
Monday, January 13, 2014


The month of January is very popular for making New Year's Resolutions. I am pretty sure that you have completed your list right about now. But I have another challenge for all of you out there. Have you ever tried coming up with a "bucket list"? Now, here's for you to understand it a little more of what it is. Watching the whole movie could even be a better idea.

I had a list before and right now, I would like to put the new one in writing as I erase some that I have accomplished so far from the previous one. I wrote it more than 5 years ago. And I think it's the best time to reassess and change it now to give room to a few more. If you want to see the previous list, click here.

I aim to...

1. able to drive anytime soon. The dream of having the car was so far fetched as of now as Hong Kong holds the best public transportation services and having a car here is just waaaayyyy toooo impractical.

2. ... have a house in Samoa. I still love a lot of glass in my house but not in the form of mirrors this time. Ideally, windows that would make sunlight come in effortlessly during the day to light up the house and during the night, it will show the stars since Samoa got the clearest, most non-polluted sky.

3. ... be able to see the pyramids of EGYPT, ride the gondola in VENICE, ride the PARIS's Eiffel Tower's elevators again, walk through the Great Wall of CHINA, pass by the River of the Nile, be blessed in River Jordan, see the Niagra Falls and the Taj Mahal....

Basically, it's the same with the #3 from the first bucket list I have but this time, I would want to include: be able to visit Harbin for the annual "Ice Show" every January.

4. ... learn Cantonese fluently. The conversational skill I learned could be a good jump start.

5. ... bungee jump. Or sky dive. Anything that will surely take my breath away. Not my life please... Hahahaha!!!

6. ... go on a cruise.

7. ... put up a business.

8. ... write a book.

9. ...fulfill my womanhood by giving birth. You may find this silly because naturally, a woman gives birth, right? But this is really a huge deal for me. Because, this is one of my fears... to give birth to a child. I fear being cut that's it.

10. ... add a lock to Love Locks in Verona, Italy.

Now, you might be thinking why I am just limiting it to 10 items only every time. Well, it makes it more attainable for me. Of course, I'm welcome still to have different firsts outside my list. Like last year, I was able to fly my sky lantern which I wanted to do for a long time.

If you have read my previous list, it was stated very much in a silly way. Though it surprised me that some of what I wanted to happen actually did such as being able to visit Singapore with friends (which marked my second in that country); I am on my 6th year performing internationally; I was able to paint something (the Jungle skirt pattern which is now at my mom's house in the States; and I am married with my soul mate.

Work out your bucket list and make it happen. New Year's Resolutions are welcome but a bucket list kind of makes it happen.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

What satisfies you?

I learned from my sociology teacher when I was in college that SATISFACTION is something that a human being may never possess. If you watch a juggler, and let's say, he juggles 3 oranges, you would always hear somebody from the crowd shout "Can you do 4"? If he does 4, you may find yourself expecting that he would juggle 5. After he does, and gets the 6th, somebody will always challenge him until the 7th, the 8th, the 9th and the 10th 'til he distracts your attention into something else. Otherwise, people's demands will never stop.

There are times, you unexpectedly give in to your envy and would buy the same shoes your friend got last Holiday season because so many are admiring it and you want the same attention. Some cultures allow men to have more than one wife because the first one is not sufficient enough to comply for what the husband needs. Plastic surgery, botox and anything alike are more in demand now because you just want to look prettier when actually, there's nothing wrong with your face. Those who go under the knife describes it as "enhancing" what they have. Philosophies like: "NO woman will say she had enough shopping.", or "NO woman could say she has enough shoes." had been accepted socially that it becomes a way of life to arising fashionistas. As a matter of fact, I don't even know why being one is a determining factor of which status you belong to nowadays. Obese men and women are pretty obvious with what they consume in excess yet they defend their bad habits like it's a civil right. Issues with money, fame and power fall in the same idea. Nobody can get enough of it.

But for people like Sam Berns, they aim for the simplest form of satisfaction. To be able to survive everyday not feeling indifferent but able. To hear what he has to share about happiness, watch this.

People like him wants for just life itself. NO MORE, NO LESS. He gets satisfied with how simple it could get. Or should I say, simple for us but more than extraordinary for him considering his condition. I have dreamt of being in one of them TEDtalks but I couldn't find anything "extraordinary" to talk about. I am not with a condition like this so that people would listen to me. I am still looking for that special message I would give justice speaking about to the whole world to be given at least 10 minutes in TED. Sam Burns, and so are the rest of the what we think are "abnormal" people because of how they look like, are even more capable if you would try to analyze it than the "normal" people like you and me. And there is just some dissatisfaction there on my account but let me transform that to something inspirational for myself. There is a challenge to each and everyone of us that nobody should set themselves to any limit most especially if we are going to talk about "full potential".

For my serene Sunday, pray that you may serve your purpose before your own life is taken away from you. Sam Burns died last night according to a post on TEDx's Facebook page. But he made it happen. He delivered the message he was meant to deliver. Live life happily and do not dwell in something that will make you feel dead and unable.

Related posts:
1. AUTISM - For your own awareness, let an expert talk about how to distinguish autism.
2. SIGNED, A 32 YEAR OLD - Here is something that you may want to watch, there might be a message for you.
3. FIND YOUR LIGHT - Filipinos sharing their talent and passion as performers in Hong Kong Disneyland

Tuesday, January 07, 2014


I've been a fan of TED talks and the most recent I have encountered
was Lizzie Velasquez's story of how she had survived the world's negativity
about a rare genetic disease that she owns along with 2 other people.
It's that rare that there's just 3 of them who has this in the entire world.

This video for my laid back Tuesday may wake up those people
whose preference of what is beautiful would be all about what you see in the outside.
But hear out what this driven young lady has to say.

Monday, January 06, 2014


I was taught very well as a professional nurse to encourage the first line of care, PREVENTION.

Prevention is better than cure. For most of us, this has no impact at all. We would not pay attention to our own health 'til we feel something aches.

Today for my DIY Monday, I would like to instill to you ladies out there (not necessarily excluding men) how important preventing breast cancer is.

Cancer progresses because of a lot of factors. Some modifiable and the others not. Non-modifiable factors include the genes that you carry, age and sex. They are so-called "non"-modifiable for it means, you can never change these facts about you. So, we cannot do anything about it.

On the other hand, the modifiable ones include your lifestyle, living environment, health perception, your diet and basically the stress level you get from all of these as you deal with every day life. And this is where we should concentrate on since you can do something about it.

You should be aware that your lifestyle covers basically the way you live your life. To know more about the classifications and in which you belong to, click here. But the most important thing I would want to focus on are your habits in addition to the classification of lifestyle you own. If it's your habit to wear a wired bra, all day, all night, then that could be a factor of compromising your breast. Any ill-fitting and tight garment suppressed onto your body isn't advisable. Allow rest time by not wearing one when you sleep. Or if you're just at home in your own time.

If you are into piercing and tattooing, where your living environment and peers may have influenced your preferences of accessorizing, you have to heighten up your health perception by understanding the consequences of such procedures and also, the way to care for it to avoid infection. Also, understanding the signs and symptoms of the breast cancer, you may detect it early and may be treated by surgery or chemotherapy.

Your diet may also affect your actual health since there are agents in the food that we eat that may induce carcinogens in the body, hence activating cancer cells instantly. Some of us also have a vice or two. It is very important that we understand these in combination with the non-modifiable factors of having cancer to be able to avoid unnecessary misdiagnosis or worse, a late one.

Stress may be considered the biggest modifiable factor as severe levels of stress put the cells of the body into a rattle. This maybe due to the workload you may have, conflicts at work, unsettled dues, family disputes, difficulties belonging and/or but not limited to identity crisis. These are just but some of the common causes of stress. But one thing we need to know, is that, if there are ENDORPHINS which are known as the happy hormones, there are stress hormones also and they are CORTISOL and EPINEPHRINE which basically put up all organs into an alert mode and is released to warn them of an impending work to aid the body to adopt to a "fight or flight" response. If your body will be exposed to too much stress, for prolonged periods of time, there will be an overload of these hormones in the blood stream and this will tire up and overuse your vital organs sooner or later.

Now, in addition to the knowledge of how we can prevent Breast cancer by understanding the factors that may cause it, here is an illustration that you should know by heart or at least save in your phone so that you have your own guide at all times.

On the other hand, here is how you perform a Breast Self Examination. It's advisable to do this privately as before you take a bath in front of the mirror or after on the bed with a pillow underneath to lift your chest to facilitate palpation. If you aren't sure if you're doing it right, have it examined by a professional. Once 1-3 symptoms are felt and marked positive, do consult a doctor right away.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Be free!

I have encountered and met people who have walked many kinds of faith. There are those who'd kiss the ground, worship the nature and get philosophical expressing their own faith. There are those who believe in things (money, fame,power) too.

I, for one, believe in God. And as a human being, there were times, I questioned myself of the depth of what I truly believe in. There were times I have researched on others about what they believe in. I did a lot of comparisons, reasoning and analysis. I also learned the lesson that the more you encourage people to believe in God, the more they say "NO!". It didn't encourage me to stop though. But I just share my own experiences without any intention of addressing any invite. Most of the time, I just pray for them to be touched by God. And then I end up there. If they are willing to ask me about more, or are willing to share their own experiences, very well then.

I searched for people who have the same belief with mine. I joined groups which I found "almost" matching only to discover that I've learned enough and that I have to put it hands on. Theories are meant to be applied and lived. I started believing in that now.

From time to time, I still ask around because I am curious of who have the same faith. I was not astounded nor shaken up by any answer except for one. When I asked one friend, "Do you believe in God?". She answered, "I don't believe in anything, I am free." I just acknowledged her answer without her knowing that something had built up in me at that very moment. I am not sure if it's further curiosity, discovery of what I may be ignorant of and the scariest of 'em all, why I felt "envious", not being able to say the same thing.

"I am free." What does that mean?

Does it mean faith has the tendency to have you imprisoned? Does it mean it sets limits to your full potential? I am not in prison but I realized that some of my actions may have been decided on due to a set of instructions, commandments, "beliefs", that was instilled in me from the beginning. I have been accustomed to these so familiarly that anything against it is considered wrong.

And then I sat back and pondered on how free I am in believing in God. I asked myself what drives me to be me?

I grew up learning the 10 commandments by heart. Whenever I find myself giving in to something, or needing to decide on something,

I always check on the values my parents have endowed on me. And it matters so much if people around me will be pleased by the outcome or not. Being mindful of this in relating to my friend's answer to reassessing why I feel envious, it made me realize that I am clueless whether what I grew up believing, hinders me from being at my ultimate supremacy or not. It is almost a cliche when they say it is alright to make mistakes. But society seems to contradict this when you have to deal with the consequences of your mistakes in real life. It's not at all alright, is it? So much so, you may also get judged with what religion you practice or which cult you belong to.

I believe in God, this I know very well about myself.

I believe also that we were given free will.

I believe that we were made in the image and likeness of God and that we are bound to exist to experience the beauty of Thy creation in its abundance.

I have always known that there is something greater than me, that there are things or circumstances that may have happened, are happening or will happen that is beyond my control.

I also believe in the philosophy that experience is the best teacher and in line with my beliefs, I never would want to step on other people just to gain that much experience for my own self-achievement.

Countless rules are imposed by different religions. As a Roman Catholic, I am a witness to my own. Undeniably, some do make you feel bottled up and somehow, it makes believing in God so complicated but if you feel secure with what you believe in, you pretty much know how you can liberate yourself from it all.
It's quite too complex what exactly you should or should not do. Comparisons could go as far as: 
Catholic priests need to be celibate while other pastors or religious leaders need not; in masses, the Holy Eucharist is served to the people dipped in wine, while other religions forbid consumption of it, LOVE is the core of every teaching in every church yet gays aren't entitled to it nor aren't allowed to be united in LOVE.

In this case, I believe that being an open vessel and not being too proud (that you are the all knowing and/or that because you go to church more than anybody else, you are better,) could help you accept these arising changes. Things happen every time that challenges your faith. And sustaining your core values is very important.

Establish securely what you believe in. And then you will be free.

Thursday, January 02, 2014


Annually, I choose a line of pictures that would resemble the past year,
and are usually worth remembering.
This year, it will not be limited to that.
I will present to you images that may also talk about something good to know
and/or something you may find exciting to look forward to
in the coming year of 2014.

Featuring, the BEST PICS of 2013!


Pantone officially makes "Radiant Orchid" the color of the year 2014
after making Emerald "it" last year.
As you can see, the pink-purplish hue is yet to be
expected in runways, weddings and events.
PINK has a tranquilizing ability, while
PURPLE is the shade of the Crown Chakra,
which is located on top of the head and is linked
to the crown of the head, the nervous system
and is the representative of pure thought.
This is also known as the Sahasrara
that feeds the imagination and creativity of the mind.
It's good to start the year with such knowledge
to allow such empowerment to flow to you.


As the Year of the Snake bids farewell, the Year of the Horse
unleashes a hopeful promise of energy, vibrance, intelligence and great ability.
I once read that God made horses from the breath of the winds,
the beauty of the earth and the
soul of an angel that it is used amongst people
who have high anxiety and are depressive
as form of therapy.

Just to share:

Celebrities Born in the Year of the Horse:

Louisa May Alcott, Chopin, Davy Crockett, Ella Fitzgerald, 
Aretha Franklin, Sandra Day O'Connor, Rembrandt, Teddy Roosevelt, 
Sir Isaac Newton, Barbara Streisand, Cindy Crawford, Cynthia Nixon, 
Denzel Washington, Harrison Ford, Jason Biggs, Jackie Chan, 
Jerry Seinfeld, John Travolta, Leonard Bernstein, 
Oprah Winfrey, Paul McCartney, Rembrandt, Ashton Kutcher, Emma Watson, 
Josh Hartnett, Katie Holmes, Kristen Stewart, Kobe Bryant, 
Genghis Khan, Emperor Kangxi and Yongzheng of China’s Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911)


 The name of March comes from Latin, "Martius", 
the first month of the earliest Roman calendar
It was named for Mars, the Roman god of warwho was also regarded as a guardian of agriculture 
and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons Romulus and Remus. 
His month Martius was the beginning of the season for both farming and warfare,
and the festivals held in his honor during the month were mirrored by others in October, 
when the season for these activities came to a close.

The month of March marks the season of Spring.


I love going home because of the person I share it with.
My husband never ceases to amaze me.
Everyday is a mystery yet I feel like I'm in my comfort zone when I'm with him.
He does his best to provide for me.
Yes, sometimes I ask myself why I get so pissed off when he teases me but it's part of his charm.
He's the only one who can make me smile
and he's the only one who can pull me up from feeling down.
Last year, Hogan had cut his hair once again around this month.
It took him more than 20 years to cut it from looking like this.

For the month of MAY,
here is a picture of one of the festivities that this month makes way for.
"Flores de Mayo" is annually celebrated in the Philippines;
"Cinco de Mayo" is an adopted Mexican festivity
of freedom commemoration during the first years of American Civil War.

It reminds us of how colorful the world is and that
there are cultural events that we may be missing out on.
So take time to travel, to see the world and how they celebrate life.
In line with these wonderful celebrations,
Mother's Day is also celebrated during the month of May.
It makes sense that it falls during the month when the flowers
grow and bloom to their utmost beauty.


June of 2013 had been marked as the most painful
time of my life. My miracle had soared high up to the heavens
and I was not given ample time even to say goodbye.
But this is something that I have let go of for quite awhile
but I wanted to share that grief helps us to become hopeful.

Each and every one of us carry a burden that only us knows about.
You might have been in a situation when no matter how much
joy there is around you, you cannot just find the reason to smile.
But this is all part of life.

When you're down, there's no way but up;
There's always light at the end of the tunnel;
This too shall pass;
Everything happens for a reason;

Every bad circumstance teaches us the virtue of HOPE
and it strengthens our FAITH.
Whether you believe in God or not, it gives us a lesson that WE SHOULD LET GO.
At one point, there comes a realization that not everything is in our control.
I can't imagine how I would live if I know how my life is going to be.
So there's nothing to do but look forward and know what else is in store for you.
If you know what's going to happen the very next second,
then HOPE and FAITH will never exist.


"There's always a rainbow after the rain."

This cliche matches the ones I presented above
but let me include it here instead.

This month last year was the next toughest one
because I needed to go to back to work and
ingest reality. Drastic changes,
ones that I never saw coming and ones that I wasn't ready for
I had to let go, forget and get on my feet fast.
But I thank God for making me work at the happiest place on earth.
Because if not, I don't think I will be able to do it.
With that being said,
I thank God for my job,
I thank God for my life,
and I thank God for the chances in life that I still get.
Don't take anything for granted.


This month will forever hold the happiest day of my life.
Being united as one with Hogan completely helped me in aiming more in life.
Just like what I always prayed and hoped for,
for me to be able to fulfill my purpose.
I know that Hogan is part of that.

"One day, someone will walk into your life and make you see why
it never worked with anyone else."


This had been sent to me via whatsapp by my husband
and I was honored to have received such respect.

I picked this particular image because it is indeed true after all.
Couples should never cease flirting, dating and playing
with each other after getting married.
So many people are saying that when you get married, you get tied up of some sort.
But my husband thinks of it as something liberating.
He said he finds freedom from it as a great sense of security, commitment
and love from both parties are happening that there's nothing
silly to think about except for how to provide for the family
and how to make a happy life out of it.

And he knows very well that a "happy wife" is the answer.



Something that every person should have.
Never settle when people describe you as
predictable, pathetic and boring.
Don't be scared to take that leap of faith because you'll never
know how good the outcome would be if you never get
to experience anything at all.

This is one thing that my friends and I own altogether.
 This photo was taken randomly for two good friends of mine
who just tied the knot that very day, (October, 2013).

We were just spontaneous, just talked about a theme and people clicked.
It reminds me of a saying:


Tragedy by the typhoon Haiyan happened during this month.
So many people helped out by making some noise
in the social networks we hold accounts with and
bloggers write and comment on basically every single detail.

One particular image taken and shared online
was just beyond my tolerance.
This sergeant was being carried by a local in Tacloban
and it is beyond SHAMEFUL.
I want to help out in making Filipinos be aware with
how important it is when you hand in your vote during the election period.
This is a very clear example of an EMBARASSMENT.
What kind of leader is that who doesn't even
want to be "for" the people!


You may find this odd but the month of December
just always reminds me to keep in touch with reality.
Every time this season comes,
there's abundance of food, abundance of gifts
and abundance of love.
But I wonder if all corners of the world get what we get.

Maybe they do, but in a different way.

Related topics:
1. 2012 BEST PICS
2. 2011 BEST PICS
3. 2010 BEST PICS

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Christmas is the season of joy and festivities.
For my Laid-Back-Tuesday,
check these videos out on how Cathay Pacific
and WestJet came up with their own representation of this joyous occasion.

Very effective advertisement I must say.

Monday, December 16, 2013



Have you noticed how you have used your android phone since you woke up this morning? You have charged it over night, woke up at 9am then by 9:35am, the battery life is all of a sudden at 90%. For some unknown calculation, it uses up your battery more than expected even if you have set the "energy saving mode" on already.

What do you do?

You always bring the charger with you. Because anyway, you'll always find a socket somewhere to steal some 5% charge, good enough to aid your post in Instagram. But like you, the rest of android phone users, which is basically, EVERYBODY ELSE, are  trying to do the same tactic. You don't want it to get tangled with the other chargers so, I encourage you to personalize them.

Choose stickers that will identify your own or be creative by choosing any pattern and by using a clear scotch tape,  decorate the charger according to your own preference and as to how you'd want everybody else label it as "yours" just by looking at it.


Now, I know somehow, somewhere, you have an incomplete bag of tiles of scrabble lying around. You want to get rid of it but can't seem to detach yourself from how cool it used to be. But because of its availability online, scrabble apps are much preferred than the real game board.

Do you just throw it out? 

You can reuse it once again by making coasters out of the tiles and save your varnished table from getting stained. This may also be used as paper weights or decor in your game room.


Latest digital gadgets and android phones have given us the easiest and fastest access to photos. But what do we do with those that were developed years ago?

Now, boxes for keepsakes can be pimped this way. Place the images in line with each other, so much so, that it would be a different type of a photo album. It can be simply done by seeing the picture on the right for your own reference. It could be arranged in special ways like how your love story started with your husband or in a way from how you evolved and grew up. Like from infant until how you look like at the present. All of it lies in your own imagination so don't be afraid to unleash its potential. You may be surprised with what good output it could create.

This is a good project to flaunt to guests who may come visit you.


Planning to decorate your meditation room with something peaceful or serene? This artwork can actually turn any room so comfortable, most especially with that knowledge that you made it. It will give your self esteem an extra boost which may be a good source of energy to continuously become productive.

Again, the image shows everything that you'll need. If you have other hues that may be used besides pink, let me know by leaving the idea in the comment box below.


Now that the Holiday season is here, you may be able to give your friends something that you personally made by following these simple steps in coming up with a friendship bracelet. You can base the beads to be used according to what your friend's favorite colors are. It's safe, cheap and personally handcrafted, how can that not be EXTRA SPECIAL?

Now you see, there are a lot of things that you can get created when you open your eyes to everything. Let what you see become an inspiration everyday and stick to your craft. To some people, DIY crafts make them breathe, calms them down and feeds their creativity that aids their skills, talent and satisfaction. It could be more rewarding once you get some old stuff lying around get reused in coming up with projects. If you, by any chance have some to share, please leave the links down below so that we could feature your work since Mondays are dedicated for DIY projects.

Have a fun productive DIY Monday!

Thursday, December 12, 2013


It's hard to squeeze time when doing your Christmas shopping. You have the list of the people but you seem to can't figure out what could be a perfect gift for that particular name. I, myself, am on a struggle and I've forgotten that I have stacked one of my folders in Pinterest with a bunch of cool stuff that you may find helpful.


If the female friend you're about to give a gift to is one of those who has everything, it is truly a challenge to choose the right present. This particular piece is the best out there because it could stand for the main reason why your friendship flourishes so this will be treasured instantly. Its style is unique and imposes genuine emotion.

If you decide this for a girlfriend, it could be a pre-engagement gift 'til you drop the question for your girlfriend's "Yes!" to a proposed marriage.

You can purchase it online via Etsy for US$8.0 or have it custom made from your favorite jewelry shop.


Breakfast is important for morning people like me. That small detail about your friend should help you in picking this amazing all-around brekky maker. I need not say more, just take a good look at that.


Got a friend who just had a baby and you seem to be having difficulty of choosing what's the best gift for her?

Well, this Dump-a-Day baby changing table and bag in one would give all the comfort that the baby wants and the ease that mommy needs in addressing nature's call. Anytime and anywhere, you're friend will find it convenient to change her baby's diapers in a jiffy. Most of public toilets do not hold the room for it and most mommies worry about this. Complete with a lot of pockets, it can surely hold bottles, diapers, and everything that your friend and her baby needs. Almost everything could fit in it. Also, with its very mechanical and efficient design, daddy won't feel embarrassed to swing it on his shoulder. Once your mommy friend opens this, she'll find you heaven sent!


It's quite amazing if you'll find an elegant gift but is actually an efficient tool at the same time.

A&R Store online offers you a simple yet efficient tool in cutting and serving cakes. This gift is the best for your baker friends, chefs and party planners. This stainless cake cutter, which is easy to wash, is best (but not limited to) used in weddings and formal gatherings. 

This will be instantly loved as it is easy to flaunt with its glamorous design and sleek appearance. Get ready to be served by your friend with this the next time you will be invited for an afternoon tea.


In addition to the cake cutter above, here is another gift for the food lovers out there. Because of numerous DIY websites, so many hobbyists become entrepreneurs in their own right. Investments are a must to keep the business running. Most importantly, it should be well advertised. And it will truly help cupcake bakers to showcase their talent if they have this 3-Tier Tree Slice Large Cupcake Stand. 

Order and have it shipped to your friend via Etsy. Price is at US$120. It is more than its worth.


I don't know about you but I love cooking. Though the hardest part is cleaning up afterwards, a solution had been invented.

This next gift idea is what you call the Scrap Trap and Bin. This may be ordered by visiting and price ranges from US$10-13 (excluding shipping fee). This is good for people on-the-go and those who loves getting organized.


We live in a fast paced world where it had been a must to keep up with the newest innovations. Although this maybe just for Ipad users, it maybe handy to give this (or anything alike) to students and workaholics to lighten up their load.

There are also mini printers that photo booth entrepreneurs could use from Canon. Either of these would make any project output ready-to-go.


Living in Hong Kong is challenging because apartments aren't that spacious. This smart couch could benefit you and your housemates for easy breezy spacious living. Dump-a-day released these genius ideas and I was trying to keep track of where you could purchase this but unfortunately, I couldn't find it. Let me know once you get hold of any information, please?


There's no better gift than the gift of laughter so why not be humorous with your choice?

Everybody seems so hooked nowadays with a lot of social networks. Whether it's for business, keeping in touch with friends and family or just for the heck of having something to do, most of our time get spent on it. It gets to a point that you need to make your friend aware of it.

Now, this next gift could remind him/her to lay low from it because they have to see it everyday even in the shower.....

....or not! LOL!!!

Either way, it's funny and it's beyond anybody's expectation. This is one of 2013's Holiday deals in Place your orders there and they'll ship the finished profile you've made with a good deal that is less than US$20 most especially if you'd order now.


Thinking of how to reward your folks this Christmas?

Besides that trip you are planning to send them off to, pimp the porch with this seat whose handles could hold a glass of wine as they relax watching the sunset at the end of the day. This encourages good conversation to flow with that comfortable design of the seat and the convenience that go with it.

This actually is considered a garden seat but of course, you can use it however and put it wherever. The porch idea was just my own but if you'd check out the website of Wine Barrel Products, you'd learn about this seats more.

I hope this had helped you out guys. If in doubt of whether you made the right choice, ask yourself if you want to receive that gift and if the answer is yes, more likely, you're in the right track. If you know any more websites or you've also written one, please do share by leaving the website in the comment box below because I need to know more of them to complete my own list too.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Good to know!

Kyte's Wine-and-Dine Wednesday 
would like to present to you some reminders 
about anything and everything about food and dining. 
I've collected some good information that you might like to get hold of these too. 
