
Sunday, February 26, 2012


For the past years, I've met a lot of renowned bundle of talents in addition to the ones I've met in the Philipines since I have worked in the happiest place on earth. I would like to take this chance to present to you the following clips, videos and featured articles of Filipinos who have continuously served our country to the best of their abilities


1. had a dance class
2. last time dancing with kuya rodel in Disney
3. 1st day of insanity
4. good dinner from hogan
5. curious case of benjamin button

Monday, January 30, 2012

Strive to Make a Difference!


My mom texted me the other day, reminding me of how I used to be
when it comes to art projects, specifically coloring books.
She texted me this way,

"Do you remember when you were young, maybe around 7 years old,
I was preparing breakfast one day at 6 in the morning,
and you went down after me with squinted eyes to the kitchen?
I was so surprised but I just observed.
You were carrying your coloring books with you.
You pulled a chair, you laid down 70+ colored pencils
with your 4 coloring books and started working on one.
And instead of greeting me "Good morning!", you asked,
"Do you know that there's a shade called PERIWINKLE?"
and I started joining you because I was so
surprised to hear what you just shared to me.
I thought that was the cutest ever!"

OK! She didn't include that last statement in her message.
But I thought that's what she wanted to say back then
but knowing my mom, she has her silent approach when it comes
to giving in EMOTIONALLY.

As I was checking what's featured on GROUPON almost everyday,
on that day she sent me the message,
I came across a feature in Groupon about this 4hour DIY (Do-it-yourself) art jam.
I purchased it after checking the deadline for usage and
how accessible it will be for me to go at the location.
(Yep! The drill in purchasing from GROUPON
besides knowing if it will interest you,
benefit you or if it's cheap enough.)
Holidays came by and so did the Chinese New Year
that I totally forgot about the purchase.

Anyways, I was talking to Aaron Jan (AJ) one time, and I don't know how he ended
up saying, "PERIWINKLE!" and that reminded me to call "Coloring Art" to book a session.

As I reached the place, it was totally true how they described what to expect.

  • High quality drawing tools (different sized brushes and very nice quality paints, you will be provided with your own working apron and 30cm x 40 cm canvas)
  • Free flow of drinks (with choices such as lemon tea, green tea, apple juice)
  • Relaxed atmosphere for creativity and bonding if you're doing it with your kids, family, relatives, friends and/or partners (they were playing an array of classical music, mellow ones and laid back tunes to enhance the brain's artistic function; it was pretty calm and quiet too)
  • It was accessible to Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok stations (I used my iphone to track the address provided in groupon so it didn't really give me difficulty finding the building - meaning, groupon care of Ko's Building, provided a reliable and accurate address - just fabulous!)
  • Washing equipment and lockers are provided if needed.

The moment I saw my workstation, I've let myself settle after coming from the lieu so that I would be good for the next 2 hours at least. (And it was really clean, let me tell you that. I'm sorry I had to include this information, that is important for me.) I started stretching my hands, reviewing all the images that I might work on, putting out my earphones and played my "own" music. I already came up with a playlist of acoustic sounds for my own ease.

Surprisingly, all that I planned to draw didn't make an appeal
when I was about to start. It all changed when I saw the kind of paint I'm going to work on. I told myself, I have to use as much colors so as to maximize the worth of my GROUPON indulgence. Practicality my friends!

I thought, I should work on something else during my days off without
letting go of what I'm truly passionate for. This is actually an application
of an important point I learned from the book, "Happiness Project".
It was suggested there that if you're in a situation where
you don't know what to choose, choose work or something about it.
So, I considered our costume, the jungle skirt for an inspiration.

Every time I swing it around for a performance,
there's an unexplainable high with it, most especially,
when I share the stage with passionate and dedicated bodies of exploding talent.
I never knew it would come out like this.

I never had a formal training or education
about shadowing, shading or critical sketching.
Though once, I imagined myself working for Disney not as a performer
but to be an animator. But, my mother didn't agree with it.
She suggested being an architect is what I should pursue rather than be
an artist. According to her, (or like almost all of the elders of her generation),
being an artist will never put food on the table.
Of course, she was just being cautious and protective of my future.
Going back, besides the fact that I was a Disney baby,
that I adored and memorized, Beauty and the Beast,
Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Aladdin, Pocahontas and the Lion King
and many more,
I was fascinated with the colors that they used most especially with
Lion King and Little Mermaid.
I haven't let go of that dream as I did this project.

I had just let go of myself.
I had just been me.... for the complete 3 hours.
And it's .... actually, AMAZING.

To my mom, you have never forgotten.
I thank you for that.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happiness PROJECT

There was a struggle in me whether I should come up with one of my own as I went thru this book right before the new year came. I stumbled across it in the Hong Kong International Airport on my way to Samoa. As obsessive-compulsive as I may become, in following airline rules, there's no controlling me if it's about maintaining safety on board the trip. I knew that mobile phones would be requested to be shut down. Therefore, my iPhone (though it has that airplane mode) would be useless for 10 hours! I just "had" to get a book.

Last November, 2011, books about Steve Jobs had gone wild. You could see his face all over magazine stalls, bookstores and news stands.... big and small, on hard bound and soft bound covers with a very tempting ad that goes, "You want to be as rich as Steve Jobs???" that would really make you grab it and go. It was expensive let me tell you that! But I was on a tight budget and I was on my way to a vacation that I want to hold on to as much cash as I can. Since I didn't know how it is in Samoa in terms of usage of credit cards if worse comes to worst, I went around and looked a little more. I saw this book at a dim corner. At first, I was judging my own self for being pathetic in choosing this book because it seems like I am admitting to myself that I got attracted to it because I sense UNHAPPINESS in me. But I managed to ignore the thought and like how I always convince myself (when purchasing reading materials), I thought, "It's for research purposes! You'll never know how it may serve you later on!".

Come on the plane, after getting settled and all, I started reading the the book. Needless to say, it was true after all.... it's not that my life was stable that I could absolutely say I'm happy. I am not taking little blessings for granted. Hear me out. I read this book, "RULES OF LIFE" where it suggests that being "HAPPY" is too much to wish for. It is just too vast of an emotion that the pursuit of it is almost impossible. I agreed with what it suggested that people, in general don't get happy unless satisfied. Say for example, if you get to eat 3 times a day, sometimes, it wouldn't satisfy you if it doesn't come with dessert; or it wouldn't satisfy you if it's not in a fancy restaurant; or it wouldn't satisfy you if you're not going to be served well.... and these demands could go on and on and you and I know that it may never stop. So, this book, basically convinces the person to go down a notch by pursuing "SATISFACTION" instead of "HAPPINESS"... And you can go from there.

Going back to the book, "HAPPINESS PROJECT", it pushed me into maximizing my potential in all aspects. Career, relationships and status. My personal argument regarding "HAPPINESS" vs "SATISFACTION" had once again given life. Bits and pieces of Gretchen Rubin's experiences (the author) are similar to mine. Though very stable, I admire her for admitting how limited she was and the extension of her humility to doing something about it in order to be happier. Moreover, convincing other people to change for the better too. I never came up with my personal commandments, nor my personal resolutions but it seems that I was starting to apply them altogether subconsciously. I've put her theories into action and oftentimes, I see it very beneficial to my own life. I sat down and thought about it again. Since, it got all woven to completion, first month of the year, the book meant goodness and balance, why not, go for it after all!!!!

Let me start with my 12 resolutions adapting Gretchen's style:
1. Get energized.
2. Try something new.
3. Focus on one thing at a time.
4. Be real, be Kyte.
5. Share more.
6. Let go.
7. Identify the Problem.
8. Stand up for what's right.
9. Make it happen.
10. Spend out.
11. Be there.
12. There is only love.

There you go....

In beginning this blog, I gave myself one rule, "JUST" write about happy experiences. But from now on, some of my blog entries would be confirming to these personal commandments. What I learned from reading "The Happiness Project" was that, it's hard to realize that you're happy about something when you haven't experienced a devastating loss or great absence of it to make you see further on how it makes you appreciate the happiness that that "something" brings. So, to make it more realistic, interesting and natural, I may start to share events that helped me grow up, challenges that made me test my attitude and memoirs that may be upsetting at first but for sure got underlying reason and purpose. Again, you all are free to share your opinion by commenting, sharing and suggesting.

Be happy!!!!

Related posts:
1. THE 30 MAJOR CAUSES OF FAILURE - A selected part of the book by Napoleon Hill entitled, "Think & Grow Rich"
2. RICH DAD POOR DAD - Wanting to know the secret of getting rich? Read this review of the book that leads you to it.
3. HOW TO SAVE HK$5000 IN 52 WEEKS - You have the urge to save but have a system in doing it. Here's how.

Against UST

This beleaugering blog had caught my attention one Sunday morning on Facebook. If you would read it carefully, and you're a Thomasian even for just a short time, you would be offended with her personal remarks about the school. Needless to say, not only me, (being a Thomasian for 14 years), but a lot, had violent reactions. Upon reading it, it got me off the bed with the urge of blogging back NASTILY!!! But then again, I had to step back and dwell on the awareness I was currently in, with regards to my "INITIAL RESPONSE", "VALUES" and "BREEDING".

Of course, all of us are entitled to share our personal opinion with basically everything that we encounter. It just is though a HUGE choice which attitude we would approach it with. ATTITUDE is a very important tool in going on with our daily lives. I always find myself blaming ATTITUDE as the only reason behind every argument, every problem and every dilemma. In this case, I was careful with which ATTITUDE to let go of. Freedom of expression was to be respected on this account. However, the student, obviously was using a lot of offensive words and the main intention was really make the school look bad.

A friend of mine, Mrs. Christina Cueto Nawahine, whose father was a professor in the University of Santo Tomas, and is a product of UST herself, commented on Facebook that went, "My dad, a retired professor at UST, once told me you'll know if a teacher is good if he/she can make the poorest student to be the brightest. If it is a fact that UST accepts "bobo's" then this is the reason." UST may be getting poor students but if it can transform the "POTENTIAL" to being the "BEST" when they graduate, then it's not a school located in "LOSER"-ville after all. I totally agree with that.

As for me, I just wanted to clarify that University of Santo Tomas is not a church alone. When I was enrolled there, it was complete with the Elementary School, Education and Pay High School and an array of colleges offering a variety of courses that are actually too many to mention. It also has a museum, big ass library!!! (sorry for the language but it's that big, I wasn't even able to completely tour around even If I was there for 14 long years), a fast food chain afront a hospital, a lot of gymnasiums, a church, a soccer field and a park. Everything that would facilitate a student's learning is basically there and a peaceful environment. I'm sure that additional facilities had been renovated, widened and added up.

In addition to that, professors with true passion are the underlying weapons of the said university. Without them the university would be crippled. They are true gems of the Thomasian community for the teachers that I had had served for so long as I know. From being my mom's teachers/professors, down to this generation's. For me, they deserve more than a gold medal and to them, I write this recognition. Because of all my teachers in the past, I am where I am right now, well and intact, more than capable and fired up! So, there's more than what the school has to offer besides facilities. As part of the 85 and above percentile after finishing high school, I was exempted in taking UST's entrance examination so I strongly disagree that UST got imbeciles joining their community.

Maybe it would also be good to recognize the products of UST if that's the case. A lot of Thomasians are recognized in the Philippines and abroad. Maybe in naming the ones that I know, I would have to write another blog for it. Along with other universities in the Philippines, UST continues to represent the Philippines in a good way. And for me, Catholicism is yet another distinct characteristic of a true Thomasian, which explains the important values (such as humility, patience and perseverance) enveloping every success a Thomasian earns. That's basically what this student doesn't understand. Talent and/or intelligence may get you to the top. The values and attitude that you combine it with are the determining factors on how to sustain being on top.

Though I wanted to criticize every awful thing this student stated about MY school, I guess I just have this to say...

I am thankful with being blessed with parents who brought me to the University of Santo Tomas to receive the best education. I learned that this is the best gift any parent could ever bestow. It can never be stolen from you and if it's a good stepping stone to everything. I am representing myself as a learned person to the best of my ability. And lastly, a big thanks to this girl because she paved a way for me to write about my roots. It gave me a chance to express how proud I am to be part of the Thomasian community.

VIVA SANTO TOMAS!!!!The most recent photo that I took during my latest visit in UST
- (2011) while standing beside the dirty ice cream cart that I
had been buying ice cream from since I was in
my primary years inside the campus.
It's still there.

The BALD FROG with a WIG....

Every time I update my google account, my blogger profile generates tasks and challenges to write, random questions to answer and opinion-generating arguments.... today, I came across this task,

The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:

And this is what I came up with...

There was once a frog whose ultimate purpose in the world is to be happy. He thought carefully how he would do it. And then he realized that God gave him the very expression of being a happy frog, the talent of jumping! He jumped from places to places to share to every creature the good news. He entertained them til he got exhausted. One day, he got sick because he forgot to take a rest along the journey. His legs got weak and had to undergo serious medication as far as drinking 8 kinds of it just to survive. But this did not stop the frog from doing what he loves best. Making people happy. For him, this gives him the quality of life he longs to have. Drinking 8 drugs at a time made his hair fall off until he lost all of them and became bald. He didn't go out for many days til one of the creatures that went brave to look for him, the squirrel. He found out about the frog's problem that people might make fun of him for being bald but the squirrel, quick enough as ever, thought of a simple solution. The squirrel brought the frog a wig the next day so that he would be able to continue making the people happy and in turn himself happy. Not so long, he died and the squirrel always remembered him because the frog had left it with a note saying, "Thank you for making me happy."

Too bad it just had to be limited to 400 characters... let me know what you think about it. Comment down below if you may. Thanks in advance...

Monday, January 09, 2012

God wants you to know...

Logic is argumentative, aggressive upon the mind, splits the world into right and wrong, us and them. Love is generative, compassionate, embracing all creation. Logic pays attention to what is being said. Love pays attention to how things are said. Logic leads to debate. Love leads to communion. Practice love to be closer to God.

Friday, January 06, 2012


I am currently hooked with this new series from ABC
called, "Once Upon A Time" where stories from children's books
were all put together with an interesting twist.

The class of fairy tales were brought anew as a touch of
modern reality affects all characters that
paves a way to a whole new different story.

From being a fan of CHARMED,
I can't wait to suggest this to my sisters and to all you
people who believe in fairy tales...
one way or another.

2011 Picture Compilation


There are 3 things that I've observed that people
(in general) tend to do after the holiday season, kicking off a start now that
a new year had come and/or as the first month of the year is unleashed.
2 keywords for all of it:
L-E-T-T-I-N-G G-O!!!!!!

As a reminder, we have to let go of the past,
it's good to get the lesson from it though
as part of your self reassessment.
But no matter what you do, you cannot change it.

In dieting, you let go of excess and "unnecessary" weight that you
allowed yourself to have as you convinced yourself that
another serving of that irresistible blue berry cheese cake in front
of you was worth it last Christmas eve... or New Year's...

Lastly, in making resolutions...
The thing is, you basically want to let go of what doesn't
work "with" you and "for" you that's why you give yourself
resolutions. It's crying out for change, right? Right.

They all denote one thing in common.
"L-E-T-T-I-N-G G-O!"

I chose this picture to remind me of the little things in my life,
whether good or bad that one way or another,
I would have to let them go. There's a reason behind it
why you have to do so. Whatever they may all be,
we shouldn't forget the most important of all,
Your own and theirs.

This is a picture of my friends. The eldest girl is Waipapa,
the boy is Buddah and the little girl is Teehei.
The Baileys!!!
I got this shot when we went to the park, my last play day with them.
I've become close to these Maori children but they had to leave for New Zealand
with their parents for school. Traveling stopped the kids
from having a stable set of friends.
I, for one, know that it's all better that they grow up steadily.
If I was Miri Bailey ( their mom ), I would have done the same thing.
I will forever remember them together with Hogan.
But we had to let them go.
And I can't wait 'til our paths cross again.


My cousins and I were very close. Coming from a family with
two sisters (no brother), I became very close to my cousin,
the youngest of our batch, ALVIN DEL MUNDO, now a certified architect.
He was my brother from another mother.
We had our share of youthful fun together with the rest
of our other cousins and my sisters that we practically grew up together.
But since he was just a little kid back then, we ought to keep an eye for him.

For the love month, I moved his picture with his wife that I took
during his wedding from December (the month that they got married)
up to February for I want to share my point of view to all of you,
most especially to men, about the wedding that you're going to give yourselves
and your wife to be maybe soon or in the future.

When I go to weddings, I always look at how it was planned
and how it was laid for all to see. For me,
this is how the groom adheres to what the bride deserves
or it's his way of looking at her. The wedding should be the
proof of how the groom envisions the bride.
From the motif, the location, how it's going to happen,
the people that's going to be there... things like such.

I am so proud of him to have been so successful
and blessed in many ways. His parents were always there
to support and guide him all the way, his wife shares the same
desires and goals with him and his career is at its golden years.

Lastly, he was a gentleman to show Renchie, my now cousin-in-law,
his love thru the wedding that he gave her.
I was even personally swept off my feet.
His personal touch on the music, the tactics, the food,
the program, the AVP production too... they all
had gave it so much energy and life.

It was the wedding of the year for me indeed.


Another powerful tool for me, besides LOVE, is having no fear.
In a lot of superhero movies, being fearless makes you stand out,
makes you extraordinary and makes impossible things doable.
In our daily lives and in our REAL world,
it's commonly known as CONFIDENCE and BRAVERY.

Here, I represent to you, 2 photos I've got for the month of March.
The first photo was taken in Samoa of Hogan Toomalatai receiving
the traditional Tatau, a rite of passage amongst Samoans.
Only the bravest people of heart and mind are the ones that would do this nowadays.

The second photo amazed me with Dylan Yung's talent.
Here, you would see 4 performers (one of them is me)
squeezing out every confidence they got
as they dance out to a number of people including their bosses on the side.
The angling of this shot kind of emphasized the idea.

Both of these photos depict the tools that we need in living our lives
to the fullest. We only live once and we should make the most out of it.
I love it!


Living life includes discovering things that you're
not familiar with. You'd be surprised that although
traveling seems to be the best thing to do
to get immersed to something new,
there are still some things that are actually around
you everyday that may give you that feeling of first experiences.

Lately, our camera, CANON EOS 50D,
opens up my eyes to seeing something deeper
or more upclose. Our lens is good enough to show me
different perceptives in taking a glimpse of just about everything.
From focusing, colors and angling.
All of these had made me appericiate the world in its abundance.
I choose this picture of me in front of the rugby field one fine afternoon
when Hogan along with our friends had played in the rugby league.
It was a great experience to come out of what's familiar and push
yourself into doing something else besides what you do everyday.
Taking pictures that day had made me appreciate rugby more
when all that I had before was constant "zero" knowledge
about this sport.


This picture by a good friend of mine, WENDELL JOHN FRANDO,
inspires me continuously to find beauty in everything.
As for my hobby of taking photos, I casually take walks to
spot subjects, photograph them and share it to friends.
Before I knew it, I had compiled a lot in one of my albums in Facebook
and Wendell saw them.
I appreciated his comment encouraging me that I should
consider "unusual" subjects. I didn't get what he said at first so I asked
him what he meant about it then he lead me to this picture
then it made me totally get the sense.
Then I realized that could be applied as a rule of life.
Sometimes, we tend to focus only on the
blinding beauty of almost everything that we tend
to forget that beauty lies within the purpose of something
or somebody. It lies within...


I'd like to feature this photo of my friend, Kelly Boyles.
She's one epitome of the word "REAL" in it's truest form.
Here could be a picture of Cruela in couture, but what I see more is that
great aura of GIRL POWER. I love her for knowing how to
have fun, being responsible, being on top of her game and staying humble.
She keeps everything in her life balanced and stays real and
true to her friends, family and of course to her own self.
That's what's most important.
I love how she treats herself good by celebrating her life.
She knows what she deserves and doesn't take any shit from people
(if you know what I mean).


I blogged about the auditions that me and my friends did for the
launching of Toy Story Land here in HK DISNEYLAND last year but
I never got the chance to share how it went.
Malyn Punay, Aaron Jan Mercado, Giles Earvin Santos,
Stevenie Fu, Lawrence Law and I, along with numerous cast
members of HK DISNEYLAND, got the chance to model
the toy story land clothing and apparel as it opened November last year.

It was a sublime experience for all of us
as a series of castings and photoshoots were done
& this photo was one of the finished products.
We did have a lot of fun and we get to
do something else that's worth remembering besides work.

Life is full of surprises alright.


My boyfriend, Hogan Toomalatai,
took this during our trip in Samoa. It was just
too beautiful to let it pass without capturing the moment on cam.
The colors, the clear skies as time passed by while
watching it was beyond satisfying.

We don't get hold of beautiful sunsets like these in Hong Kong.
And so, we realized that we miss it.
It's very similar to sunsets in the Philippines too.


As inevitable as it may seem to most people, I never
knew that DEATH remained taboo to me after learning about Steve Job's
uneventful farewell as iphone 5 was far more than expected.
I was figuring out whether to wait for iphone 5 or buy an iphone 4 for already
since I was going over a week without no mobile phone.
The night before his death, my boyfriend and I were weighing which to purchase.
I literally jumped off the bed when I heard of this tragic loss the next day.
I admire him for being able to serve his purpose before he died though.
And that made me panic a little bit as I told myself,
"I wish I could fulfill my purpose too the same way he did."
Because the follow up thought to that was,
I'm still far away from fulfilling what my true profession is.
I'm a certified nurse, but I don't serve as one.
I have a lot of dreams like writing a book but all that I got is a title.
I am actually in PANIC about certain issues that maybe I'm too late to do stuff
or I'm getting old to start something else up.
Hence, I see death as taboo because I still got a lot of things
to do, experiences to hold, and growth to earn.
I don't know if it goes the same with you
but I am still not ready to bid farewell. Not just yet.
But that's not in my control, is it?
Make it count. Make everything count.


Ahhh, every person's ambition is an escape.
This month always gives Hong Kong people this much opportunity
to be somebody else as they hail the season with splendid
array of costumes, late night parties and out of the ordinary get togethers.
They allow themselves to portray themselves as any famous icon
such as: the ROBOCOP, the MUMMY or the EGYPTIAN PHARAOH.
These are just a few examples.
I chose this for the month of October to encourage
your creativity, innovative skills and freedom of expression.
Go for it!


My month. Lately, I've developed the baker in me as I occasionally
indulge in the therapeutic effects of this hobby,
as how my friend Ms. Malyn Punay made me realize.
Besides the fact that I am able to save money and learn something new,
Hogan benefits from it as well when I make chocolate pound cake.
I don't find satisfaction with chocolate (yes, I know... I'm the only one who's not a fan)
but I'm pretty ok with not tasting it while I bake it.
I love how baking gives a scent of
"home". It's always nice to go home to a house where
there's always something baking.
For the month of November, learn something new.

Though these cupcakes are truly amazing as how they were made,
perhaps, it's just the Scorpio in me that admires the presentation.
Probably, these cupcakes were made for a bridal shower.


God never wanted us to be alone. Hence, he gave us the intelligence
to identify the most essential element of living.
"L-O-V-E" !!!
This picture just talks of it so much so I choose this
for the month of December.

The month of most holidays, it is just good to
share everything that talks about love.
Your time, your undivided attention, your love.
Be thankful for the happy times and don't regret learning from pain.
You are what you are because of what you had gone thru.
And you are comparable to nobody because of your survival skills.
Hold on to each lesson as you face a new beginning yet again.
As the year ends, have a recap once again.
And share it with your family, your friend, or your special someone.
They might learn something from you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A SHIP is designed to take you places. So if your companionSHIP, friendSHIP, partnerSHIP, or relationSHIP isn't taking you anywhere, then its best to abandon that SHIP. You deserve nothing but the best & your worth is priceless. Shine Your Light...

"something to ponder on as i read " ... it's good way to start a new year by letting go of something that doesn't do you good at all... 1st step to starting a new, "LET GO!!!" of clutter, of excess baggage and of the past that you and i both know will NEVER change!

thanks MS. LUCAS!!!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Monday, November 07, 2011

Fall, 2011

Ahhhhh.... the time when it's best to do parades because of the windy and cooler weather.

Welcome FALL/WINTER 2011!!!

This was taken October 18, just wanting to document the change of wardrobe come new change of the season. With the help and (bad) influence of my good friend Fern , I hailed Zara for their new collection of boots, Bershka for stylish scarves and H&M because of the gift cards as you shopped. It's like earning HK$1 for every HK$7 spent!!!!

Those are just too lame as reasons, right? It sounds perfectly like what you'll read in SHOPAHOLIC series! So add this to it!

I was going to have a wonderful dinner with Hogan for our 4th year anniversary at our favorite restaurant... CHILLI AND SPICE located in Gold Coast Metropolis, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong. It somehow owns a Discovery Bay vibe so it was proper to dress up! And I was looking forward to document too so why not grabe the opportunity for photo opportunities like this! LOL!!!

Sunday, November 06, 2011


It's the second time around that I had to google how to do something for the first time. First was how to play the guitar, and this time, it was how to make a PEACH PIE...

Peaches have always been one of my favorite fruits when I was young... and I remembered how it melts in my mouth whenever I eat it. So, I thought, why not eat it in a different way... on my own way! OK, today, it didn't turn out so... I want to mention Nicko's kitchen (that's how the simple recipe was entitled in youtube) for it helped me thru. So it ain't exactly my own way.

Harry's mom passed away 2 days ago. As our uso ("brother" in Samoan language) here in Hong Kong, we visited him earlier tonight to pay sincere condolences along with Chief Malama, Tavita, Chief Pati, his wife and their son, MJ and Hogan. They sang a song for his mom and for his loss and we also extended our sympathy to his wife by bringing a special material (to bring to Samoa as cover for the coffin, as part of tradition) and food to their home. It was endearing to witness how strong their culture is and that even though how small their Samoan family here in Hong Kong is, they would really make an effort to comfort them and make them feel that their all together thru ups and downs...

And so, I thought that I should make something special to bring over dinner... Hogan also requested for a dessert or cake. And I thought of a PEACH PIE...

As I gathered the ingredients together, I watched the demonstration on youtube not knowing the exact measurements of each. It's my first time to use Self-raising Flour. I didn't know its limits or whether it would make my dough too spongy but then, it was alright. Let me share it in a brief way...


- self-raising flour (if you don't have it, you can just use the all-purpose flour but add baking soda to it)
- granulated white sugar
- brown sugar
- unsalted butter
- 1 medium sized egg
- milk
- peaches (canned is preferred, as long as it was preserved in its natural juice)

1. Prepare the dry ingredients by mixing altogether flour, granulated white sugar and butter. Use your fingers in mixing them altogether until a golden crumby texture has been achieved.

2. Pour in the beaten egg and the milk simultaneously thereafter. Then mix it altogether with a bread knife allowing the air to create a natural plump to it.

3. Pre-heat the oven at 180 degrees while you pour the mixture to the baking pan laid upon with baking paper.

4. Put the sliced peaches on top. To avoid it from burning, brush melted butter on it and sprinkle the brown sugar on top to add some color to it and to carmelize the top.

5. Bake from 18-23 minutes at 180 degrees if using the 22,5x22,5 CM baking pan. Use the toothpick to check if inside is cooked and dry. Let it cool for 5 minutes thereafter and serve. This is good for 8-10 people.

I hope this could be of help. It's better to check youtube for the exact expectation of mixture, measurements and finished product. To tell you honestly, I just used my INSTINCTS with the measurements and Hogan mentioned that he was proud. Thank God! Not bad for a first timer!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Ever since technology had taken a huge step in making mobile phones, my family and I had been loyal to Nokia. I still remember the first ever handy model, 5110. My classmates found it a symbol of status. Young as we were, that's what we believed so.

Not until, I started making important calls, marking down important people for work and business, and the most important of all, getting hold of things to be done at a certain time.

I admit, I never realized that I was in a constant struggle with the limitations of my old phone as I gave way to my desire to own one of Steve Jobs' greatest innovations. IPhone 4 - humbly I say, had made everything easier, accessible and possible for me. Not to mention, the apps that go with it. I couldn't relate to it at first but APPLE really makes it user friendly by updating it very well and by allowing an array of interests to be steadfast available.... at a minimal cost... It's a good investment and to further feed the indulgence, I asked Hogan, "Do you think I deserve this!?" And he said, "Of course!" And that puts the guilt away (since it's not that cheap, though I'm thankful of the discount for Disney Cast Members and the wonderful deal that they gave me).

Thursday, October 06, 2011


"The Greatest CEO of His Time"

Steve Jobs' death made me jump off my bed when my boyfriend of 4 years
casually announced from Facebook a devastating news.
I couldn't believe at first though it was expected.
I've known him being sick of Pancreatic Cancer for quite a while.
I kind of sensed how serious it was when I observed him experiencing
a remarkable weight loss.

Greatfully, he did not seize in pushing himself
of fulfilling his purpose of innovating cellphones/mobile phones.
I am more than amazed of his dedication to what he does best
despite his serious condition. In fact, despite the reality
That he was dying...

Many of us, if we would be asked by God of what we want,
there'd always be wishes that would talk about
personal gains. It's not wrong but it's a fact.
Ask yourself for example of what you'd wish for if God
appears to you one day and asks you this,
"what 3 wishes would you ask me
if I would guarantee you that it will be granted?"
Did you answer it yet?
Mine firstly, was to be able to serve my purpose.
(I always start and end my day stating this.)
Secondly, to gain as much finance so as
the family that I'll leave behind would never have
difficulty giving me a proper burial.
And the last one would be to attain immortality
At least thru a book or any form of innovation of some sort.
Noticed anything?
Yeah... There's personal gain there.
Though maybe if I would serve my purpose and would
be able to attain immortality, earn a lot of money so that
my family would give me a proper burial, who knows?
Probably it could benefit the whole mankind.
Pretty ambitious. But hey, that's just a big "IF".

Even if we'll add a catch to it,
like for example, you're dying and God appeared to you
and asked you the same thing, the more it has the tendency
to just talk about pure personal gain.
It's just undeniable.

The point is, as far as the concept of "dying" is concerned,
It still is good not to wait for that moment to live

Steve jobs life is a life well-lived
for he was able to do his purpose, which was
to enhance other people's lives.
It could be more of a personal gain for him but as i type
away this blog entry thru my iPhone,
I feel that it's more of a gain for me.
Steve jobs' iPhone makes it possible for me
to type away whenever and wherever.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

You Got a Friend in Me!!!!

A Toy Story

11 in the morning. Stevenie and Lawlaw had set the call time
the night before. Complete with instructions as to what colors of clothes
we were going to bring and with my camera all geared up,
we all met up in Disneyland Hotel to take as much life in the pictures
to come up with the "not-only-cast-members-but-also-friends" theme.
And I'm so grateful to have these subjects altogether in this project
for each and every one of us really were game to do it...

Despite limited make-up time, props to hold and sun to enjoy,
we still hope that there would be a good outcome from this.
Or should I say, we already have because this will be another page
to be added up to our lives here in Hong Kong.

Thank God for friends!

Thursday, September 01, 2011