lot of salt. Hehehe! That part of getting laid over was not fun.

Their airport offered sterile water. That saved me from 4 hours of dehydration.

Folks, CHINA EASTERN is alright. It ain't that bad. I had expected worse.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Abercrombie & Fitch Ad

 It was in the afternoon when my friend, Fern Caoilan (Chang Fernie!) shared this to me before doing the second parade. AJ (Aaron Jan) and I went gaga as we watched it. I could tell some of the models were actually laughing awkwardly though this video has its highlights. My personal favorites are the models, shaking it right and left to the beat turning about from the camera and rising up from the bushes lip syncing each stanza. It's entertaining enough for us to feel light even if it was a 2-parade day on a hot weather warning. Worth to watch and it's alright to gasp! LOL!!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Filipina wins first prize at prestigious ballet tilt

Filipina wins first prize at prestigious ballet tilt

Happy Independence Day Philippines!!!!

From the time being that I had known that Philippines had been conquered by Spain (for more than 300 years), USA (for more than 3 years), and Japan (1 year), my understanding of how pure I am as a Filipino had been a crucial argument with myself. Actually, as of the present, let me include *China since they own a lot of businesses in the Philippines - lol!!!! It seems like they are "currently" co-owning the country. That's just my personal opinion though. (So sorry, let me continue writing about the "INDEPENDENCE WEEK".) I own some qualities of the Spaniards in terms of how black and thick my hair is, not wavy like theirs but straight (so Asian, maybe from Japanese or Malay race), my built is in between endomorph and mesomorph... some say I could pass for a Chinese when I try to bargain in Mong Kok (I try to speak in Cantonese so that I could get a good deal; that way they'd never think of me as a tourist.) I'm not surprised that I am attracted to Spanish music and they're way of dancing. I guess, the Spaniards really influenced us a lot in terms of lifestyle because I can never take away my fascination for POKER and having *siesta in the afternoon.

In terms of learning, I owe it to the Americans I guess since they're the ones who introduced public schools in the Philippines. Japan, lastly, were brutal as far as I know based on the books that we had studied and movies that included reenactments of those horrible times. But I do owe them a lot in terms of my drive to strive to being the best. In my own opinion, Asians tend to become survivors because of their color and/or race per se. Most of the Asian countries are always seen as composed of third world countries. They are the ones who are often mistreated by racists. So, they always strive to be good in everything.

Well.... all in all, I just want to be proud of who I have become. In honoring the Philippine Independence Week, I would like to take into account, all our ancestors who had shaped the freedom all of us Filipinos enjoy today. If not for them, we would always be "a part" of a colony. We would never get to share our history combined with our rich culture.

I came across this passage after seeing the photos of Filipinos being dumped 
because they didn't make it in the Death March. 
At the present time, so many Filipinos are gracing different countries of
service, talent and whole-hearted dedication.

Let me mention Filipinos that gave an inspiring impact to me this year
that they deserve a special mention and introduction.
I'm sure not only me knows these people.

Firstly, the one who held this much record in boxing....


Our very own  MANNY PACQUIAO.

I wanted to say more but I just copied this much in WIKIPEDIA.
I didn't realize that it was going to say it all already.
But just a little thing to add up.
He trained when he was young with an old set of tires which
I shared the photo in one of my blogs entitled "Strive to Make a Difference".
Please don't hesitate to check it out.

being the the 2012 American Idol 1st Runner Up. She blew
an audience off during the entire season of 2012 American Idol
since was just the best from start to finish, needless to say.

Being a 16 year old singing sensation, she had the chance
to perform with Jennifer Holiday, the one and only daring dreamgirl
during the last night of the mentioned singing competition for showing off what she got.
I'm sure she had inspired not just me but a lot out there who
own the same talent merging it with pure intentions and a very sturdy passion.

Last but not the least, I would like to honor the two Filipino
ballet dancers, namely, *CANDICE ADEA and  
for winning 1st Place in Helsinki Internationall Ballet Competition
and Best in Pas de Deux Technique respectively.

It's such an overwhelming feeling, witnessing how Filipinos strive
in becoming at their best and in the end, accomplishing
breathtaking success. I have to mention all the overseas workers
also who sacrifice being away from their families just to earn a living
and provide for their dependents' needs. Here in Hong Kong, 
Disneyland cast members, domestic helpers, government workers, entertainers and teachers 
are just but a few who render service to the best of their abilities.

Again, like the people who had sacrificed
their own lives in the past, the OFW's who are now
sacrificing their own time away from their loved ones are heroes in their own right.
We wouldn't be granted much of this FREEDOM if not for their courage.


*Cebu Pacific is an airline very well known of its Php1.00 (both) local and international flights coming to and from Philippines that is being owned by John Gokongwei and so are all Robinsons Department Stores. SM Department Stores which hold the most numerous number of shopping centres and now branching to real estate is owned by Henry Sy. Both Henry Sy and John Gokongwei are Chinese.

*SIESTA ( ) - is a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. Such a period of sleep is a common tradition in some countries, particularly those where the weather is warm.

*Candice Adea and Jean Marc Codero's article: go to this link -->
or click the link above which I've set for my own post featuring the talents mentioned to go directly to the information regarding this article.

DISCLAIMER: All of the information shared are based on a research made online only. Google links to certain blogs and usage of photos are for visual purposes for identification of certain topics, specific people and detailed descriptions. I am humbly sharing it and not claiming it as my own. WIKIPEDIA had also been one of the resources used.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Current Addictions


1. I love the elegant stylization of the characters. 
Despite the conspiracy behind the connections of each character to another,
lines are still delivered with grace. Sarcasm is to be read between the lines.
MADELINE STOWE amazed me with her versatility in acting.
The only movie I remember her in is, "BLINK".
Her persona there is totally opposite of what she had shown here in REVENGE.

2. I love the idea that the title strongly suggests evil.
But as you watch it, EVIL NEVER WILL PREVAIL.
It is a modern way of implementing to the audience
that only TRUE LOVE can break an EVIL SPELL.
If you've seen this, you'd totally agree with me.


She plays the underdog here. And I love the struggle in her character.

2. I love DEBRA MESSING singing here.
I never knew she underwent broadway training.
As I read about her, I found out that 
"A Walk in the Clouds" was her first debut movie.
I loved that movie. Cool to know.

3. I love the reality it presents when it comes to actually being in broadway
or any other performing business for that matter.
Show business has its flaws too. What to do and what not
to do are bluntly shared here.
It reminds me of the movie, "SHOWGIRLS".

4. I love how it is TOTALLY DIFFERENT from GLEE.
There are a lot of original songs that are good to
sing for auditions.

Because of this series, my faith towards serendipitous events just builds up more and more. It also makes me appreciate subtle and weird encounterments. This series encourages me to look at LIFE's bigger picture.

50th Samoan Independence Day

The 50th Samoan Independence Day Dinner was a window
for me to meet a lot of Samoans residing here in Hong Kong.
It was such a great privilege to know Mr. Ramesh Mahtani,
the Honorary Consul of Samoa and his wife.
Along with their children, they hosted a gathering in the name of the Samoans
here in Hong Kong who continuously serve their country
with their own talents and  remarkable service.

Last year was held in their very own home. Hogan couldn't stop
talking about it when he got home as I remember.
Fortunately, I was able to attend the 50th along with his brother.

A couple of speeches, sharing well wishes for a stronger camaraderie
between Hong Kong and Samoa, were made to start off the evening.
Mr. Tony Nguyen, the Director of Protocol for the Government Secretariat Protocol Division
hopes for a direct flight from Hong Kong to Samoa
to help out more in the tourism and trading between the mentioned countries.*

Chief Malama Pilae (Samoan) had been staying here in Hong Kong for more than 20 years
ensuring Samoa's pride sharing the culture and value his own country stands for.
Some that I have met are rugby players, fire knife dancers/performers and academic scholars.

No time to get bored when you're around with Samoans that's for sure.
Samoa, being the heart of the Polynesia, had been lived by happy people.
There had been a saying that Samoans are known as the gentle giants.
I remember Hogan sharing that to me.
And I think I couldn't agree more.

Despite the title that they own as strong athletes, body builders, and fire eaters,
you'd be surprised how gentle those teddy bears are in the inside.
The night continued to be fun as they all graced us with their traditional dance.
Prizes were given to the lucky winners of the raffle draw.
I won coffee mugs!!!!!

Excitement didn't end there as we headed to Wan Chai
to have an after party ourselves. We enjoyed each other's company
and hanging out with them made me feel I'm at home as they are not
far different from Filipinos when it comes to having a good time.

Dancing the night away with one of my new friends, Samantha Scott,
made this whole experience memorable as we both share the Filipino blood.
(Click on her name for more details about this
award winning body as one of the best rugby players here in Hong Kong).
A part of her is from Bicol, which is actually near to my Dad's hometown, the island of Romblon.
I believe there are similarities with each of the island's respective dialects. 

And to that, I'd like to thank them all for the warm welcome.
Go the Manu!

Related posts:
1. SAMANTHA ROSE SCOTT FEAUSI - this lady can kick ass at a rugby game.
2. 8th INTERNATIONAL SIVA AFI COMPETITION, CHAMPION: Hogan Toomalatai - and this guy can kick ass at the Fire Knife Competition also known as the SIVA AFI COMPETITION.
3. EMBRACE WHO YOU ARE - and you can kick ass with this outfit for a day out!

*For now, flights from Hong Kong to Samoa have to go thru New Zealand and/or Fiji.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

There's more than just "TRAVELLING"....

When I travel, besides the fact that I want to extend
my horizons in terms of knowledge and experience,
I simply want to have a short story to tell about how I made my trip interesting.
That "story" that you tell to everyone and they would respond this way,
"That is really something to tell."

As I saw the label beside my name on the vacation leave
notice on the bulletin board at work that said, "APPROVED" last March,
I already thought about how I'm going to make my vacation to Los Angeles
memorable (for me) to blog about. Just like the rest before.
And how I could make it exciting!
So I called my sister right away to ask for her opinion. It took us 2 days to figure out what to do.
We considered the following...
1. I just have 8 days all in all to spend.
2. I have to hold on to a tight budget so I could spend more for SHOPPING. (Lol!)
3. My sister and my mom would be at work most of the time.

So here it is!!!!

We decided that we should visit places where movies have
been shot or that we should try out movie-inspired experiences.
What I'm saying would make sense as you read thru.

Remember this?
Of course...
Who wouldn't remember how "A Walk to Remember"
had given us scenes/conflicts in the movie/storyline that we can relate to, huh!?
(Ex. being sick, being in high school and struggling to belong with peers,
having strict parents, being in love and wanting some changes in our lives.)
This particular scene was remembered by Khrista (my sister).
 We were headed out of Vegas at the time when she
pointed out to this sign and suggested about it.
And so, it would be fun to do the same thing they did.
Being in two places at once.

I didn't straddle a line because it was too dangerous.
I have to literally stand along the highway to do that.
We just took the less risky one.
We had to slow down from running a high way speed
then parked for 10 minutes at least, just to capture a good photo.
It was already 9pm that time so my sister had to adjust
her head lights to give us a little lighting effect. Hehehe!!!!
My mom took this.

"A WALK TO REMEMBER" scene, achieved!

Guess what's next in line...

Yup, the next one is experiencing my all time favorite holiday flicks,
"SERENDIPITY", starred by the ever gorgeous Kate Beckinsale
and the chatty John Cusack (or at least, just in certain movies).

The one I visited is in Vegas, not entirely the same one
that they shot the movie in (which is in New York)
but the Frozen Chocolate which was worth lining up for,
was available there too. General merchandise was also displayed upfront.
It looked preppier and more colorful though than the New York one which
looked a little bit fancy for me. Or at least, they
made it look like that in the movie.
I wonder where the one in Florida is patterned from.

Not a fan of dessert and we were pretty hungry so
the meal that we had there is basically, for late lunch already.
I ordered this and it came with a fortune cookie that said,
"Never give up until you reach the finish line."
I considered not giving up in finishing my project. Hehehe!!!

Now, if you'd notice, the restaurant is actually named, SERENDIPITY 3.
I thought the "3" there stood up for the 3 restaurants
that are up at the present. But actually, it was named
after the 3 legendary princes of Serendip (Sri Lanka) which the writer
Sir Horace Walpol of the 18th century coined serendipity from.

The restaurant besides being colorful and preppy served good food.
I loved what I ordered. The fish was fresh and it was grilled just right.
My niece Ashley was given activity materials while
waiting for our food. She didn't get bored.


AAAAAHHH!!! This was so nice!!!! The "Urban Lights" of the LACMA museum!!!! I loved it! It was so good to be there where Ashton Kutcher (one of the hottest men for me) took Natalie Portman (superb actress) for their first formal date in the movie, "No Strings Attached". I love outdoor art, I've always been a fan and I suggest for all tourists visiting Los Angeles to take a photo here ... It's really something!


This particular area where you check gaming status like:
RUGBY, NFL, HORSE RACING and everything else
was in this movie when the husband was starting to regret letting
Demi Moore go to the very rich Harrison Ford in the movie.
We walked thru it and it was a long strip.

Along with that, Vegas in general reminds me of one of my favorites also....
"WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS" - which is Movie no. 5.
We stayed in Planet Hollywood when we were there and
they also shot the movie from there.
Proven true when she showed up the tissue where
"Jack and Joy 4EVA!"
on a ph tissue which stands for Planet Hollywood!

So many places we tried to go to but like what I said,
we've had our own share of prohibiting factors.
It's hard not to be able to drive myself around.
Ahahaha!!!! But I shared this for the other travelers to somehow
be aware of the places they go to because most likely,
you've seen these places in the movies and it's fun to check the
shoot location for yourself.

Have fun seeing the world!!!!

Sunday, June 03, 2012

"The Lucky One"

The "Lucky One" is yet another captivating novel by Nicholas Sparks. 

It is about a U.S. marine who came to stumble on a woman's picture which had turned to be his lucky charm during the time he served in the army. When it was time for him to return home, he thought of returning the photo to the woman personally since nobody claimed it in Iraq. He intended to thank her for saving his life from a number of life threatening circumstances where two of his best buddies during the war had never survived from or simply by winning a series of poker games. That's how he knows her the least.

As the story went along, he learns about the purpose for him finding her picture and how his fate is yet to unfold because of it.

Being a fan of this kind of novels, the book made me curl on my seat for 9 hours (out of 13) on my flight back to Shanghai from Los Angeles. I had put it on halt at first, reading only 1/4 of it and I managed to finish the rest on air. I had watched the movie in The Grove, Los Angeles and for the first time, I love the movie equally as I loved the book. Blame it on Zac Efron's remarkable portrayal of the marine.

It is a must-see. My mom didn't sleep in the movie and tried to ask what the leading man's name was. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy staring at Zac in this movie...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

2012 Fireknife Championship: Joseph Cadousteau

I was in Los Angeles while Hogan was in Hong Kong during the entire competition
when a good friend of mine, Jane Logan, left a message on my
wall on Facebook sharing her jitters about the 2012 Fire Knife Competition.
I called Hogan right away to check on the latest update.
At that time, JOSEPH CADOUSTEAU was still
doing his routine for the last round of the competition.

I shared the good news right away to my family
the moment I heard that our dear friend won the title.

Joseph and Jane, I wish we were there to witness this
and celebrate with you. Nonetheless, I still would want to extend
our hugs for a job well done.
Both of you truly worked hard and you deserve to win.

You did a superb performance
and your routine was outstanding!!!!
We're so proud of you!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fire Dance - Festival of the Lion King @ Hong Kong Disneyland [HD 1080p]

Thank you to Arnold Lee for having this performance
by Bobby King and Hogan Toomalatai
documented as they share to a thousand audience
the talent that God had bestowed them.

And to the rest of the people who always share their time to watch
and support us, taking our photos and uploading it at the very same day
they took it, we offer you our BEST every time
we would go out on that stage.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


This 2012, I had the chance to visit Disney Anaheim for the first time and I am more than thankful since my family was with me in experiencing this. There's no denying that I had been a Disney baby ever since. That being said, working for Disney had been such a pleasure. Huge thanks to the opportunity Mr. Russ Jordan (who passed away recently) gave me. Because of him, I get to own priceless moments with kids. I get to bring them happiness even in the most subtle way.

And so, for my vacation to Los Angeles, to see my mom after 8 years, it was more than remarkable. We get the chance to become kids again as we relive our unforgettable moment in Disney Orlando way back 1994. But this time, in Anaheim.

I got excited as I found out Disney Anaheim got 2 parks. Disneyland Park and their Disney Adventure Park. Ashley, my 4 year old niece, was also looking forward to play with us as she blabbers of the places that she wanted to see with me. I had to see the parade first of course so I told her, we shall watch it first then we'll go wherever she wanted to go.

The SOUNDSENSATION Parade shares a lot of similarities
with Hong Kong Disneyland's Flights of Fantasy Parade in terms of music .
It is started off by a drum line and I thought that was so cool!
Their costumes are beyond amazing as it tantalizes with colors and flow.
They have Rapunzel on the princess float and they have an Aladdin,
Peter Pan and Mary Poppins unit.
As of Hong Kong Disney's one, bungee monkeys and bungee bees 
looked playful and enticing.
The floats and choreography are also dreamy.
We all loved Disney Anaheim's parade.
It made me miss Flights of Fantasy the same time I was 
appreciating it at that particular time.

After that, we headed to Disney Toontown.
(Ashley's choice.)
We rode the Disney railway going there.

The first house that we saw was the boss' house.
I'm amazed at how they imagined it to be.
Mickey loves his fans so, it's important that he gets all
their mails and sees to it that he gets back to them.
So, after passing by the post office, his house awaits.
His house actually is packed with everything that keeps him busy
in running the park, making and designing playrooms and different toys.

You would see a typewriter, a mini theatre and a huge phone.
He awaits for you as you exit his house for a personal meet and greet.
Ashley got 5 smooches from Mickey I think and
she got a signature from him. We were so happy for her.

We just had a short afternoon so we just saw Minnie's house after that
which on the other hand is full of cute stuff. She loves baking and grooming
for Mickey so everything looked lovely and pink.

 Minnie Mouse loved her garden.

For her, dreams are meant to happen.
She shares her hopes to everybody who dreams and had
put a very special wishing well at her backyard for them.

We walked and walked,
played and played,
and just had the best time of our lives being worry free.

All the Disney cast members there gave me a very warm
welcome as they learned that I work in Hong Kong Disneyland.
They take time in asking how nice it is in Hong Kong and
that they would want to pay a visit someday.
I was overwhelmed because they made me
feel special and so did my family.

Before we know it, the day had gone pass and we were already
eating our dinner and waiting for the last attraction that we had to go to.
It was painful for me that I wasn't able to see the Disney Fireworks
because it got me all emotional the first time I saw it in Hong Kong.
It was too late for all for us and we were beat.
So, we decided to see "World of Colors" instead.
Like I said, Disney fireworks had a different impact on me.
And since I know it would be an awfully long time again before I see Ashley,
 I carried her the whole time while watching the 45 minute (approximately) show.
My heart melted when she kept on looking for her mom.
I just told her,
"Don't worry. This is the reason why I'm carrying you so
that you won't miss a thing. Because you have to tell her
every detail of this. And that's your mission."
She agreed.

There's a particular cast member named Alvis
who made this experience extra special for us.
He had let us take the vacant area for fast pass holders when it didn't get full.
We were holding fast passes which was good for another half an hour later.
But we were all exhausted and Ashley's mom, my cousin, Maan,
was already outside waiting for us. We needed to go already.
He was understanding enough and made us get a better view in no time.

I didn't get to watch other main attractions except for the parade and the "World of Colors".
But it was more priceless for me to see Ashley snoozing
while holding popcorn for her mom for her own "pasalubong" (treat).
I know she got tired because she had loads of fun navigating for us.

Yet again, Disney, thank you for letting us experience MAGIC.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012


I recently posted Forbes’ Top 15 Richest People to drive us all into striving for our aspiration. It's seldom that we get hold of a great understanding of seeing the bigger picture of what life has in store for us. Usually, what we aspire the most are the hardest to achieve. Hence, I came up with a theory to keep our sanity intact and not fall into despair. I encourage you to put your dreams of material things such as a mansion, a billion dollar worth of savings or a yacht, down a notch. As I learned from my one of my favorite books (The Rules of Life), let's start aspiring for something within your reach at a given specific time. And whatever it is that you have in mind, you aspire it now because it can give you SATISFACTION one way or another. 

Right now, let's name that aspiration as "SATISFACTION". Again, I repeat, you can think of anything as long as it gives you the right balanced amount of it.

Let me share to you something that made sense of it all to me.

When I was still in college, I completely understood two facts about man.

First, that man is a complex being as I was playing “The Sims”. Yes, an online game helped me out, particularly, a simulation/role playing hybrid game.You start off with creating your sim (a.k.a. avatar) by completing its whole well being; Namely, psychological attributes, as far as aspiration is concerned, and physical appearance, ETC. It's like taking care of it, nurturing it, making it learn and making it build relationships. I was surprised how my sim represented myself you know. But what really caught me to analyze was that, how my sim reflects the ASPIRATION that I assigned to it.

ASPIRATION is the personality attribute that determines your sim’s wants and fears.

         You have to choose just one amongst these:
           1.      Knowledge   
           2.      Fortune
           3.      Romance
           4.      Family
           5.      Popularity

Realistically, we aspire on at least one of these. I chose Family for my own. That's what I would aspire I told myself. Relating it to SATISFACTION, for now, my family makes me satisfied as long as I could provide for them, as long as they don't starve and that they're healthy, I am satisfied.

It also allows you to choose its zodiac sign in which certain likes and dislikes are predetermined accordingly. But they’re adjustable as to how you want to support the aspiration you choose. Along with the zodiac sign that you choose for your sim would be the attitude that a certain scorpion, taurus, or virgo for example, would most likely dwell to.

Of course, other things will come next. Choosing how your sim looks like, you'd dress it up and build it a house. Feed it, let it rest and bathe it, ETC.,.

Being a keen observer and being an over analytic, I started asking myself of my own aspiration. For  In order to level up in this game, you’ve got to establish relationships well. First of course, you’ve got to get a job. And one huge factor to get promoted was to get social and gain friends. Hence, income increases and it allows me to buy lovely furniture that you'd find cute. You get to design, choose among a wide array of recreational stuff and even make your sim go downtown for the social and fun meter to go green.

In gaining friends, this becomes relatively easy when you have same likes and share a common thing with another sim. The best way is to find a neighbor who desires the same aspiration as yours. If you get lucky and comes across with somebody who has the same aspiration with you, intimate relationship is possible. 

Your sim owns a wellness meter. When it shows green, your sim is happy. When it goes red, you need to find what makes your sim unhappy. Is his comfort compromised? Does he need a friend to talk to? or Is he tired? Just what in real life would make you feel off, you've got to avoid that. Otherwise, it'll die. Amazingly, when I agreed to a boyfriend for my sim to marry, the energy meter goes white and blinking... probably a state of ultimate ecstasy? And promotion comes in, I get to renovate my house, make it bigger and complete with state of the art appliances and furniture. Of course, you need to get up on time, fill your mind with ideas and increase the necessary skill meter required of your job. (Logic for a mathematics professor, well-versed in magazines and having elite friends for a model and fit body for a policeman) And so on and so forth.

So, witnessing all of these, it all boils down to another realization about man. 

Humankind (Yes! All of us in general!) never gets satisfied. 

That state of ultimate ecstasy doesn't stay that long. The wellness meter after several hours just goes back to green once again. And it surprises me that my sim seemed complete of what he needed as far as BASIC things are concerned (food, sleep, sex); All the necessary learning had to be built. Logic by playing chess, Cooking meter by cooking for friends, and a lot more. Until such time that the game builders came up with a lot of other simulations to innovate the game. There's Sims 2, Sims 3, Sims University, Sims Vacation.... I could go on and on about every expansion pack they got. I guess the Sims too, live up to the cliche, "Life goes on."

I came across a book that talked about man's pursuit to happiness. It mentioned about a high percentage of respondents, when asked of what they want in life, speaks of being happy. But to think about it, what makes you happy? Because I tell you my friend, being happy is such a HUGE goal. What makes you happy exactly? A boyfriend? An entertainment showcase? A house and lot? Because to some people, a bath could be so rewarding as well compared to your other wants like jewelry, travel opportunities and/or a BMW . Today, I suggest, we put it down a notch. And aim for SATISFACTION. It removes too much expectation, excess baggage and it would give you wonders beyond your imagination with the first two mentioned set aside. After all, we're not the sims.