
Thursday, December 10, 2015


Since it's almost a part of the subconscious for most of us, brushing our teeth may have never been given that much of a thought as far as considering why the end of each tooth paste tubes is marked with a certain colour.

Some had given out information that these colours mean the following in terms of composition and ingredients:

GREEN - all natural
BLUE - natural + medicine
RED - natural + chemical composition
BLACK - all chemicals

With good intentions, these warnings may serve consumers well. But it had been proven that the best to get hold of the composition and ingredients of a certain product is to consult the ingredients label at the back.

These coloured tabs at the bottom of the toothpaste tubes may mean a lot of things. Though it shouldn't be limited to the ones above, it may also serve as "eye marks".

"Eye mark: A printed rectangular mark most often found along the edge of webstock that can be identified by an electric eye. The mark identifies a point on the web where an individual package is to be cut."

These eye marks or colour marks are sensed by the light beam markers of the machines that produce these toothpastes massively. This marks where they need to be cut and sealed. Since they produce millions and millions of these at a time to meet the people's demands, they produce it at high speed. Hence, they need to be marked accordingly. Whichever machinery they use, and depending on the brand, the markers may differ that's why the colours vary.

As a reminder for all of us, the best way to know regarding chemical composition or the ingredients used whether they are natural, organic or not, is to check the label. And for us not to be overly dependent on the internet that we cannot figure out the difference between hoax information and hearsay.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Slopes says no.