
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Just about a month ago, I gave birth to my unica hija and along with my close friends, we can't help but talk about how things are different when you have your own kids already. You can't help but worry everyday for their sake, your priorities take a huge turn about (always including them in every decision you make), not to mention, you will always be cleaning up after their mess, etc. But of course, it's wrapped up with a huge "BUT IT'S ALL WORTH IT" in the end.

But one thing that we had a long time talking about was, how today's kids compose the high-tech generation. One friend of mine mentioned that he was walking passed a restaurant when he saw a family with their toddler hooked on an iPad set upfront the kid while eating and the parents are all settled, going about a conversation. It's hard to keep up with a toddler, that's a given. There's a reason why they call it, "The Terrible Two's". And different parents come up with different strategies when it comes to rearing the little monkeys. Some find these gadgets educational, some think that it distracts the kids from playing outside and experiencing the real deal. My own opinion goes:
They are going to be
well-versed with computers
whether we like it or not. 

Come on! It's their generation and no matter how we criticise how some parents are alright that their kids are all hooked up on it, these parents' (that pertains to US, you and I) generation brought these android computers alive. Alright, I have to mention, the 80's and 90's era. 

So that night after putting my baby to sleep, I reminisced on some of the memories that made my childhood complete, including things, toys, gadgets, TV icons and events that I would never forget. And thought of researching on them to share to you fellow parents from the time when Michael Jackson had established MTV as a cult. I mean, it did recruit fans in a snap! It's fun for those who could relate (80's/90's kiddos). They might have their own additional to the list. But to those who didn't experience them, it could be an awakening that this is what's actually fun back then. Presented at random, here they are:

1. BARBIE DOLLS - I ain't a fan but because of her, I was actually challenged if I could actually do a split. Now, I get to dance for a living. My younger sister (born 1983), was able to complete Barbie's closet, car, and bathroom with that backdrop made of carton and all. When you had those in addition to your dolls and at least one season's fashion collection, you're "it"! It's an instant reason for parents to say "OK!" to a "Slumber Party" with your girl friends because Barbie and her friends are so into it. I hated sleepovers!

2. VIDEO GAMES - Alright, before the game that had been the reason and "inspiration" for some of the most hideous crimes committed by a teenager nowadays (with all the shoot out that's been happening in schools, malls and just in the town) called "Grand Theft Auto", there were the following that had just contained arguments between Player 1 and Player 2 which is plainly all about how many turns can you go for before surrendering the controller because King Koopa is just surprising the hell out of you and gets you dead in a snap.

Mario Bros.

 Pac Man
This is what I preferred back then than making friendship bracelets and having girly sleepovers. It's exciting, increases logic and very challenging. OK, I don't mean to hate. Let me rephrase, I would rather play these, there! Continuing....

There were family computers, Nintendo Game Boys and Sega Game Gears but the ultimate games that I would never forget were brought to us by Sony Playstation and XBOX 360. That would be the following:

This was the scariest ever that I played.
We finished it I think more than a week because
we had to take our time in recovering from the scare that lingers.

I remember I always choose the female
characters so I've chosen the one that uses the bow and arrow.
I think she's called the Demon Hunter. Hope I'm right.
This enhanced my fine motor skills
from toggling keys on our desktop.
My gosh, the challenge of not having a joystick!

I once hoped to be an animator or a programmer
to create games like these. It wasn't all action but it
was a mind game as well. Very very good at that time.

Came out together with Resident Evil.
A little bit confusing but it was a fun game to
play with my male cousins during Halloween.

Like I said, I didn't like beads, pearls and lace.
I loved adrenalin rush. I love colourful stuff too
but more of how it will distract and challenge an opponent in racing as I pimp my ride.
This game plus Fast and the Furioius are very memorable to me and my cousins...
the brothers I never had.

Street Fighter is one of the longest games that stayed available and Final Fantasy.
It kept on getting enhanced and more and more characters had come out
but my ultimate favourite is Chun Li. I even dressed up one halloween as her.

This was a long game but I love RPG so,
I'd say it was worth my time.

I played this since college up until 4 years of working
here in Hong Kong. Colleagues from work are hooked up to this too
so, birds of the same feather flocked together.
Again, female characters are most used by moi and
I loved its story line.

The story line is similar with that of the movie "Gladiator",
Wife and kid were killed and so the character's strength comes from there.

3. RAD SCHOOL SUPPLIES like the following instantly puts you to the list of coolest kids in school. I remember how other kids would try to befriend you if you have these. Nowadays, you got to have an iPad with cool apps for you to be cool. With that being said, I think, students tend to become introverts because of this. Yes, they acquire computer knowledge yet their social skills are more likely to go down the drain. Keeping it balanced is the key to counter that effect I guess.

I loved these.

The more buttons, the more compartments, the cooler!

The scented ones for me were the best!

These were scented as well. I had them when I was a kid.

Lunch boxes that time were such a hit too. So my mom had bought me one back when I was in grade school because she thought giving us money for lunch was so dangerous. My sisters and I would put our bags at a certain place after school while we play because it takes time for my Dad to pick us up sometimes. So one day, since lunch boxes are so in, I was ready to grab my bag to go home but the lunch box was nowhere to be found. I was so upset that day because I didn't get the chance to look for it. As my Dad summons us by his particular melody of blowing the horn, we should be ready and it's just a one way street in front of our building so it's a good 3 minute passing thru. If we won't be there in time, he'll leave us. Yes, he's that strict, yet we're that disciplined too. But then, I wasn't able to find my lunchbox that time. It was my first and last. But I remember one thing that is inside it that I don't see that often anymore. It's the jug and it looked like this.

Eventually, my mom didn't like this kind because
the very straw like mouth nozzle on the top,
was hard to clean and my mom couldn't take the risk
of making us sick because it couldn't be cleaned properly.

4. SIMPLE GAMES - In order to put the cool markers and colored pens to use, or just for you to be able to put them out and show them off, you would come up with these silly games. Most often than not, for you to keep the kids coming, you write something in the end that says something about a truth or dare consequence. The silly games continue from there. This is how first smooches from your crush happens back then.

This was a toy that me and my cousins drooled on
and made the lazy summer afternoons in the province go fast.

Back then, to make dull moments pumped up, you act as a teacher to your younger siblings and cousins, you play as a doctor, you schedule tea time with your imaginary friend (yes, it was just an imaginary but you probably don't believe so) and you play as a chef busy cooking for mom and dad the whole afternoon pretending that you are making dinner. But playing Cashier is probably the most achieved role playing game I have ever done in my childhood. It was fun. Involving fake money, credit cards and you could actually buy anything right? So it was handy and it was liberating in a way that you feel so smart. I don't know why but I think being fast on punching in the items somehow made me feel such an achiever. I remember whenever my mom is out shopping and it's time to pay for the stuff, I always look closely as to how the cashier does it so that I can re-enact everything all over again at home. We had a lumber so we had a real cashing machine like this that they seldom use so, I borrowed it and my younger sister and I had so much fun. My parents swiped a lot so we knew how to do that too with the use of carbon paper to make the fake receipts. I guess, the imagination of kids back then was overwhelmingly high realising how hooked we were with role playing games. Now, it's thru the computer and internet that you do role playing games.

Also, developing agility was helped out by playing "Jackstones". This is another way of making boring moments fun. My mom taught us how to play this. According to her, she was the champion during her time. I could pass the knowledge to my daughter too but I wonder who would sit down with her amongst today's kids to play this. They might think it's just a waste of time. A lot of games that may be shared with a number of players would be board games (Scrabble, Cluedo, Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly), Boggle, making star figures with rubber bands, playing the garter, playing "It", hide and seek and much more. I could go on and on about this. 

On the other hand, if you're an only child, you don't have a choice but to go solo. And the toys that you may play while you're alone:
There's the pink piano which comes along with an actual book of notes to play for everyday songs for kids like Happy Birthday, Mary Had a Little Lamb and Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars; Tamagotchi, the first digital pet; other musical toys such as sax for kids, ukelele and percussion drum set. There was the infamous love test game called, FLAMES where you write down your name with your crush's then count all the vowels (some just count the A's) then when you get the total, you count it into each letter of the "FLAMES" which literally means F-riends, L-overs, A-Admiration, M-Marriage, E-Enemies, S-Sisterly/Brotherly Love. Whichever letter you ended up with tells about you and your crush's fate. Want to try? There's an "online" way, click here.

5. When I was young, I always looked forward to Saturdays because of a couple of things. One, there's no school. Two, our parents consider it our activity day. They bring us to biking, skating and of course, Jollibee! The time that the inline roller blades came out, my mom bought me and my younger sister a pair each because she loved seeing us getting active and she saw that we were very happy! When my friends had found out I had one, they asked me to bring it to school so that they can try it out. No matter how big my feet were back then, they managed to try it on still, and then ended up asking their parents about getting their own. 

In line roller blades

Roller skates
Roller skates were also one thing but in the Philippines, it wasn't sold nor was it a hit because the roller blades had sounded so cool beforehand. My mom being in the 50's era, she still wanted us to learn it so she with my dad exposed us in using it as much. When I was a child too, the first and only ice skating rink in the Philippines opened up. That was another choice but as far as lessons were concerned, my mom didn't push us there anymore because there were too many people every time, it was very far from home and my mom encouraged us more to be outdoors. The rink was in a mall.

6. Mode of communication back then may be treated as belonging to "Flinstones age" if youngsters nowadays would compare them with their android phones at hand. I've experienced holding a pager, a Nokia 5110 (my first cell phone) and my first handset in the room is this one on the left that was shown in a SWATCH commercial before. That's the ultimate reason why I, together with my sisters requested we get this. It was pretty awesome at that time. One thing that makes me crack up as I remember how it served me was how my crush that time would sneak a call at around midnight for a longer time to talk but we would get caught by my mom as she picks up from the main line (ours was the extension). And all of these that I'm talking about is out of comprehension of the teenagers nowadays. They would never be experiencing what I had just shared. Gosh! Maybe they don't even grasp the idea of having an "extension line". Hahaha!

On pagers and/or beepers, what a fun experience about them was how I managed to memorise the NATO Phonetic Alphabet which is also known as Alpha Bravo Charlie Chart. For example, my nickname is Kyte. It is an uncommon nickname I must admit. So, in dealing with the operators as I send a message, I have to start it with "A message from Kilo, Yankee, Tango, Echo..." and so on and so forth. Reminiscing it now, yes! It was an awfully hard work. But, I think for almost 5 years, I sucked it up. And then, cellphones happened!
I had mine in yellow. It was embarrassing how my mom pays
the bills due every month. Gosh! Those days!
Reasoning out that it's for emergency purposes,
when reality was, it's just for you to have a press release that you
own one so that your crush would notice you being cool and accessible.

I believe my parents owned those 5 kilo-ones. It ended up becoming our role playing toys. Hehehe! It got a huge antenna and it was just a pain in the ass, what can I say!? Fast forward, the first cellphone I owned was the Nokia 5110. Sending SMS at first was free but when business tycoons felt that it was becoming a trend amongst youngsters, cellphone companies seized the opportunity and imposed necessary fees... PER TEXT.

Moreover, there was a time competitions on who got the highest score in the game, "SNAKE" which was made famous only by NOKIA had happened. Mobile phone customers preferred Nokia above all handphone models considering this as one of the reasons. It just got to have that SNAKE in it. By the way, some go dead always because they have used 2(up), 4(left), 8(down) and 6(right) to move the snake but the easiest way was to use 3(for right and up) and 7(for left and down). 

I have read that the 4 Most Important Words in the English Language include the word : "FREE". Eventually, people had resorted to MIRC chatrooms which I believe still exists up to now. And at one point in my life, my computer monitor looked like this. What a mess!

But like what I said, it's our generation that brought the internet and not the present one today. So, this is basically how it started I guess. People all over the world had found a convenient way of communicating at your own pace, character and mood... anytime, anywhere.


The terms "download", "burn" as in "burning a cd", "shuffle", etc.,. Each has different definition back then or may have not even existed as how we understand it now. How to go about your favourite music nowadays are so much easier than back then. I remember I had loads of blank cassette tapes to record my favourite songs as I wait for it every day in the FM radio. Afterwards, I had to break a part at the bottom of the cassette tape to keep my songs. Otherwise, if I won't keep it intact, it still can be recorded of songs, erasing what I recorded beforehand. Sounds complicated? I know. This part here, only those music lovers who has the same age with me would understand. Speaking of FM radio, I do miss it. I listened to the radio more than watching TV when I was young. My radio is on as soon as I wake up until I go to school, the moment I come back in and until I am ready to sleep. Just listening to FM radio. If I'd watch TV, I'd tune in to MTV.

This discman had made me survive grade school all the way to high school. Cranberries, Aerosmith, Guns N' Roses, Alanis Morisette and TLC, there's just really too many to mention...
love, love, love them all. But now, no more cd's or cassette tapes serve anybody. Discmans, Walkmans, and boom boxes have become obsolete.

On the other hand, TV shows like the following made me and my cousins occupied every Friday night from 7-10pm, Saturdays 10-12am and 4-6pm and Sundays 10-11am.

Clockwise: She-Ra, my all time fave, Ghostbusters, Thundercats,
Voltes V, Princess Sarah, Cedie, the Little Prince

this was around High School

Clockwise: Shaider - my little sister and I had fought of who's going to be Annie in most of our role playing games,
Charmed, Beverly Hills 90210 (the original), Baywatch, The Uncanny Xmen, Bioman - I was Yellow 4!

MTV, Beavis and Butthead, Batibot, Looney Tunes
I must include Punk'd too because who could ever forget Ashton being such an ass yet stays so damn cute! I could go on and on about this and I'm sure I have missed a couple of TV shows that kids went crazy for. But in the Philippines, one show that was actually shown every 4:30pm, everyday that the country had running for the longest time I know is called "Ang TV"And I swear, my childhood won't be complete if it wasn't for this cute show. I believed I lined up to audition for this even. Such inclination to show business... hahaha!

8. KOOSH KINS - This rubber ball is simply the most sought after toy from the United States. It's good for playing dodgeball back in the days (grade school) because it's not too painful when it hits the body. It also served as a stress ball when exams happened and the students spent most of the time squeezing this with a dream of squeezing the terror professor's neck. Ha! The other bunch of kiddos had used this to pimp their backpacks by getting the keychain type. It came in different colours and was pretty much innovated into having a face and limbs. Weird but they surely were cute back then.

9. Ahhhh... the almighty power of a PERFUME! 

The brands that had made a name during our time was the CK One that had been sold due to the ever young looking fashion icon Kate Moss (who still remains "IT" nowadays with her newest My Burberry ad! Yes, another perfume.) Undeniably, her totality has that subliminal message to the young people calling them out to be daring and bold!

Also, Davidoff's Cool Water Eau De Toilette had made everybody crazy. The one for men came out first and I remember using it because of its subtle scent. CK One was too strong for me but I remember it so much because of my elder sister. I loved Cool Water and more so when the Cool Water for Women was released in the market. I'm sure majority of the students back then also did.  

Alongside United Colors of Benetton's HOT and COLD perfume, the students who went more for the name owned these. Personally, I owned the COLD one which I thought was too fast to evaporate making you spray more than 3x in a day. The HOT one stayed longer though but again, it was too strong of a scent.

10. To name more of the TOYS that had a special place in my heart are the following:

It had interactive games too.
I think I've played this so much that letters "A"
and "S" didn't function as much later on.
Who never played clay in their lives??? Hahaha!
I loved these. I hope my daughter could enjoy it too
but I highly doubt that.
This was passed on from my elder sister to me
to my younger sister and I think it was even passed on
to our little cousins because it was washable, it was
cuddly and it wasn't as complicated as the high tech dolls
nowadays that only functions with a battery.
There was a time, it was all our *"foofie" - my sisters and mine.

11. I was hooked to COLORING BOOKS during my time. My mom was so surprised one morning when I was around 7 when I woke up at 6:30am to start colouring? I got a bunch of colouring books to finish because my ultimate wish for every person who'd ask me what I wanted for my 7th birthday. I answered, a Coloring book or an activity book. Ending? It was a mountain of colouring books good enough for a year.... or more than.

This was the brand of the coloured pencils I got for my 7th birthday. it lasted more than a decade except the color yellow. Blonde Barbie ate it all up. My mom said, I would arrange the pencils in an orderly manner since I needed a set up for an artist's working mood. She said she even thought I was obsessive compulsive.

These are just a few of my favourite things when I was young. If you're an 80's/90's kids, I'm sure you have a collection of your own too that you might want to add up. Don't hesitate to share by commenting below. Have a great throwback Thursday!

Related Posts:
1. JOLLIBEE - My childhood days won't be the same without it.
2. MY FAVORITE 2007 PICTURES - a compilation of photos that gave an impact on me.
3. PHOENIX SEILEAFI BRAVE - what my daughter's name means

*foofie - This is what I meant by it.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Tuesday, October 07, 2014


Ever wondered why your breath seems to stink with however you brush your teeth? You seem to know in yourself that you have brushed 3 times today (every after meal) but your friend prefers to whatsapp you rather than talk to you in person, the stranger sitting next to you in the mtr rather chose to stand up or you can't snag even just a date. There's got to be something wrong. Maybe... you just need to pay your dentist a visit. Watch this for it may help you become aware and motivated to do so.

Now that you are aware of what may cause it, I encourage you to mind dental health and dental hygiene as much as you would go for annual body check up. The very first means of expressing yourself is communicating orally. The least you'd like to experience is for somebody to literally cover their mouth in front of you while you talk. Never neglect oral health.

Related posts:
1. BREAST SELF EXAMINATION - Know how to do it privately, read this post.
2. PRODUCTS I LOVE - Get informed of these products before applying it to your skin.
3. SPA IN YOUR OWN HOME - Cheap yet effective mixtures that you can use with your own ingredients at home for exfoliating, moisturising and cleansing your skin.

Sunday, October 05, 2014


For my #DIYmonday,
I think this is the best ever that I've posted.
It's the cheapest too.

Please STOP.....

Start your week right!
Have a wonderful Monday today!

Related posts:
1. PRO-HK DEMOCRACY - You can make a difference.
2. BABY SHOWER TIDBITS - Planning to come up with a baby shower? Downloadable DIY's here.
3. YOU LIVE IN YOUR CHILDREN - A very touching video on how your kid looks up to you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


For my #laidbacktuesday , I always aim to post videos that are informative, funny and relaxing. But for the entirety of writing and keeping a blog, I aim to inspire whoever gets to visit my site. Today, I choose this video made by a friend of what "Occupy Central" is all about. 

I am writing this with an aim to clear out what truly is happening in Hong Kong since last Wednesday, September 24, 2014. Occupy Central is a form of a protest movement that had called out concerned Hong Kong citizens and residents, led by a large student body, to fight for the right to elect their Chief Executive. Under the said umbrella movement, they gathered affront the central government offices, blocking all busy streets with an aim to be heard out. Last night, they have sang the song of revolution, "Do You Hear The People Sing?" It is truly admirable how this peaceful protest had come about. The same friend of mine who shot this video took a walk in Connaught Road and witnessed how the people had come peacefully in going about their aim. He was amazed with how they have kept the streets clean and how no form of Vandalism would be seen. Each protester show concern for one another by giving food to those who have not yet eaten and to those who were there for a long time already. There was also a time that they have lit their lighters up while the night was pitch-black  and as the photos were posted up in a lot of social networks, it looked very peaceful.

Unfortunately, the Chinese administration doesn't have any reaction towards the movement nor the seated Chief Executive of Hong Kong as well which is pretty devastating to accept. If there's some agreement that's happening under the table, we don't know. In addition, a friend in China had fed me that it had cut all access to social networks and media even Instagram. For whatever reason it may be, this picture suggests that the Chinese government is feeding its people wrong information.

There are a lot who describes this Umbrella Movement (called so because protesters had brought their umbrellas as coverage from the tear gas, pepper spray, etc.,. used to disperse the illegal protest by the police) as hopeless, desperate and ambitious but seeing these efforts make me feel much in awe as I admire the Hong Kong people coming together as one. Tonight, literally, umbrellas had swarmed public roads as it rained in Central area. Tomorrow, the revolution is expected to be jam-packed because of the upcoming holidays dated Oct. 1 (National Day) and Oct. 2 (Chung Yeung Festival).

Related posts:

1. PRO-HK DEMOCRACY - My own side.
2. 10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HONG KONG - Hoping it remains as is.
3. DAVID RUSHO PHOTOGRAPHY - credits to you who had posted this video via youtube. More power to you!
4. 22 INCREDIBLE PICTURES OF THE MORNING AFTER HONG KONG'S UMBRELLA REVOLUTION - this truly made me sit back and go over them.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Recently, social networks have been flooded of Hong Kong students' appeal, along with concerned civilians, of freedom and democracy for the right of its citizens to elect their leaders and basically to have their own government independent of China's. I truly admire them for their courage and as I step back and look at the bigger picture, I realised, I am pro-democracy as well.

I usually don't agree with most parties who go on boycott. I guess in the Philippines, the people truly had been puppets from the beginning. Sad but true, the Philippine government often takes over and neglects to listen to the people. But, this time, I can't believe this is "actually" happening to Hong Kong but considering China's power, it may turn out into the least expected, to be run over under the communist party.

All of us get ignited with situations like these from time to time. For the common good of the Hong Kong people, its students, composing the majority of this country's future generation, stand up for democracy. And boy are they on fire! Similar situations that call for this kind of rage calling out for any parliament's action are the gay people continuously fighting for their civil rights, women to be equally heard of their opinion on matters as men give theirs and workers unendingly asking for rightful compensation. All of these among many others are the actual things that matter. Reality bites but most often than not, people are intrigued more of the iPhone 6, selfies and what to wear on a Saturday night. Dailymail UK and had shown online how people went gaga over the latest release of iPhone 6. It's just truly amazing how they'd line up overnight just to be able to get hold of it. Just wow!

people lining up for iPhone 6 in the US and Berlin, Germany

We all have our limitations. It's hard to remain civilised when you get taken for granted as a person, judged by your colleagues and condemned to be unrightfully of a higher salary. These are but a few examples of what we all complain about most of the time. But I am encouraging you to continuously strive to make a difference. Be heard and help out when you can. Of course there's no way you could save the world. I'm not writing this post to encourage you to do that. But, maybe it's this, before you complain, realise what you have that others don't. Fluorish in where you are at at this very moment. Make a difference in your own little way.

And to keep stand of my point, and as a lowly resident, with great allegiance to the Hong Kong people, I would like to create awareness in you who can actually read this. The situation of the Hong Kong government is actually dying as I quote a good Hongky friend of mine. Because once the current governing body agrees for Hong Kong to be under China, everything will fall under their terms and Hong Kong won't be entitled to any form of independence. Pray with us for a peaceful outcome as the locals rally to the central government offices. It's quite alarming and scary for those who are actually working in the city. The innocent civilians who live or work there are getting involved helplessly. With great hope, may this chaos stop soon.

HK people fighting for an anti-Dictatorship Government

1. AGAINST UST - A student writes nasty stuff about UST.
2. A RECAP - how 2006 had served me well.
3. OFW'S PLEASE READ - a must read
4. 10 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HONG KONG - why I consider this country more of a "Home"-kong.

Saturday, September 20, 2014


"Taking pictures is savouring life intensely,
every hundredth of a second."
- Marc Riboud
I have long waited for the time
to capture this moment in my life
that's why I would like to share
my wonderful experience under
Jacky Juntaro's direction during
my photoshoot while I was pregnant.

Jacky and I had been old friends for almost 10 years now. And I had witnessed how this talented lad had grown up from being an expectator into becoming one of the most sought after cast member in the happiest place on Earth. His hosting skills are remarkable and have been in demand because of it but not long ago, he had opened himself into another form of art... PHOTOGRAPHY.

Jacky's personal touch varies from being raw, crisp, unique with a touch of charm, spontaneity and colour. Ironic as it may seem, he has a fun and dramatic personality that is undeniably present in his work.

I understand that being pregnant is both a celebration and a responsibility. When the shots came out as he had put all his mash ups together, I was amazed with how he captured what I truly feel inside. I am truly overjoyed, grateful and excited. I am more than a satisfied client as I went thru every picture.  He admitted that it was his first time to do a maternity photoshoot and as we are in the same page on that, we were glad that we did this project together. It made us both comfortable and wanting to do as much poses, hitting as much locations and trying that much wardrobe.

His gadgets are simple but his ideas are endless. He prefers usage of natural lighting more and he loves the parallel of the subject's beauty with that of nature's. Most especially with this maternity shoot, he chose the beach to highlight the serenity of having my bundle of joy's heartbeat in sync with mine.

If you'd be interested to avail of his photo services, he does amazing portraits as well. Before booking, it would be good for you to know that he is based in Hong Kong, yet is open for traveling shoots. As of dealing with his work, he loves sharing his views and he involves his clients in his projects as far as ideas, wardrobe, location and style is concerned. Besides portraits, he does capturing pre-nuptial photoshoot, events and media service.  You can reach him thru his Facebook account if you are interested or you could leave a comment below as to how you can be reached.

"A mother's joy begins when a new life starts stirring inside,
when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time,
and a playful kick reminds her, that she is never alone."
- Unknown

Related posts:

1. MARK BAUTISTA PHOTOGRAPHY - another world class talent when it comes to photography.
2. THEN AND NOW - Aging is inevitable. This post is for remembering the tester years.
3. 2011 PICTURE COMPILATION - Some of the best shots of 2011 to share for you. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


"You always have a chance
to make your dreams come true.
I don't believe that there's anything you cannot do.
You are given that much time,
that much opportunity.
The secret is, to get yourself ready
so that when the opportunity comes,
the battle is yours to take anytime, anyhow...
to win it in the end."

These are the words lived by my good friend, Aaron Jan Mercado, who is now on his way to train as swing for the upcoming musical, "Here Lies Love" that will grace London theatres in September of this year. Why I know it? I've been a witness to it all. How he worked hard for it, how he got himself trained for it and most of all, I saw how his frustrations had become his stepping stones into becoming the better version of him everyday. And that's what I'm ready to share to you today to inspire the dreamer in you.


AJ on flight during the 2013 Dance Competition
called Hong Kong's Best Dance Crew
Aaron Jan A. Mercado, commonly known to us as AJ, is the kind of person who doesn't want to waste time.  Now that he's 28, he claims to be more focused, serious and determined in prioritising his goals.

Most teenagers in the Philippines would be busy partying, hanging out, meeting up at STARBUCKS that I think in the long term, would be diabetics for that much spent time sitting there with a frap. AJ, as a teenager, did not have that much luxury as per time since he started dancing since he was 12 years old.

As a company dancer for Dagyaw Theatre and Dance Company (1998-2002) and Edwin C. Duero Dance Company (2002-2003), he was able to to go all the way up to being a choreographer and teacher for Faith Javellana Dance and Arts Center (2003-2004) and from then on, he worked his way to further honing his skills in dancing for Ballet Philippines by deciding on moving to his own country's capital, Manila, Philippines. There he remained to be a scholar and a company member who had demanded time and effort from AJ. AJ took the road less traveled by many. He was attending 2-3 dance classes a day but he never felt regretful of it ever.


One of them jam nights with AJ
From the humble province of Jaro, Iloilo to Manila, Philippines to Hong Kong, AJ never stopped achieving for something. May it be for personal growth, advancement to his performing skills or just basically, keeping a conversation up, he aims to make use of his time productively.

In addition to his fluid ballet skills, AJ remained fit and flexible and had expanded to a much better version of him as he learned BUNGEE ACROBATICS AND STILT WALKING. He was able to attend vocal lessons when he had time and was able to learn how to play the guitar and piano on his own.

I remember having jam nights with him and knowing how to learn how to play several songs (most especially Alicia Keys ones) in the guitar the easier way because he would literally research on it via youtube. With an aim to be able to sing while playing the guitar, he makes it all handy for me. I have to lay out my friend as: HE DOES NOT TAKE ANY BULLSHIT NOR DOES HE TOLERATE ANYTHING SENSELESS. He finds it difficult tolerating illogical opinion nor is he considerate of people who choose unprofessionalism over hard work. So he helps people who are serious in what they want to achieve and I believe he finds delight in every person's achievement. He's the type that he'll praise good work if it is worthy of it. But he'll help you out if things need improvement or in which angle you should concentrate on to make it perfect. He would want the best out of you. He's a good teacher. And I know many people will agree to that.


That being said, the talented AJ went on gracing audiences of his performances. He started as a parade dancer at the happiest place on Earth upon expanding internationally starting in Hong Kong.  Besides being able to dance on stilts and doing aerial performances, AJ got exposed to a series of projects (High School Musical, CARS, and special events in and out the park), versatile triple threats and wider art form that helped him get more inspired and strive for more learning. He never wanted to have idle time. He continuously went for vocalist and dancers auditions. Eventually he got noticed to be rightful of a spot as a chorus dancer in the Lion King Theatre. In addition, he had choreographed unforgettable pieces for showcases.

"Always be ready so that when an opportunity comes,
you can grab and own it at any given time." - AJ
In 2011, The Next Best Thing (TNBT), in which AJ was adjoined with co-Filipino dancers, was formed and had joined Hong Kong's Best Dance Crew Competition. They have won 1st runner up in the said competition but in 2012, The MOVEMENT, which was composed of almost the same talented people, had finished the competition as Champions under the Jazz/Contemporary Category. In 2013, their piece ala So You Think You Can Dance made them land on the 2nd runner up.

Hong Kong's Best Dance Crew is one of the major competitions held here in Hong Kong and prestigious and known dancers of the whole country come together to battle it out for the title. Celebrity judges are also invited to figure out the most worthy of the title "Champions". Here is their 2013 performance, you be the judge:


When I asked my featured performing artist of what it takes to be where he is now, he answered, "Never stop dreaming and never stop learning. If you want something to happen, be sure to move "to" it. As for me, I never stopped researching, training and whenever I want to achieve something, I work on it and I won't stop until I get it perfectly. Of course, there's nobody who's perfect but I believe practice helps a lot in having the needed discipline to attain my goals."

Hong Kong had helped AJ become the better version of him. By the time, "Here Lies Love" had its audition dates set in the Philippines, he was more than ready.

He had known of the necessary information thru the net and then after arranging a vacation leave, selecting flights and researching about the musical, he said, "Here goes nothing." But as his close friend, I knew he was more than confident in going for it. Expectations aside, he flowed thru the dancing part and studied the materials given to them overnight then went for it in a breeze. He didn't hesitate in letting himself go and that gave him the advancement above the rest of the applicants. He didn't allow himself to panic because he just wanted to enjoy in being himself throughout the process. Alongside known celebrities residing in the Philippines, AJ couldn't help but feel he's an underdog in comparison that he was so shocked when they emailed him that he got the part and that he had to leave in 2 months time to rehearse as swing. He had to be ready in the next 2 months for the musical to be shown in London. He was literally swept off his feet when he heard of the good news. I felt privileged in being considered as one of the few people he had consulted as he was torn at first if he'd go for it since he loves Hong Kong and his job there. In the end, he knew that this was his long time dream and now that it's happening, there's no way he'd let it go.


He's yet to be another huge persona that is representing Philippines in the limelight, but there's always that part of yourself that should remain real and true. I would surely miss AJ so, for old time's sake, we decided to have fun a little bit in going thru the following:

1. Are you naughty or nice? BOTH! But add a "super" to naughty and "super" to that word nice!
2. What do you do when you're under stress? I eat and sleep to distress.
3. If we are all waged equally, what job would you do? I would still choose to do the same thing since for me, performing is my way to spread love because I love performing. I love being on stage, being able to give something to the audience and there are no other words to describe how exalted I am when I get something back from the audience like an applause, their genuine delight and that love that is being channelled because of performing is just incomparable and priceless.
4. What do you consider your best asset? My Smile. LOL!
5. What attracts you most in a person? Personality. Like I said, I have low tolerance to people who cannot arouse me mentally.
6. How many times have you been in love? Next question please. Hahahaha!
7. What gets into your nerves? When I'm hungry, I easily snap and when the weather is too hot, I get grumpy.
8. Type of music: Contemporary and Pop.
9. Favorite color: Blue and red
10. What kind of a person do you admire the most? An honest one.

Related posts:
1. ARIEL REONAL - Another Filipino extraordinaire gracing the cast of Miss Saigon 2014, now showing in West End, London sharing how he didn't give up his dream of wanting to be in Broadway.

2. WHERE PASSION TAKES YOU - A small talk of what "Here Lies Love" the musical is about.

3. NO TEARS, GET INSPIRED INSTEAD - a rundown of passionate Filipinos who have been achievers in their own right.